Xhun Audio Iron Axe V1 2 1 R2r Dac

Xhun Audio Iron Axe V1 2 1 R2r Dac 9,9/10 7679 reviews
HaltingStatei was at burning man and found company that did the CNC routing for 'lost hotel', but they outsource their aluminum CNC /routing to other companies
HaltingStatei am almost giving up and going to shenzhen china or buying my own CNC machine
ohsixah buns
ohsixtechshop is opening a space in LA soon, i thought they were already there
ohsixthey're in sf, san jose, menlo park though~!
ohsixhttp://www.techshop.ws/tools_and_equipment.html :<
ohsixHaltingState: it is like a gym except they have tools and a workspace
HaltingStateohsix, is there a directory!? wtf
sammybman i love this communal workspace movement which is happening now
sammybfucking awesome stuff
HaltingStateohsix, i am googling 'club company' cnc, cant find anything; am i using wrong keyword
ohsixi was thikning of techshop
ohsixhackerspaces.org have regional listings of other types of clubs or schools or whatever
hjfi want to make a BIG SMPS
hjf50V 10A
jnewti cannot get this circuit to work: http://tinyurl.com/p2crt92
ohsixwhy tinyurl, that's kind of shady
hjfany idea what ic can i use for this
bulaiahow is tinyurl shady
jnewthow specific do the components need to be? i have a .047uf in place of .1uf, 2.2uf in place of 1uf and fdc6420c mosfet
ohsixwhy would you obfuscate a url you can just post
ohsixthis isn't twitter
hjfohsix: because url is retardedly long
jnewtdamn, still tiny. here you go ohsix: Real Estate
jnewti quit
hjfjnewt: try two .047s in parallel for ~0.1uF and 2 2.2uF in series for ~1uF
ohsixso it is
hjfjnewt: and make sure you're connecting your P and N mosfets right
jnewthjf: do you think that would cause it to not work, small variations for that? i've checked the mosfet
hjfjnewt: no idea
jnewti can't really understand what the different node signals should be to trace the issue. i understand the concept, but that's about as far as my brain can get
hjfanyone know a big bad smps ic i can use
hjfi found some TDAsomething but it's only 250W
hjfi need 400 cause i'm macho
ohsixyou would use a small one and big switching elements
hjfi have big BIG switching elements
hjffrom old plasma PSU boards
hjfthose things are beautiful
hjfgood luck finding a cap that's not a nichicon in there
flybackdoes that mean it's grounded to enable
flybackcause I want to kill the firmware on this old router to use as switch only
hjfflyback: yes # is bullshit for 'NOT'
ohsixmy friend works in 'power' and they've got big bins of coke can nichicon stuff all over the place
flybackso if I cut this trace will that do it?
jnewtmy problem is, it comes on in the 'on' state, even though i tied the gate cap to the input voltage to i 'think' pull the pfet high, thereby blocking the curretn flow
hjfohsix: http://i.imgur.com/m2QC7zO.jpg
ohsixi was looking for a picture of the nippon chemi-con (not nichicon) parts they had but then i asked myself what i was doing
ohsixthey are big, the end
hjfST recommends L6566
hjfbut it needs Litz everywhere in the transformer
SuperBrainAKhjf what are you making/doing?
SuperBrainAKhow does the ic determine the wattage? shouldnt it go to some mosfet or something?
SuperBrainAKbedtime, gl with whatever you are making hjf
Casperhjf: what is a good thru-hole opamp that is bellow the rail input with rail to rail output, suitable for single supply and very low input voltage? as in current shunt amplifier
hjfCasper: i use max4080 but it's not TH. its SOIC so you can adapt easily
hjfah no, max4080 needs like several volts
hjfyou can use INA199 i think,
hjfmax4081 can do it but it's not signle supply
hjfalso wtf
hjfsome client sends me a message to my FB business page:
masteraccurategooooooood morning dudes! :)
hjf'i would like to know if you'll be at the convention next week and if you'll be taking stuff to sell'
hjfand i'm like
hjfi'm open 300 days a year
masteraccuratequestion: someone of you is using sedo.com for selling domaims?
hjfand you cunt want me to go and work on a sunday so you will buy shit from me
hjfwhen i just looked at your fucking FB profile and it's full of pics in a place like 8 blocks from here
Casperhey hjf! it's advertisement!!!
hjfdude. DUDE.
hjfCasper: yeah i know but it's expensive advertisement. you have to pay for the place, for the things that get lost, the things that get stolen.. and dealing with retard kids for 2 days 12 hrs day
hjffuck that shit
hjfi'm too old for that
Casperman this will be a very painfull order to sort out..
hjfhow much is this keychain?
hjfoh, and this one?
hjfand this one?
hjfand this one?
hjfdude they all have a price tag, see ?
CasperI'm restocking on resistors
hjfooooooooh i didnt see thanks
CasperI'm low on most values<
hjfand this o. oh here's the price. it's $2
hjf$2 like all the others
hjfooh. ok thanks bye
hjfFUCK man
hjfwho the fuck are they
hjfprice tag inspectors
genewitchhumans that vote
hjfgenewitch: no, they're kids
hjfbut still
hjffucking idiots
genewitchtime is irrelevant, i am sure they'll vote sometime
hjflike not kid kids
hjfthey are like 16
hjfwhich is worse cause they're able to breed at that age
Casper24 resistors values..
hjfCasper: from digikey?
CasperI hope the packages will be identified
hjfCasper: they are, they come in individual bags with a label
hjfCasper: but why dont you buy on obay
hjfthe assorted resistor thing
hjf5000 resistors for like $10
Caspermost likelly won't have the values I want
hjfcause it's fucking annoying to go to digikey. search the value. check 'in stock only' 'cut tape' '0805 size'....etc
hjfthen sort by price, choose the cheapest..
hjfand repeat for the next 23 values you need
Casperit's done already
Casperdon'T forget the quantity
hjfquantity is 100 dude
hjfnext up is 250 but who needs 250 resistors
hjfunless you're buying .1uF caps
hjfthose you buy in 500
RoBo_VMorning Guys !
hjfand 0603 size
hjfcause fuck trying to fit a 0805 near a .5mm TQFP
hjfunles you're azonenberg and do like 0003000001 size
mrdatain units for RC timing constants
azonenberghjf: 0805, lol
azonenbergthe only reason to use 0805 is a) high-power ish resistors
mrdata100 ohm?
azonenbergand b) really high capacitance that you cant get smaller
azonenbergalso i buy 0.1 uF caps in qty 10,000
hjfazonenberg: c) high caffeine intake
azonenbergafter the last order of 1000 ran out
azonenbergLol, thats a justification too i guess
hjfazonenberg: 10K? dont they come in 4K a box?
azonenbergin which case i say cut back, man up, and learn to do 0402
azonenberghjf: The 0.1 uF caps i have come in reels of 10k
azonenbergmeant to feed right into a PnP
hjfazonenberg: come on i dont have solder mask
hjfazonenberg: i ordered some 1812 caps today
hjf2.2uF 100V large enough to fit a fat trace under it
PoleschI hate darlingtons!!
hjfazonenberg: http://i.imgur.com/sttiJCA.png
intranickthey're not your darlings, Polesch ?
PoleschAre variacs generally rated in RMS or p-p?
Casperhjf: is there some cheap ttl-usb serial modules on digikey?
CasperI guess I'm better china order them
anton02Casper: should i use a certain PCB thickness if I'm using 3oz copper?
Casperanton02: do you require special thickness?
anton02well, depends on what thickness influences
t4nk518I am looking to interface a 16bit dac with msp430f5529 board.
t4nk518my application is to make 0 to 50v digital power supplly and i need .01 precision.
Casperanton02: board thickness mainly influence the weight and flexibility
t4nk518i found 16 bit dac pmod single channel peripheral module in digilent site. but its output is given to SMA connector.
Xarkt4nk518: For audio use, you may prefer http://www.xess.com/shop/product/stickit-audioio/
t4nk518I will need to connect output of dac to opamp circuit for converting it into 0 to 50 v. is there any way to takE SMA connector out to another circuit.
t4nk518not audio use. i am looking to make 0 to 50 v digital supply.
Xarkt4nk518: Gotcha.
jpa-t4nk518: 0.01 what? volts? better make sure your DAC is very linear then
Xarkt4nk518: What is wrong with a cable with a SMA connector on it?
jpa-t4nk518: why not just use a DAC chip?
t4nk518i am looking for 16 bit dac for that precision.
jpa-just being 16 bit does not guarantee the linearity
jpa-0.02 % linearity is quite rare AFAIK
Casperwhat is some good thru-holes opamp that is good for current shunt amplification?
jaggz-night Casper
sndp_12is there any SMA out to pcb header type connector available.
sndp_12i need to take output of DAC with SMA OUT to another circuit..
jpa-eh, just take a SMA connector and solder to it?
archivistyou can get pcb mount sma sockets
AkashicLegendis it worth my time learning about karnaugh maps
AkashicLegendor can I skip them
LeelooMinaiAkashicLegend: I am programming for very long time and never used them - imho they have zero practical value.
AkashicLegendgot it I'll gloss over them
AkashicLegendthey seem more theory than practical
LeelooMinaiAkashicLegend: Unless someone will ask you to implement them - but that's unlikely:)
AkashicLegendto use microcontroller or even build cpu with logic gates it is not nescessary to know them
archivistfor electronic design you may well want them to minimise the part count
LeelooMinaiBut no one sane will do it by hand
archivistsure they do
LeelooMinaiThey are not sane then:p
AkashicLegendThink I'll skip them. Quartus does the same job.
AkashicLegendIn 2 seconds.
archivistdesigners are sane they have to be
AkashicLegendI can never beat the speed of a computer.
archivista computer may not have the best solution, just one it found
LeelooMinaiarchivist: You want to beat computer at optimising gates?
jozecan I assume that all minimelf resistors are 0.25W?
jozeor at least over 0.125W?
Mr_SheeshLook at the datasheet for them?
jozei have a roll of old leaded ones and can't find one
archivistLeelooMinai, do you think a computer would ever use a 7474 as an inverter to save money
LeelooMinaiarchivist: You can use what you want and still use computer to optimized the final circuit.
archivistwe had a spare 7474 and needed an inverter, one less chip needed
archivistI think you miss the point
LeelooMinaiarchivist: I thought your point is that doing such optimisation on paper is useful.
archivistyou need to know how in order to do
LeelooMinaiNo you don't - you can use software
Mr_SheeshBest to know how anyways
archivistusing a crutch means you are never fully skilled
soil-dwell karnaugh maps a re useless when big but it's not like uber complex to not take the time and understand them :P even if you forget it
LeelooMinaiIn this case I would say no - it's a mechanical procedure that will not give you anything valuable over just using software to do that
archivistusing software does not make you clever
LeelooMinaiarchivist: But using right tools does:)
archivistsoftware is not always the right tool!
caesiusarchivist: yeah screw software ;)
soil-dit's not an excuse to not understand something
LeelooMinaiarchivist: And doing things by hand is not always the right idea too.
LeelooMinaiUnless you have boundless brain that can learn everything there is in the world.
soil-despecialy something you can learn in few hours
archivistremember I do both manual and cnc
LeelooMinaisoil-d: In that few hours I can think of just about anything that would be more useful than learning those maps.
soil-dlike what hanging on irc ?
LeelooMinaisoil-d: If you get some useful info out of it - why not? :)
daysoil-d: if your irc time is paid. yes.
LeelooMinaiTruely, I don't understand the point here - learning enything there is without deliberation does not sound like a wise strategy to me.
caesiusso I got marked down for knowing perl in a software interview today..
bulaialol what
dayhe has seen the dark side. we can not let him corrupt our minions :D
LeelooMinaicaesius: You see - my point exactly:)
bulaiawtf is so bad about perl
bulaiai cant stand python nazis
bulaiaif you cant read my code, get a refund on your brain
intranickLeelooMinai: hihi
LeelooMinaicaesius: Maybe the marker thought 'PERL, ha! - this person needs to learn how to spend time learning more useful things than that' :p
archivistperl! the nice thing about perl is you can just slam your fists at the keyboard at couple of times, and you have something that runs and does something, you just wont know what and the maintenance of it will be impossible
bulaiayea like art history
caesiusbulaia: yup, agree
archivist0001ACTION checks caesius's hobbies and marks down any kicking balls about 0001
LeelooMinaiPERL is good if you want to make some crazy one-liner or something like that, that will process some text, otherwise it's just an ugly language.
intranickits a nice language for its simplicity imo
bulaiai can make beautiful things with its ugliness
caesiusI dunno, i like that it reads like a natural language
soil-dperl looks to me for people with down syndrome
caesiusdo this for this or die ..
spybertThere are many ways to code in perl, it`s a matter of style
soil-di felt rather atacked by someone just ranting on some language i actualy like now i feel i have to be an ass :(
caesiusyeah I don't mind ppl with valid objections to perl, but it irks me when ppl are like 'perl sucks!' 'why?' 'I dunno thats just what everyone else says'
dayLeelooMinai: i disagree. imo python is ugly
LeelooMinaiPERL became popular mostly because at that time there were not many alternatives to scripting languages like that
LeelooMinaiBut that was long time ago:)
bulaiapython is annoying
soil-di looked at perls syntax and it's clearly nmore crap then pythons
jacekowskiscripting languages suck
caesiusyeah python is weird. let me have whitespace, and a swtich statement then we'll start talking
jacekowskiperformance is always an issue
daythe missing $%@ variable tags and the forced indenting is super annoying
jacekowskiand with perl you have compatibility issues as well
bulaiathank you day
jacekowskiso extension for 5.5.1 will not work with 5.5.2
bulaiai get by fine with perl for my light stuff
spybertcaesius: The thing with job interviews is that they might be testing your personality with deliberately obnoxious questions
bulaiaidc to learn anything else.
bulaiai dont use it for my job
dayoh and dont forget the forced () for a stupid print() command in python 3
caesiusspybert: yeah, you're probably right. suffice to say I didnt put up much of a fight, just said i'd learn whatever they used
jacekowskiday: ???
jacekowskiday: that makes the whole thing a lot nicer
soil-dand also flase
jacekowskiday: it's still a function and as a function you have ()
dayjacekowski: you want to check something real quick: print variable. NOPE
caesiusdamn software jobs. if anyone knows of any hardware roles in NZ, let me know ;)
spybertcaesius: Most positions are filled by people with contacts inside the company. Others are interviewed simply to make it look legit
jacekowskipeople not using brackets should be shot
jacekowskiand i mean that for any languages
jacekowskiC, python, perl,
dayits kinda hard not to use brackets in C
LeelooMinaicaesius: FOr them it was probably like a guy trying for a job as professional car driver and putting 'Vehicle of choice - Yugo' on the application.
jacekowskiyou can do something like if (foo) bar();
jacekowskiday: which will work fine if bar is a proper function
jacekowskiday: but if bar is a macro, things will go wrong
dayjacekowski: but you can replace certain brackets by others :P array[i][j] *(*(array+j)+i)
jacekowskias well as ternary operators
dayand as always: the amount of pointers determines the skill level. aka more pointer more good
jacekowskiwhat about people coding in c#
LeelooMinaiUnless a language does not have pointers - then it's pointless.
dayto learn it
jacekowskic# will hate you for using pointers
LeelooMinaiJava does not have pointers too
dayreferences are a last resort i guess.
LeelooMinaiday: Let it be a pointer to you that pointers are not determinant of a skill level:)
daythe java boys are running wild
bulaiaok this conversation got silly
LeelooMinaiday: Peconceptions, preconseptions
nightw0lfLeelooMinai hello :)
HaxxaHow would I go about making a audio switch that automatically switches when one input in playing and another is not
Haxxalike when one input goes high it switches to it
archivistHaxxa, you sense the amount of signal to do the switching
Haxxayes how?
Haxxacould this be donewith a basic mc
archivista diode and a level detector
archivista few caps resistors and a comparator, and a switching device (relay or whatever)
Haxxaswitching is done and set up with relay (audio quality)
Haxxaanyway I can do this without touching the source signal (affecting quallity)
archivisthow are you going to deal with quiet periods (relay clicks) :)
HaxxaIt only switches once a day
Haxxabut manually doing so is undesirable
archivistmethinks you are confused about what you want
Haxxawhen I play from my computer it plays through speakers
Haxxawhen I play from my dac it plays through speakers
Haxxano manual switching or mixing
morski_pasand what when it plays from both?
caesiusLeelooMinai: lol
caesiuswell this was an embedded role so not quite but I get your point
caesiuswhere are all of the VCO design roles. transmitter/receiver design roles. SOMEWHERE in the world must be doing them!
archivistI dont think I have seen VCO as a separate job
caesiuswe have VCO designers at work
LeelooMinaiVery Clumsy Operator?
intranickme puts LeelooMinai in a box
caesiusbut they are disappearing daily. in fact most of hardware eng is
archivist0001ACTION teaches intranick how to use irc /me0001
archivistall the jobs are being exported to cheaper places
intranick0001ACTION ships LeelooMinai to china0001
Mr_SheeshIndia and Ireland for lots of embedded jobs
LeelooMinaiThat would be nice - all those nice cheap parts and then being executed for using internet
Mr_SheeshIndia MIGHT be a lil safer than China..
LeelooMinaiWith all those cobras running around - I don't know
ohsix'designed and assembled in the usa by tobacco experts' LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
ohsixelectronic cigarette ads are insane
Mr_SheeshI'd just carry a snake stick. LOL
LeelooMinaiI would have a mongoose in the pocket
Mr_Sheesh0001ACTION watches LeelooMinai turn into a crazy mongoose lady :p0001
LeelooMinaiOr on a leash, yes
Mr_Sheesh(Ofc I'd probably classify as a crazy cat guy, so, eh, whatever.) THat works.
intranick0001ACTION wonders how many cats LeelooMinai has0001
LeelooMinaiJust one, abandoned by my sister
intranickyou sure its not like 6?
intranickyou seem like a crazy cat lady :D
ohsixthere are normal cat ladies
Mr_SheeshI have 2 ATM, both rescues to some extent (Older one from humane society from a hoarder house, younger one had constipation as a kitten and was freaking out from that, as they see everything as 'an animal' so she thought an invisible monster was biting her gut..) There are normal cat guys too
LeelooMinaiYes, those with only 5 cats
ohsixhave you looked at animal hoarding, it is some sort of weird projection of responsibility
intranickoh trust me ohsix LeelooMinai is crazy
intranick0001ACTION would not give LeelooMinai a machine gun for fear of culling of the male species0001
ohsixmaybe start with a handshake
Mr_SheeshI think it's something rage-related, the people who hoard animals do NOT take good care of them, mine from the hoarder house is SO damn happy to be here, she trills at me if I do about anything - Poke her with my holly wood cane, she gnaws on it, purring and trilling.. She's pretty spoiled now :)
LeelooMinaiYes, well, some people do not really judge what is good or bad for animals. They will feed them food that will kill them thinking they do a good did, or try to domesticate wild animal, etc.
Mr_SheeshI can tell she didn't have clean water ever (used to beg for fresh water any time I got near a faucet) or food (she used to beg for food even tho she had the food hopper and wet food 2x/day etc.) I've heard of vegans trying to feed their cat only veggies, that's a different form of crazy
LeelooMinaiOr keep some wild creature then let it go and the creature will die because it has not learned to live in the wild.
ohsixthey can't even live on a diet of veggies
LeelooMinailol at vegetarian cat
Mr_SheeshI know; They NEED taurine etc. and they're carnivores, not omnivores
ohsixneed energy drinks
intranickLeelooMinai: you know im just picking on you for fun right?
LeelooMinai0001ACTION imagines two ladies talking wghile drinking tea and one saying with pride 'All my cats are vegetarians'0001
Mr_SheeshFrancine also loves wheatgrass, she just noms that when I get her one :) INdoor-only cats as I'm in an apartment
LeelooMinaiCats eat grass so they can throw up actually:)
frimend'Vegetarian cat food must be fortified with nutrients such as taurine and arachidonic acid that cats, as obligate carnivores, cannot synthesize from plant materials.'
Mr_SheeshAlso for the vitamins and minerals. She doesn't throw the grass up, but she loves the plant to death, pulls it out of the pot, gnaws on it, cheek rubs it to death LOL
intranicki have a vegan friend that will kick anyone's ass whom tries to make their cats vegetarian
intranickhe will take an axe and put it in the back of their heads. cats are obligate carnivoures, we are not.
frimendCats can metabolize many vegetarian foodstuffs.
evilbettyi saw a dead cat this morning
frimendWhy are your friend such a crazy person?
Mr_SheeshI'm easier, I'd just catnap the cat from that insane person
intranickcats can matabolize some things from vegetarian foodstuffs
intranickbut they require high octane fuel
evilbettylol at hippies forcing thzir food habbits on cats
evilbettyor even children
Mr_SheeshYeah that's what 'Obligate carnivore' means
intranickif you try to give them only vegetarian foodstuffs
ohsixis someone even suggesting that vegetarian diets in cats are ok?
intranickthey fucking die.
intranickohsix: a lot of people have tried. and lost their cats.
evilbettysome hippies and vegan scum is
Yotsoneh? cats can live fine on vegetarians.
frimendohsix: I'm saying that one doesn't need to be so extreme, in either case.
Yotsonoh wait..
frimendIt's not black/white.
evilbettyits not the first time i hear this, i even think they shouldnt force their eating habbits on their own nongrownup kids
frimendPeople here are obviously extrely emotional about the issue.
Mr_SheeshHumans can handle a veggies-only diet, but, you need to supplement for humans with extra protein; Feeding cats unsupplemented veggies will cause malnourishment, so I'd just take the cat away from that IDIOT.
frimendevilbetty: Are you serious? Any diet you give your kid is 'forced' upon them.
intranickcats are designed to run off meat
intranickhumans are designed to run off whatever the fuck we find
intranickwe have it lucky
Mr_SheeshYep we're omnivores but we need SOME extra protein if just eating JUST veggies
evilbettyah well
Mr_SheeshI have vegetarian friends and they use protein powder to keep healthy; I've eaten many different diets, 'Diet for a small planet' recipes are pretty good and I've eaten a lot of that fare :)
evilbettyi dont really care as long as they shut the fuck up when they come to a bbq
frimendMr_Sheesh: I got news for you. Vegtables contain protein.
evilbettybut thats not just veggies, thats those tofubitches that come to a bqq to then bitch on the food
Mr_Sheeshfrimend - Yes, just not enough for humans, in the usual mix we eat
evilbettythey keep calling emails that contain a virus fishing emails in the official comms
frimendbeef: 26%, oats 17%
Mr_SheeshI am allergic to Lima beans of all things; I just forewarn the hosts and then eat anything they've said is OK that they have. Being an ass is being an ass, I won't go there LOL
evilbettya virus email is not the same as a phishing email
ohsixwho is people here
ohsixbeing emotional
ohsixdon't get scurvey
evilbettythey're emotional because they need a good piece of meat :p
evilbettyim not emotional, i just hate vegetables guitars and djembees :p
evilbettyand unwashed hair
frimendPainting up a ridiculed stereotype and attacking that, to justify your own eating habits?
nnumeralswhat are europes top electronics dealers?
Mr_Sheeshnnumerals - Farnell, RS, hmm who else
Mr_Sheesh0001ACTION is in the US so I've seen them but not dealt w/ them0001
nnumeralswhat about retailers
nnumeralswhere do you buy a tv n shit
Mr_Sheeshlook on http://findchips.com/ and what is the name of that other similar site? Hmm in the UK there's that one, dang what IS their name
nnumeralsany in mainland europe?
evilbettythose stereotypes are not ridiculous, i have them over my door nearly every week
Mr_Sheesh(Maplin.co.uk) they sell a lot of varied electronics. IDK, sorry
evilbettywell they are ridiculous, but they're doing lots of effort for it
evilbettylast time they were doing a drumcircle with djembees at 4am
ohsixthese boots let you jump higher
frimendevilbetty: Ok, the thing I have a issue with is this basically: 'think they shouldnt force their eating habbits on their own nongrownup kids
evilbettyjumping boots?
frimendevilbetty: Anyone who gives their child the same food as they eat themselves, do that.
evilbettyyes, you can have issues as much as you want, i dont feel like discussing your hippie crap at all
evilbettyyou could use this time of nondiscussing for taking a shower
frimendYou feeding your child bbq meat, would be 'forcing your eating habits' on it.
evilbettyi dont have children
Yotsoneven better, don't get kids.
frimendevilbetty: totally beside the point.
ohsixget aids
ohsixwhat's the line between 'force' and 'teaching them how to eat at all'
frimendevilbetty: You are acting stupid in a way which I dislike.
ohsixfrimend: as are you, that's why evilbetty is saying these things
ohsixhave other peoples kids
ohsixfor lunch
evilbettylets go save the rainforest
ohsixmore like the blameforest am i ite
frimendohsix: I try to keep my worldviews at least internally consistent.
frimendohsix: If that offends, I'm glad it does.
Yotsonare you a computer? (and even than..) lol
ohsixfrimend: yea i'm not sure it's about the world view or the being offensive
ohsixthe indignity!
Mr_SheeshHmm I think I see a ceiling cat :p
evilbettyi applied vaseline to the ceiling when noone was looking
evilbettyand 1 spot of superglue :p
Mr_SheeshWell, we'll see. Claws aren't impressed by that :P
waressearcher2may of you familiar with that home made EMP device made out of disposable camera, you just plug a coil to it, but is there a way to direct that EMP ? otherwise you need to put device right onto that coil, is there a way to make that EMP reach farther away from coil ?
evilbettyi was doubting this morning if i should stop my car and poke the dead cat with a stick, or continue to work
evilbettyi may have made the wrong choice, work isnt being fun today
ohsixgesticular cancer
Miyu0001ACTION flops~0001
ss230001ACTION snuggles Miyu :D0001
Miyu0001ACTION leaves funny paw prints on the ceiling~0001
Miyuhi ss23 :3
frimendevilbetty: Was it a cat deceased from malnutrishment ? :)
evilbetty0001ACTION puts electrimicity on the ceiling0001
evilbettywould you mind not highlighting me
evilbettyim not interested at all in your bs
Mr_Sheesh0001ACTION just sheeshes0001
frimendevilbetty: I'm just being friendly, replying to your joke.
evilbettyletme check what ebay returns with 'anti-cat' as search
evilbettyill be friendly putting you on ignore then
frimendHave a field day.
evilbettyno matter what you look for on ebay, some screen protectors for phones will sneak in your results
evilbettyi need those chinese 100W led lenses
evilbettyi dont think they actually bundle very well tho
HaxxaI have a bed and I want either side to have an audio jack (3.5mm) but I only have one input, can I just solder left, right, ground together to make a y cable - there will never be two devices plugged in only one at at time either side of the bed or will this add noise?
ohsixHaxxa: yes
HaxxaI can or no I can't
HaxxaOr it will add noise
ohsixyes you can
zap0what if china invaded somewhere, and political sanctations were enforced, and you couldn't buy stuff from china ?
ohsixthe possible sources of noise won't be any greater than just having a long cable
evilbettyheadphone outputs are pretty loaded i wouldt worry for noise
ohsixi have sort of the same thing, but i put the lead above th ebed and it works at any place on the bed :>
ohsixcan hang up the headphones too
Haxxasure - and really the only form of noise will be from the jack touching soething else
zap0Haxxa, is the sockets you use make-break connectors? cause some are. be careful
HaxxaI was going to get some audio connectors and do this on a breadboard - unnessersary but saves me messing around with cables to solder
veekcrud - i tried contacting a nvocc for shipping but they told me to go to dhl
zap0Haxxa, some sockets short the tip/ring to ground when there is no plug inserted.
veekand shipping may be reaaly cheap but customs documentation is horrendous
Haxxaah, good point
Haxxazap0 do these- http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/5-Pcs-3-5mm-Headphones-Audio-Stereo-Jack-Power-Socket-PCB-Panel-Mount-Soldering-/301194799362?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item46209be902&_uhb=1
zap0Haxxa, maybe.
Haxxazap0 can you link me to some that don't and are easy to solder to protoboard?
evilbettyjust get a premade y-cable
zap0i do technology; not shopping.
Haxxaslitter cable right should work just as well
Haxxafor my purpose
Mr_SheeshIf you want the least noise then a shielded cable, or, 2 twisted pairs (ground + Left and ground + Right) are best
Mr_Sheeshbut headhpones are driven hard enough that a ribbon cable should be OK anyways
ohsixhow is two ground paths along the entire cable better than one
Mr_SheeshCan leave one of the 2 disconnected at the jack end
Haxxacool I will just get a splitter seems like overcomplexing something simple
Haxxaand yes I make up words
HaxxaI was going to buy $50 mixer - :0 sometimes brain is turned off
evilbettyoh boy
evilbettyi wonder why they rehired this annoying dude
evilbettyevrry time i go smoke he follows me and im tired of him, i was glad he left
ss23evilbetty: He likes you!
LeelooMinaiHe must have fallen in love with evilbetty's charming IRC personality
scrts_wand he gets a boner when the smoke goes out of your mouth
Mr_SheeshQuit playing so hard to get, evilbetty
veekis there an easy way to plot a graph from a table of values - cut and paste and click, presto: http://imgur.com/XxS0V3A
ohsixyou can already be good at gnuplot, plplot, or have excel or mathematica
veekgnuplot doesn't have a gui so i got to vi and switch back and forth
veeki just want a quick paste and click solution - that's key
ohsixhave you tried pasting it into wolfram alpha and see what it does?
veeklemme check plplot
ohsixplplot is the same, just more
EvidloI like using octave for this kind of thing
veekugh. . yeah api library
veekah okay lemme check
ohsixyea octave/r has stuff
EvidloWhat does the data look like when you paste it into a text file?
ohsixthen you end up entering it into that, but at least you can do math-y things when you do
ohsixi want something like a fog machine that excretes marshmallow
veekEvidlo, well all the spaces and commas will f! things up
veekso i got to tr all that which is a pain to type
Evidloveek: no they won't
Evidlouse data=dlmread('file.txt','t')
Evidloveek: actually use dlmread('file.txt',' ')
t4nk213hi can anybody help me to understand how this circuit work http://zpostbox.ru/sine_wave_signal_generator.html
evilbettyitq just a DAC followed by a voltage follower as buffer
ohsixif he knew matlab surely the question need never have been asked
evilbettygoogle R2R dac for info on how to make a DAC with resistors
t4nk213where does the shift regester get is data
Mr_Sheesh47hc4094 tho? More likely a 74HC4094 :P The counter does it on its own, by design, IIRC those are a Johnson Counter
evilbettyand dont expect much from it
Mr_SheeshMaybe not tho, it's late LOL - Way past tired here. It'd be OKish but not a perfect sine wave generator
Mr_Sheesheasy tho :)
blownhow are they!
medflygot a breadboard
raffahacksI've bought a HDMI VGA converter yesterday in a good electronics shop for 15$, but i get no signal..
medflywhat are those reisstors I have that are brown and look woody rather than off white
medflysome of them are gigantic
evilbettyor chinese crap
evilbettythey're probably 1W or so, maybe more
ohsixwire wound resistors?
Mr_SheeshOr maybe older carbon composition resistors?
ohsixthey have a not official common name that doesn't help with what they are
evilbettythose are generally brown but shiny
medflytoo many weird looking resistors
medflyI'll take only the ones that look familiar
evilbettyjust look at the color code
evilbettyi also have brown and green resistors between my blue ones
medflyI'm just curious. I cant use them cause the wires are too dang big
Mr_Sheesh Oh noes, a resistor racist :P I have a friend who is so color blind it's not funny, he has a TOUGH time with the color code
medflyso probably manny many watts
nnumeralslol @ Mr_Sheesh
Mr_SheeshSounds like high wattage resistors ya
ohsixheh when did vishay buy dale
evilbettyget him a dmm
medflyit's just as much work to use a meter
Mr_SheeshHe has one, but keeps wanting me to read the in-circuit resistors in circuits he's trying to fix
evilbettyinvent him a device
Mr_Sheeshand he gets some WEIRD ones
evilbettya resistor value detecting camera
evilbettydoes he measure them in circuit?
raffahacksI opened the converter, and an hdmi pin was disconnected..
raffahacksGuess which one?
Mr_SheeshI need a mini portal thing that can just pop the resistor free, measure it, pop it back in place. No, he knows not to rely on those values; He's a good soldering tech but not an EE at ALL
evilbettythe hdmi one
Mr_Sheeshpower or ground?
raffahacksThe RED one!
jacekowskioh no
evilbettyits gonna explode in your face
jacekowskicut the green one quickly
evilbettythe red one is the wire for porno
medflycan I just shove this resistor into this multimeter or is that too ghetto
evilbettyyes and no
medflyfuck it, I'll google a color code thing
evilbettyif you shove it in, hold it in place with a finger touching both legs you're altering the resistanc :p
Mr_Sheeshthey have ATmega 328-based devices on ebay now, $20 or less - that measure L C R transistors Diodes FETs etc., pretty interesting, I may get one
evilbettyi bet you can find the code for free for an AVR
blownwhere's flea
nnumeralsMr_Sheesh: link
raffahacksIs the red pin in hdmi something else, or does it mean it isn't powered?
evilbettyit means that happened to use a red wire
evilbettyit does not mean anything else as long as you dont give meaningful info
Mr_Sheeshnnumerals - http://www.ebay.com/itm/271594280462 is one
raffahacksevilbetty: like?
evilbettylike a pic, or a mention of where the red wire was once connected
FreezingColdman hearing my alarms felt like a bag of bricks being dropped on my head
medflywhat's the point of having a cap on a dc source?
medflyis that absolutely necessary?
raffahacksThere was seeedstudio written on it
ohsixit has a lower esr!
medfly(I can't find a cap)
evilbettyas buffer for current draws, to remove AC on top of the DC, ..
raffahacksI will send a picture later
Viper-7medfly: usually to reduce noise, often not *required*
Viper-7some dc is less dc than others :P
medflyok good
evilbettyactually $15 isnt that bad for a board with a zif socket and lcd display i guess :pp
medflywanna power this LM339N thing
medflyit's a comparator
raffahacksI can say it was black, it had a hdmi and a vga and the hdmi was covered with (fake?) gold
evilbettyyou need at least a 100nF cap as close as possible to the IC
evilbettydecoupling cap, google it
Viper-7meh, noisy in, noisy out
raffahacksViper-7: do you own viper-7.com?
Viper-7raffahacks: yeah
evilbettyi have a domain that expires in 2 days :p
evilbettyim gonna let it expire tho
raffahacksYour codepad is very used then!
evilbettyi removed all mailboxes and content like 2y ago
medflyI want to know if something is within X and X+0.01V, but X could be anything for all I care
medflyso I guess I need a cap
Viper-7raffahacks: haha cheers ;) glad you like it :)
raffahacksEvilbetty: which is your website?
evilbetty0.01v? meh
evilbettywith an extra /
fbswoo nginx
fbsdat hipster
raffahacksSo you will have a visitor this year
evilbettyhttp://light.str0.be/la.png for the actual content :p
ohsixisn't it the hipster that calls it out
evilbettyi used to use cherokee webserver
fbsok u got me
raffahacks0001ACTION prepares a flame shield0001
Viper-7medfly: 10mV isnt much, you'd probably want some kind of cap there :/ but try without if you have to, no raptors will attack you :P
ohsixi heard you had some sort of server that spoke http
evilbettythats weird
evilbettyi rarely heard servers speak
medflyfrankly, if I could consistently tell if it's at some voltage, I don't need the second comparison
Viper-7medfly: if the thing generating the signal voltage is using the same supply as the comparator, its less of an issue too
raffahacksViper-7, are you a web dev?
Viper-7used to be
raffahacksServer side?
Viper-7of course
Viper-7and server clustering and such
medflyso I have 3 10uF caps, 1uF, 2.2uF..
Viper-7medfly: 1uF will do for a start
evilbetty10µF at board power input and 100nF close to the IC
evilbettyim sticking to that 100nF :p
medflyI could stick ultiple of 'e
blownmaggot drive
Viper-7a smaller one would be better
blownmedfly: tell me some more about your breadboard
medflyso look for a non electrolytic?
raffahacksCan you explain me how does a domain registration work? I have a heliohost subdomain, and i want to register it on eu.org
Viper-7any little ceramic or such you have
evilbetty50nF 220nF, something ceramic (not an elcap) thats around 100nF
raffahacksIt's a cute registrar
evilbetty.eu.org is from the 90s :p they accept email
raffahacksFree domain.eu.org
fbsyou go to a registrar that has eu.org and give them a stack of cash
fbsthey give you the domain
evilbettymy advice is if you dont want to buy a domain pick a fun one from one of the thousands of domains on afraid.org
Viper-7raffahacks: well theres two parts, your registrar (who controls the name), and your DNS hosting (which controls which name points to which server, subdomains and such)
medflythere's this small thing that reads '103m' what does that mean
raffahacksLuckily I'm european :)
Viper-7the migration process is usually to setup the DNS hosting on your new provider, with whatever records you want
ohsixhow does the internet work
evilbetty103 = 10nF
evilbettym should be the % error
medflyas in
evilbetty103 = 10 + 3 extra zeros pF
medfly10^(-3) uF?
raffahacksViper-7: listening
evilbetty104 would be 10 0000 pF so 100nF
Viper-7then edit your old domain at the registrar, pointing it to the new DNS servers
medflyso 10nF and 10uF is good?
Viper-7making your new DNS server live
ohsixraffahacks: can you have him tell you about the internet in private
evilbetty471 would be 470 and 470 would be 47 (thats the misleading one)
raffahacksEu.org asks me for 2 main nameservers
Viper-7then signup for the domain at the new provider, letting them handle transition of the name between registrars, and have them use the new DNS service they provide when its done
medflyjust as a dc thing
evilbetty10nF may be a tad small for decoupling but better than nothing
Viper-7yes, a dns hosting provider should give you multiple dns server addresses
medfly10nF + something else ?
medflyI have 1uF
Viper-7medfly: 104 (100nf) would be ideal
raffahacksohsix, sorry, ok
evilbettyraffahacks: if you dont know how to use your own nameservers i really advice you afraid.org, where you can just add your records to their nameservers
Viper-7but 103 + 1uF would be a huge improvement over nothing :P
evilbettylike i said earlier, the larger electrocap at the boards power input
ohsixraffahacks: it's ok, it's just the two of you and it's not electronics is all, and i'm just some guy
evilbettyor wherever
FreezingColdif I have two fractions on either side, can I flip both of them? Like 1/A +1/B = 1/C
evilbettyand the nF ones close to the ICs
FreezingColdCan I make that B + A = C
Viper-7raffahacks: dont mind ohsix, he had some sand surgically grafted to his vagina back in the 80s and its getting real sore
FreezingColdwrong chan
ohsixFreezingCold: heh
Mr_SheeshI use 104's (100nF) a lot on many boards, with 1-10uF caps here and there, it is a PAIN to trace down a decoupling problem, and caps are cheap; If you're making 10000000's of something, decrease the caps last so you can develop without power issues :P
fbsFreezingCold: that would be 1/(1/a+1/b) = c
evilbettylike china
evilbettyremove decoupling caps until it just works in lab conditions :
evilbettybut not at home anymore :p
Viper-7medfly: yeah, common practice is basically to put a 100nF cap next to everything that uses power :P
ohsixViper-7: lets talk about the diets of cats instead
Viper-7grab a bunch of those when you can
FreezingColdfbs: heh how does the 1/ get on top there?
Viper-7ohsix: how do you make a siren?
ohsixFreezingCold: 1/c
fbsFreezingCold: 1/x on both sides
medflyso now I need somethin gto supply DC
medflyI think that having a power supply for this might be overkill
SolarluxHello anyone knows WHats name of surface mapping technology industral robotics?
Viper-7ohsix: tie a cat up by it's tail to a clothes line and whack it with a cricket bat
evilbettythis is what happens if you didnt plan decoupling caps in your design :p http://cdn.instructables.com/F4B/M500/FTY4C7O5/F4BM500FTY4C7O5.MEDIUM.jpg
FreezingColdfbs: Thanks
medflydc supply
ohsixit is not often i see a math questoin i can answer myself!!1olol
evilbettybut seriously, look at this: http://nw2s.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/a006-decouple.jpg every IC a decoupling cap, and they dont do it for prettiness
SolarluxHello Viper and evilbetty
evilbettyits there for a reason
Viper-7Solarlux: hi, and no idea :P
SolarluxLike industral robots what map parts on surface
ohsixi've left in decoupling caps for prettiness
evilbettyprofessionality :p
medflywhat's a less bulky way to get DC than to use a DC supply
medflydo I get a battery..
evilbettyanyway point is, every once in a while we have ppl trying to avoid them
evilbettydont do it :p
fbsFreezingCold: you could jus fill in number
ohsixwanting things to be symmetrical when they nearly are has wasted a lot of my life
smedingevilbetty: to the point where, in the days of 74xx series logic, you had those sockets with caps built in :)
ohsixor did you
evilbettyi know
FreezingColdmedfly: 18650 cell :p
ohsixthey did have standard power pin positions
fbsFreezingCold: like 1/3+1/4 = 7/12, with your answer you get 3+4 = 12/7
Viper-7if decoupling caps were so important, we'd have like a 10 ohm or more resistor before every cap + IC
medflythese two things are 1 mega ohm :3
evilbettynothing sexy like axial ceramic caps
Mr_SheeshAlso, use nice THICK power traces if you do a 1 or 2 layer PC board, don't make a 12'x12' PC board with 12 mil traces 2 yards long for 5VDC and expect it to freaking WORK right. I've seen that. It was bad LOL
Viper-7normally as a filter, they're just using the trace resistance :/
medflyactually, do I even need resistors..
raffahacksFreezingCold: type fake ultrafire on google pics and you will be scared for those 10 cells you bought yesterday for 15usd.. :)
Viper-7medfly: no, they're a myth invented by 'the man' to waste money in circuits
medflyI do not :D
FreezingColdraffahacks: lol
medflyI just have this trigger signal and I wish I could have like a pulsey thingie whenever it crosses a certain voltage
raffahacksHave you seen?
medflythe signal is a ramp
evilbettythat reminds me of those trustfire flame batteries
evilbettyhow much fire can you have in 1 liio
Viper-7pulsey thingie heh
Viper-7medfly: why do you need a pulse?
evilbettypulse jet
medflyViper-7: want it to be the trigger for another supply
medflyI'm not sure what the comparator will output
Viper-7but. is a rising edge not enough?
evilbettya 0 or 1
Viper-7you need both a rising and falling edge?
medflyViper-7: it's a ramp I want to take a middle value..
medflydo you think I should take the start?
Viper-7and when you hit the desired value
Viper-7the comparator output will turn on, and stay on
FreezingColdraffahacks: yep
Viper-7until the value drops below the desired point
medflyViper-7: what are we discussing
medflyyes that is exactly what I want
Viper-7if you want to turn that solid on output into a pulse, you'll need another chip after the comparator
Viper-7or a change in design
blown0001ACTION waves to smeding0001
ohsixwhere we're going we won't be needing resistors
medflyrising edge is fine
medflyohsix: correct :P
Viper-7ok, well job done then :P
Viper-7find or make a reference voltage
medflyit outputs 36V, wtf
medflywhat do I do with that /
Viper-7what does?
ohsixput it on your junk
medflyoh that's absolute maximum
Viper-7heh yeah
medflyI wanna see what the comparator will output
medfly36V is probably risking damaging my equipment :[
Viper-7its an open collector output
Viper-7its either connected to ground or left floating
Viper-7you can use a pull-up resistor to whatever signal level you want
medflyso you're saying try to make sense of what the device actually does eh
Viper-7with reason (try not to exceed Vsupply of the comparator)
fbsas long as its below maximum
medflyschematic makes it looks like it won't exceed Vcc
medflybut I'm scared about damaging things..
medflymaybe I shouldn't be, this signal source is kinda meh
fbsstop being a pussy
Viper-7for the input voltage thats fine
Viper-7use a voltage divider
medflyfbs: dude, shit here is expensive
medflyno way it'll exceed supply voltage right?
fbsif it burns you repair it
medflyfbs: no
Viper-7whats 'it' ?
medflyif it burns I never come back here :P
medfly'we can't trust you with this equipment'
ohsixif it burns fbs is volunteering to pay for it
Viper-7the input voltage? which you're sourcing from god knows where? maybe.
raffahacksevilbetty: trustfire flames aren't too bad, i've read..
FreezingColdraffahacks: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Lowest-Price-New-1PCS-5V-Mini-USB-1A-Lithium-Battery-Charging-Board-Charger-Module-b7-TK0458/1834351723.html
medflyit's a common emitter tho
medflyat the output stage
raffahacksI was thinking of buying 4
medflyit might output more than the power supply voltage!
Viper-70001ACTION blinks0001
FreezingColdraffahacks: I bought 4 :D
medflyI guess I can use a voltage divider
raffahacksFreezingCold: are they bad?
medflybefore checking whether it does that
Viper-7medfly: you're worried about the comparator output being higher than the supply voltage? o.O
medflyand then checking whether it does that
Viper-7that wont happen.
medflyViper-7: yes
medflyViper-7: I am worried
medflyyeah, it'll saturate.. hopefully?
FreezingColdraffahacks: I dunno, I assume I'm going to burn out one or two being an idiot. I want to use them to 'recover' cell phone batteries that drop below 3.6V
medflythe input might be higher than the supply voltage.. literally nothing I'm supplying is higher than it could handle. but I should check
Viper-7medfly: you should divide the input to be *always* within Vsupply and ground of the comparator
ohsixso that concern you have goes away
medflyI could use a diode I guess
medflyso ghetto
Viper-7but unless you do something really bad there, the output will always just be open collector, so either grounded or not - add your own pull-up resistor to the Vsupply
Viper-7medfly: use two resistors. a voltage divider
raffahacksIs it real that every laptop battery contains many good 18650s?
ohsixthere's a butterfly called 'purple brown-eye'
medflywoo hoo
fbsraffahacks: no
medflynot only is this thing a diode
medflyit's also a zener diode!
Viper-7medfly: what voltage tho? :P
ohsixraffahacks: a 6 cell battery is common, they're not 18650s but a smaller one, i think
medflyfirst I will check what output I need to give
raffahacksI mean old laptops
raffahacksWith thick batteries
ohsixgoogle shows tons of 18650s
ohsixeh, they might even be nicds, nimh
ohsixgoogle knows what laptop i have and is showing mostly batteries for mine, heh
medflyI can't believe I manage to get things done with how lazily I'm working
raffahacksOmg NO!
raffahacksI HATE NiCds
ohsixman the x61 battery looks tarded
ohsixcadmium tastes great, what's to hate
raffahacksTheir ghost is following me!
raffahacksA car battery sized nicd will contain 1ah
fbsatleaest you have one follower
ixxieany discrete time dynamical systems wizards in the house?
ohsixthat guy on youtube
ohsixwhat is your question?
raffahacksAnd a CAR-sized one, 1.2v 3ah
blownthe mos fet
raffahacksThey are big, heavy, bad, have memory effect, small volts and amps.
medflydamn this stupid manual for not mentioning maximum voltage
ohsixwhat manual?
raffahacksDo you know now why i have cadmium?
medflyAgilent 33220A waveform generator
medflythat's where my output goes :P
medflyit says I should input TTL levels
FreezingColdman university is weird. We're learning how to calculate all these fun voltage and current rules that get really complex, yet we haven't touched a DMM in real life yet
FreezingColdthat seems so.. sad :(
FreezingColdby 'we' I mean the rest of the class
FreezingColdme and my trusty UNI-T have a good relationship
medflymy university ha you go through 2 years of gruelling mathematics and physics classes before the first electronics lab
medflyif it can handle TTL surely it can handle an input which is at most 5.6V
medflyright? right?
FreezingColdmedfly: that's sad, playing with the stuff is the majority of the fun!
ohsixFreezingCold: heh, they aren't doing anything unusual
ohsixwhat use is a meter for something if you don't know if that value is correct?
FreezingColdohsix: I know, I was told there wasn't much hands on in university, but I was surprised by it stil
medflyI'm at university right now looking through a pile of unsorted resistors some of which are soldered together
medflypretty hands on
FreezingColdthird year IIRC?
ohsixby the time you know what you're doing, they'll have stuff to do
ohsixyou'll have to write a thesis and shit brah
ohsixOn some rare x86 targets, setjmp doesn't save the registers in all circumstances. In those cases, GCC doesn't allocate any variables in registers unless they are marked register.
ohsixwat u say
tlvbAfter unpacking (after a move) my i2c interfaced light sensor (tsl2561+breakout board) I get no sensor readings (all zeroes all the time), with code that I know to have previously worked, I have tried switching out the mcu to no avail as well, is there anything left but to consider the sensor/breakout board borked and getting a new one (or considering a different sensor)?
Celerity_0001ACTION is miffed about paypal not working with debit cards due to government regulations0001
ohsixman there are so many things
ohsixtlvb: does the initialization sequence or any register you can read actually work?
Celerity_0001ACTION feels chained without ebay0001
ohsixCelerity: argentina?
Celerityohsix: Worse, India
ixxieohsix my question is regarding the use of eigenvalues to identify stability in non-linear systems
Celeritywtf Government!
anton02every time i log on i have to ghost my user. wonder why
ohsixoh, similar things are going on in argentina
ohsixixxie: go for it
Celeritybut they have hyperinflation crisis, here we're chill about the economy
anton02do you guys prefer mica or niobium capacitors
ohsixanton02: an irc bot from bulgaria seems to be using the name when you aren't
ixxieso when one linearizes the system and finds the eigenvalues, one identifies stability of the equilibrium locally
ixxiebut it can happen that this doesn't quite fit the global story
FreezingColdanton02: boooooo
anton02ohsix: inside this channel?
ixxiesay - the leading eigenvalue is outside the unit circle but stable cycles occur
CelerityAnd shit is literally triple the cost on local websites as compared to ebay. the 10DOF IMU on ebay is ~$8.5, on a local site it's closer to ~$22
ohsixixxie: https://www.youtube.com/user/ControlLectures/videos :<
ohsixanton02: no, you can use /whowas nick and the irc server will tell you about them
ohsixixxie: right
Celerityif you don't 'believe' in credit cards this country just killed innovation.
ohsixixxie: but that is like the only question i can probably answer heh
ohsixbrian douglas might not have been the thing i was reading/watching about discrete time stuff
tlvbohsix: I have little experience with i2c communication, so I don't exactly know what to check for, the device id register have never read correctly (if my interpretation of the data is correct), but given that I got the sensor to get me data, and that it was a sparkfun breakout I figured that was a minor/non-issue
CelerityThe Reserve Bank of India issued a blanket 'No debit cards shall be allowed for international online transactions.. ever'
ixxieohsix so I should ignore the link? xD
Celerityhow the hell am I supposed to buy parts!
ohsixtlvb: ah that's a bummer, the sensor could be damaged or something, reading a register rules out the connection being bad
ohsixixxie: i'm just not sure what video it may have been, they aren't sorted into discrete and continuous, he covers both when it is notable
ohsixall the root locus stuff is that, i think
ohsixThe root locus method can also be used for the analysis of sampled data systems by computing the root locus in the z-plane, the discrete counterpart of the s-plane.
ixxiehmmm this control systems language is like a whole other universe for me xD
ixxieI come from a biomathematics background
ohsixthat's one of the reasons youtube is awesome
ohsixmit open courseware has stuff on systems, with video lectures; i haven't watched any of those but the format makes them generally more comprehensive if you have the time to start from the beginning
tlvbohsix: well this was from before it stopped working, I might not actually do sufficient checks of anything but the adc data in the current code rev..I should probably do that..However given that I have ruled out glitchy connections to the board, and that i have tried known-to-be-working code..hm I guess there is a slight chance of a broken pad/trace or something else that's potentially fixable if I
tlvbget no data /at all/
ohsixtlvb: i'm paralyzed by the sheer numbers of things it could be
ohsixsince the code and stuff are ~the same from when it worked, i'd have to check the link, then the initialization and making sure the device was working from a communication standpoint
ohsixstarting over fresh and just trying to read the chipid might be worth doing
tlvbperhaps it's not as obvious as I think it is that when I write 'previously working code' I mean a complete firmware for the interfacing microcontroller, as in everything sent to and received from the sensor from power up and onward
Celerityguys, is there a place where I can buy shit using google wallet?
ohsixgoogle play
ohsixand nfc stuff
medflyFreezingCold: last year, doing final project
ohsixanything using google checkout
Celerityno i mean electronics
Celerityit seems the cheapest place is ebay
nofxx__wtf is a 'fast fuse' ? SSR guy saying I should use 'fast fuse' instead of a normal fuse
evilbettyone that trips fast i guess
nofxx__not sure its 'fast fuse' in english.
nofxx__literal translation
jpa-nofxx__: yes, it is
jpa-'slow fuse' is the other alternative
evilbettyslow blow :p
medflythis isngular normal wire I found will function as 5 different wires in the circuit :P
medfly0001ACTION chops it up more0001
nofxx__thanks, results was all about fireworks hehe
zap0a wet string is a fast blow fuse, when compared with a piece of train track.
drac_boyis it ever unusual or actually sometimes normal to for example have a gigabit controller being paired with a fast ethernet phy?
ohsixnofxx__: fast is fast, slow will handle overcurrents and stuff for a while before failing
evilbettythey wanna cut towns off the grid during winter
evilbettygovt provided a plan, but its uneadable (probably on purpose)
evilbettyand their govt site crashed from the visitors
drac_boyheh.doesn't sound very good evilbetty? :)
evilbettythey wanna do it between 17 and 19h
evilbettyjust when you wanna eat
nofxx__ohsix, I see.. darn fluke's expensive fuse should be fast.. I've removed quickly after I realized probe was on A
nofxx__not a chance =P
ohsixwhat is it supposed to do? save money?
evilbettysave energy
ohsixnofxx__: yea it is to protect sensitive equipment
ohsixis most energy used at dinner time or something?
evilbettybecause of some sabotage in one of our nuclear plants
ohsixnofxx__: other stuff is sensitive too, but might have peak inrush current or something very temporary and you don't want the fuse to go because of that
evilbettyin winter the peak is around 17h when it gets dark and ppl come hom from work yes
drac_boyanyway one other thing tho..I forgot the name for some reason but what is it called if you for example had only one single pcie lane but wanted to use two or more devices on it tho? (which means some sort of splitting/sharing yeah)
evilbettyah well
evilbettyi guess ill need a UPS for my modem :p
ohsixdrac_boy: another bus
ohsixlike, a bus extension
Jazzdudeevilbetty: may I ask where that is?
ohsixthe bus extender shows up as one pci device and keeps track of the BARs/cache/whatever of the stuff behind it
nofxx__evilbetty, building a DC UPS, very nice idea, no stupid invertion, not much thing on it
nofxx__lets make an open hardware
nofxx__plug modem/wifi, all one (with laptops and tablets) needs
evilbetty$10 250Ah usb batter pack :p
Jazzdudeevilbetty: and one of your *nuclear* power plants has been sabotaged and there's nothing in the news all over europe?!
nofxx__nah, needs to be more fun, like you can plug a solar panel hehe
ohsixevilbetty: seems like it would be huge news if someone sabotaged a power plant, nevermind a nuclear one
drac_boyohsix.mm bus extension..guess that name makes sense
drac_boyty anyway.just trying to sort out how to get around this cpu having only one single pcie lane to use :-s
evilbettyit was huge news
evilbettybut it may be a lie
ohsixheh they call them switches
evilbettyfor all we know they spread news about sabotage just to prepare us for power autages for putting money in their pocket
ohsixi specifically avoided calling them that because i wasn't sure
ohsixyou aren't in the power business to line your pockets
evilbettyhere they are
ohsixdrac_boy: it will be expensive and slow to do it, what do you want more pci express devices for?
evilbettyin fact when they released the pocket filling energy monopoly over 50% of customers left the main power company
medflyso,there are batteries, but they are 9v
ohsixyou have a choice of power suppliers?
medflyam I insane for thinking of using two 1Mohm resistors as a voltage divider
medflyI don't think you understand how both over and under equipped this place is :P
medflywell, I can find two identical 200 ohm things
ohsixmedfly: yea a 1mohm resistor divider will be very noisy and the actual division part will suck
medflywouldn't I need a high power resistor if I connect it directly to battery?
medflyI just need like, 5v ish
medflythere's 200 ohm resistors I can take
medflyis that too low
ohsixyou need a regulator to do that if the supply is unregulated
Yotsonohsix, here in NL the electricity and the wires to transport it are owned by different companies. So yeah, you can pick any supplier you want. (not sure about BE)
evilbettyLG employees damaged samsung devices on ppurpose in some mall
anton02does it matter what type of capacitor you connect to the Cboost pin on SMPSs
drac_boyohsix because I'll likely need one onboard and one minipcie at the minimum . not sure if there'll be more or not but 2-3 lanes being required seem most likely
ohsixYotson: yea but why would you ever pick the one that was't the lowest price or something
ohsixdrac_boy: right, you have no alternative, usb or anything?
Yotsonohsix, good point. But they 'diversify' their offerings. green, cheap, made by gnomes, .. you can get the precise elec. you want. .. XD
medflywhat can I connect to a 9V battery without damaging it
medflyfuck it I'm going to get a power supply like a normal person
medflydc supply
drac_boyohsix.you'll have to put a pcie-usb controller unless you wanted to use one of these non-pci counterpart if any exists (I only know of a few for ethernet alone atm tho)
xataGot troubles with NAND SLC. I am trying to make a read-write access to NAND using STM32F1. Identification data can be read ok, But when i try to read something from memory banks it sends 0xBF instead of 0xFF. Also if i try writing something to NAND, and than readt that byte it is still 0xBF. What this can be? Hardware failure? Timing troubles? Something i don't know about NAND?
mr_booxata: what do you mean with 'NAND'?
mr_booxata: ah it's a flash memory
xataThis could be failure of bit 6, but it is ok, and is working ok when in identification data stage
xataYup, nand flash, like used to be used in ald usb flashdrives
mr_booxata: check supply voltages. data can be corrupted if too low voltage is applied
xatamr_boo: it is standart 3.3, straight from uC. Maybe it could be overcurrent, gotta check dat
mr_booxata: what uc btw?
EvidloSo I just bought an ESR meter. Anyone have a good rule of thumb for how far the cap should be off it's value on the ESR table?
evilbettya few centimeters
mr_booxata: is there a way to be sure what the flash memory data is? can it be reset to just zeroes or ones?
xatamr_boo: no, it can't be because write does not work, i have to chec aybe there is hardware way to blank the memory. under uC i mean stm32f1 on development board. anyway power id ok, checked with oscilloscope
SolarluxGear lift power
SolarluxHow can i say it in other words?
evilbettyuse the force
anton02By recommended they probably mean minimum recommended given the following, right? A capacitor must be connected from pin 3 to the switch output, pin 1. This capacitor boosts the gate drive to the
anton02internal MOSFET above Vin to fully turn it ON. This minimizes conduction losses in the power switch to maintain
anton02high efficiency. The recommended value for C Boost is 0.01.uF
SolarluxFor example how much power need to lift something with gear
Solarluxenergy maded by gear
nofxx__Solarlux, it's a ratio, you won't find nothing on the stone
nofxx__you can lift 2t with this baby http://www.casadoconstrutor.com.br/uploads/equipamento/talha-manual-1-tonelada.jpg
nofxx__and not even sweat heh
drac_boysorry but remind me again what one normally does with SMBus?
nofxx__gears are the mechanical op amps
SolarluxI look at your given pic nofxx_
SpeedEvilnofxx__: gears are mechanical transformers.
SpeedEvilopamps are more pressure controled valves.
JFK911drac_boy: diddle disk backplanes
SpeedEvilOr a couple of clutches
Solarluxhttp://youtu.be/kbUfitBQZW8 for example i make gear mechanisms what need driven with electric motor
SolarluxWhat calculations works work with gears and power and speed of gears?
evilbettybah disgusting ppl here
SpeedEvilSpeed of rotation of a gear meshing with another gear is simply the relative diameters of the two gears.
evilbettywhat about the number of teeth?
SpeedEvilSo if you have a gear with 10cm diameter meshing with one with 5cm - the revolutions will be twice on the 5cm gear
SpeedEvilAnd the torque is half on the 5cm gear
Solarlux10+5cm diameter gears
Solarlux2 gears one 10 and another 5 cm
Solarluxratio 1:2
evilbettyi know for rc helis the number of teeth matter
SpeedEvilThe number of teeth don't matter
SpeedEvilSolarlux: work it out - it's just the consequence that the edges don't slip
evilbettybah not again
mr_boois it hard to implement S/PDIF output in software on an Arduino?
SpeedEvilprobably impossible
evilbettyfreenode is depressing lately, both its stability and its users :p
SolarluxI want connect electric knowledge with mechanical knowledge
drac_boymr_boo depends how big of a stream you want but for simple matters it should already be possible with most 16bit cpus
mr_boodrac_boy: if i only could find a library for that
drac_boybig surround may be ofc easier with a nice 32bit
mr_boodrac_boy: btw have you ever worked with serial sigma-delta audio DACs?
drac_boymm anyway about me asking about displayport..well.its because I'm not sure if I'm able to find the right place (VESA's own limited slideshow files says almost nothing anyway) but does anyone even know if its possible to use displayport with only one single video lane? (its just a small 720p screen so)
drac_boymr_boo nope sorry
Jazzdudemr_boo: do you have a question about using serial dacs?
R0b0t1not at all relevant, but yeah.
mr_booJazzdude: yeah i wonder if the master clock _must_ be synced with the word clock
Jazzdudemr_boo: that depends on the DAC. Some require synching, some encourage synching and some do their own PLL business
davesleepzup. how do i test if a speaker driver is broken
davesleepone minute. actually
mr_booJazzdude: i'm not getting anything from my CS4382 DAC from Cirrus Logic
Jazzdudemr_boo: datasheet url?
davesleepi get a beep when i test - driver +
mr_booJazzdude: http://www.cirrus.com/jp/pubs/proDatasheet/CS4382_F2.pdf
Jazzdudeok, so what do you feed it?
davesleepokay. no i dont
jubeiHello. I want to connect 4 potentiometers to the arduino. I'm wondering how I should wire the pots' 3rd pin, the VCC input. I should take from arduino's VCC and put that to all 4 pots in parallel?
davesleepright. if i test using my multimeter, a speaker driver from + to -
mr_booJazzdude: i was trying with a master clock from a PWM output and i'm using 32kHz samplerate
davesleepshould i be getting a beep?
Celeritymy 2004's 120gb IDE finally gave up the ghost. RIP.
CelerityI think I may be able to only salvage the BLDC motor
Celerityeverything else on the board seems to be custom parts with no easily available datasheet
Celerityhi R0b0t1 !
drac_boy2004? thats barely even much wear at all
R0b0t1yeah you usually can, but they're not good for much
R0b0t1fun to spin though
mr_booJazzdude: i'm thinking it might go into mute mode and mute output due to poor master clock sync but that is a guess
Jazzdudemr_boo: pwm? The master clock is several MHz. What kind of PWM are you driving that with?
mr_booJazzdude: from Arduino Due and PWM freq is about 8.192MHz
drac_boycelerity..yeah hdd pcbs are often very specific . even a batch from 2006 can be different enough to be incompatible with the earlier batch from eg 2002 in some cases
Celeritydrac_boy: this was an IDE used when I didn't know computer best practices such as never turning it off. I'd say he had a decent run.
mr_booJazzdude: all i've got from it is a weak periodic noise
JyZyXELdamn ikea wins again, no one told me i would be constantly hitting my knees a steel pipes when they sold me this office table
CelerityThe shiny platter is attractive but I don't know what I'll do with it
drac_boythats why failed-pcb-but-good-drive generally are only worth a specialized recovery if you really had only one copy of something mportant
drac_boycelerity..umm what do you mean about 'best practices'?
davesleepbasically if my multimeter isnt picking up anything when i test the driver across the terminals
davesleepit means the speaker driver is dead?
Celeritynah, I'm good. It was almost failing so all data was pulled out long ago.
Jazzdudemr_boo: section 6.6: The sample and LR clock must be derived from the master clock
R0b0t1Celerity: Heh, I had an uncle with a drive he never spun down. I think the power went out or something once and to spin it back up he had to open it and use his fingers
Jazzdudemr_boo: you'll need proper clocking in any case if you expect good audio quality
R0b0t1still worked to get the data off though
Celeritydrac_boy: I've heard that computers/electronics in general live longer if you dont kill the power
mr_booJazzdude: i haven't got any signal at all from it
drac_boycelerity thats just hogwash tbh
Jazzdudemr_boo: yes, that is because it cannot synch to your sample input
CelerityR0b0t1: now, THAT is a champ
mr_booJazzdude: but it may be broken
drac_boyI actually got a 1.2gb hd that still works and its only had short power-on cycles
Jazzdudemr_boo: I doubt it. I would be very surprised if you got this working with a PWM clock and a non-synchronized sample/LR clock
Jazzdudemr_boo: do you derive the LR clock from the PWM clock?
R0b0t1drac_boy: It's probably true for disks, other stuff is suspect. But stuff with bad build quality is likely to have problems exacerbated by thermal cycling, which is why the myth persists.
R0b0t1It's not REALLY a myth, but it relies on someone having fucked up.
mr_booJazzdude: i'd like to but don't know how to do that on an uc
R0b0t1(Do things properly and it's a non-issue.)
Jazzdudemr_boo: a clock divider can be done by simply having a high performance counter running and taking the 9th bit output
Jazzdudemr_boo: that will divide by exactly 256. Use that clock to drive the samples from your uC
drac_boyr0b0t1..good point.I've generally never bought cheap-priced things ever for as long as I can recall. its silly how some people ask me why I'm spending so much money when in fact I'm likely spending A LOT LESS than they are with their short-sighted brains
drac_boynot trying to offend anyone here ofc, just my own personal experience ^^
mr_booJazzdude: yeah and then a pin interrupt to feed a new sample. thanks
mr_booJazzdude: you're the man
Jazzdudemr_boo: but seriously, think about getting a proper clock. PWM is usually not very reliable for this
Jazzdudemr_boo: with a clock generator IC this is very easy to do
Celeritydrac_boy: I'm too poor to be cheap :P /hi-five
R0b0t1drac_boy: Oh yeah definitely
g0zdrac__boy: get into arcade game collecting then you'll face that problem a lot :P
CelerityBuy once, but buy well.
frimendI agree with the idea of buying quality.
sexyboyhey, can overvoltage be caused by a electric company guy on purpose?
frimendBut most of the time, not buying at all is even better.
sexyboyi mean, is this in the guy power
Celeritywhich is why regardless of wealth a toyota/honda//lexus/acura are the optimal cars
drac_boycelerity..yeah its silly how for example person A could buy something for $4 then buy it again a few months later etc while person B buys something for $10 and keep it for more than a year
drac_boya bit oversimplified example but anyway ^^
Celeritydrac_boy: That's the Samuel Vimes Boots Theory :P
Jazzdudemr_boo: also if you're using the arduino due, you should probably use direct port access instead of the pin read/write functions provided by the library. That will improve timing a lot
mr_booJazzdude: doing that already
drac_boyand celerity funny that you would mention cars . I actually have been working on several many toyota engines (have 3 of them myself personally)
frimendsexyboy: They can do whaterver they want, they have the POWER!
frimendha ha ha
drac_boyonly got one single non-toyota engine and its a 'newer' vw non-turbo diesel block
sexyboyfrimend: bus seriously, would that guy be able to cause overvoltage in an apartment by doing something in the electricity box?
Celeritydrac_boy: working means? are you a mechanic?
mr_booJazzdude: i'm using a timer interrupt to generate new samples hence the difficulty to obtain 256X that freq
Celerityor is it your own
frimendsexyboy: I would expect that some power company guys could do that, in some appartment blocks, with some electricity boxes.
drac_boycelerity bit of both basically
frimendUnder some circumstances, with certain modificaitons.. etc etc.
sexyboyfrimend: do you ever do not troll?
CelerityI've got a friend who swears by VW
Celerityhe's got a Polo
frimendsexyboy: You ask a impossible question, you get bad answer.
drac_boycelerity basically its more of a 'need a better engine in your old pickup? well if you can leave it here I could try have a look' sort of private sideline thing rather than an actual garage business
drac_boyyou follow me?
drac_boyand as for vw..well..
Celerityjapanese cars are cheap to run
Celeritycan't say that about vw here (india)
frimendNo car at all, is cheaper than a cheap car.
drac_boyI do like the older jetta's and the real beetle (not that crappy front water-cooled engine one! hah) but thats as far as it goes with vw for me tho
frimendWay cheaper.
Celerityfrimend: obviously
drac_boyespecially as they seem to lack any rwd-or-rwd/4wd chassis for most part
flybackCelerity, did you lose a hd?
mr_booJazzdude: btw do you think the DAC mutes the audio when it considers the master clock to be pooly synced with word clock?
mr_booJazzdude: otherwise i should get poor audio quality at worst
frimendI would like a new version of the CV2 to be made..
Celerityflyback: well, yeah. a 2004 120GB IDE Seagate
flybackimportant data on it?
flybackoh ok
Celerityeverything was out
frimendQuality, simplicity.
frimendCars nowadays come with a gazillion extras.
flybacksave it and play with tmos if it still twitches
CelerityWe don't have many French cars here.
Jazzdudemr_boo: it probably doesn't even start converting without a proper sync. But once it locks on, the clock quality has big influence on the audio quality.
Celeritytmos, flyback ?
flybacktmos is a hd os
flybackyou just need a ttl uart usb cable
drac_boycelerity mind you its probably just me and the particular roads around here but I generally hate most fwd cars because of them being rather difficult to keep on the road in a literal sense
flybackit's right off the jumper pins
Celerityflyback: like the guy that installed Linux *on* his HD?
flybackyeah I dunno about that
Celeritydrac_boy: ESP no go?
davesleepcan someone recommend me a brand of solder flux
davesleepi keep buying bloody plumbers flux
drac_boycelerity if you got some lead weight bags sitting next to the radiator . it probably could work . otherwise watch out
flybackdavesleep, NO NO NO
davesleepyes yes yes.
flybackplumbers = acid = CANUCKED PCB
davesleeploLL yeah i mean i know that
flybackkester btw
davesleepand i keep buying that sht by accident
flybackyou can get flux pens on ebay cheap
fbs some spit works fine
flybackthe only thing that bites ass about flux pens is they are useless for hot touch up
davesleepi dont mind paying proper price, i just keep buying random / wrong rubbish
flybackno I mean they are cheap but good
Jazzdudemr_boo: do you have a resource that lists the arduino due i/o ports?
flybacklike $6/pen
Celerityflyback: I bought a ~$40 pen.
flybackyou might want a small bottle of liquid or paste also for hot touch up of a tricky joint etc
flybackyou can't use the pens cause it will melt
mr_booJazzdude: http://www.robgray.com/temp/Due-pinout-WEB.png
drac_boycelerity btw just asking..manual and/or automatic transmission preference?
flybackbut pre soldering aPPLYING the pens own your 'canuck'
flyback0001ACTION trips drac_boy over0001
flybackI recommend a 186 rosin and then a noclean or something other one
drac_boy0001ACTION kicks flyback in the rear :P0001
flybackCelerity, india is a neat country
Jazzdudemr_boo: thanks. How do you access the ports in code?
Celeritydrac_boy: I prefer an automatic
drac_boycelerity ic heh ok
davesleepim gonna try and solder this joint without any flux
davesleepbut it may end up messy as fk
mr_booJazzdude: by a PIO controller software
mr_booJazzdude: then i can switch individual pins
flybackCelerity, http://www.scribd.com/doc/30994307/Diag-Commands-Alpine
drac_boymanual alone here (what with cheaper maintenance, one less fluid to worry about, and being able to hold engine rpm on any inclines) but mm yeah
Celeritydrac_boy: not for the lack of knowing how to drive a stick but the traffic here is so bad that it doesn't make sense. If I were given awesome roads with virtually no traffic, I'd love a SMG.
flybackprobably not the most up to date Celerity
beakyhow do i polish aluminum
flybackCelerity, http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/158484-solution-seagate-barracuda-72007-pataide-diagnostic-serialuart-port/
beakymake it sparkling chrome
Celeritydrac_boy: Well, the maintenance sure, but practicality auto kinda wins.
Celerityflyback: :O
Jazzdudemr_boo: do you have an example? I have a due too but never came around to look at the actual port programming
flybacksamsung have something similiarf
drac_boycelerity is your town a bit like dublhi-something (sorry I can't spell) with everything looking like total chao but in a organized way strangely especially with noone following lane lines?
flybacknot nearly as nice though
Celeritydrac_boy: I'm in Mumbai
mr_booJazzdude: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php/topic,175617.0.html
flybackbeaky, yeah good question to ask and btw #1 don't use chrome chemicals on al
Jazzdudemr_boo: thanks!
flybackuse polishing compounds for al
drac_boycelerity..what was the name of that major city again anyway? I'm surprised I forgot how to spell it now
beakyflyback: are they food safe
CelerityI've been told that traffic discipline here is the best as compared to other places but honestly it aint so great. No lanes, constant honking, indicator is completely optional, what else!
evilbettydumb ppl are convinced i am wrong and i am concinved they are
Celeritydrac_boy: Do you mean New Delhi?
flybackbeaky, I am sure you can find food safe polishing compounds
Celerityflyback: I shall look into it. My USB to UART is kind of like 3 timezones away
flyback0001ACTION bites Celerity 0001
flybackI am jelous of manish market
drac_boycelerity ah yeah. delphi ofc . wasn't that the same city a very rich man had a very tall tower with tampered-cone-shape top built a few years ago in the lust for 'tallest building'?
flybackhang on I will show you
Celeritydrac_boy: I believe you're talking about mumbai or are you talking about Dubai, where beaky lives?
Celerityflyback: well lamington is kinda neat
flybackCelerity, also I guess mushroom farming is popular there
flybackthat's cool
CelerityI need to go there since I need a new hard drive
Celerityis that you?
flybackhell no
flyback0001ACTION is austistic he's never lived in a house more than 20 mins from the last one0001
flybacki'mm still living with grandma at 40
drac_boymm know what..let me see if theres even a list of very tall buildings..one sec..
Celeritydrac_boy: Burj Khalifa
EncryptHello there o/
flybackpa here, usa
beakyi love electronics
Celeritywe all love you too beaky
flybackwe are the mushroom capital of my country though
Celerityflyback: you have amazon, trust me it's way better than manish market
flybackbeen a while since I had some some good portabella
CelerityI've actually never bought a mushroom since I came here
drac_boycelerity..ah right..yeah it was Burj I must had been thinking of . almost 830m tall 0_0
davesleepwhat am i actually looking for
CelerityThat's the tallest building
davesleepwith the flux
flybackCelerity, and yes I am talking about the food mushrooms
flybackdrug mushrooms are stupid
Celerityping beaky about that drac_boy
flybackbeaky, cool, feel free to idle here any time :)
drac_boyoh and even arab has the tallest HOTEL too o_o
Celerityflyback: I tried an awesome mushroom in Dubai last year. It was flowery, and in a gravy tasted AWESOME
drac_boy355m tall . I can't imagine the view from the upper rooms
CelerityI don't know the name though
xDR1TeKarab suck balls
flybackdavesleep, there's a few other good flux brands besides kester
Celeritydrac_boy: I've been to dubai, and it's pretty tall
drac_boycelerity yeah if I remember and I see beaky I'll ask him about his own opinions :)
davesleepgah there are loads of flux pens
EncryptOn OshPark website, I can see: 'They’re 1.6mm thick (0.063 inches) with 1 ounce copper on both sides.' about the PCB they manufacture
flybackCelerity, mushroom growing can also be very cheap
EncryptWhat is the copper thickness then?
flybackyou can bucket grow some of them
davesleepis that what im looking for?
flybackbut I would also get one non 186
Celerityflyback: no idea. didn't try.
EncryptIs it 1 ounce per square inch?
flybackfor stuff that is too hard to clean rosin off
medflysweet. I have DC voltage. I feel like a winner
drac_boycelerity anyway I'll stick to 1-5 floor high things myself but to our own ;)
mr_boois it possible to let a pwm clock trigger a software interrupt when overflowing?
flybackCelerity, well I mean for some poor areas of india it's very cheap to do and still make a few $$
Celerityflyback: now that you told me about manish market, I think I should make a trip there instead of relying on ebay.
flybackwell ebay is good also
flybackI like how they sell all the motors salvaged from dead printers etc at the market
CelerityI can't buy stuff on ebay.com with an Indian debit card because of RBI's ruling for Paypal
flybacksom eof those older ones are bulletproof
flybacknice steppers
Celerityoh yeah, no one gives out shit here for free.
flybackeven sometimes 20 yr old steppers from a large dead copy machine
flybackyou just pop in 2 new bearings
flybackgood to go
dongslooking for a ~30-40pin board to board connector that should work with ~200mhz clock and cheap. pin pitch not less than .5mm preferred, no dip
drac_boycelerity..I don't ever want to touch either paypal or ebay due to their questionable anti-customer face sometimes..but to our own personal choices
flybackthe bearings just get tired from wear and eating toner
davesleepoh, i want one that i DONT have to clean
Celeritydrac_boy: but what other option do I have if you want to buy electronics online
drac_boycelerity many
flybackdavesleep, they make plenty of noclean ones
davesleepmate. 30 quid
flybackbut yo ushould still have 1 186
Celeritydrac_boy: even most chinese retailers use paypal instead of wallet
davesleepits just for repairing my headphones for now
flybackbtw if you mix 50/50 acetone/isopropyl it melts rosin right off
flybackdo not spill on plastics
davesleepthere's little space to clean and it's surrounded by plastic XD
flyback951 is a noclean I dunno if I like that one it evaporates too fast for me to unsolder shit
flyback2231 is one of their newest
flybackCelerity, you can get cp2102's for like $5 us but $2 china
flybackfine for a lot of stuff
flybacklike hd talking
Celeritywhat's a cp2102?
flybacknothing beats ftdi but they aren't bad at all
flybackbetter than pl2303 shit
flybackttl uart
Celerityoh those
flybacki'd get the cp2104
flybackhas 4 gpio also
flybackI am rebuilding 4-5 old laptopds
Celerityflyback: the prices have increased since that video
flybackp2/p3 boosted ram to 512mb and put in a usb 2.0 card
flybackjust to use as dedicated serial terminals for things like talking to hd's etc
flybackgoing to use teraterm opensource and realterm
flybackeventually will replace windows with reactos but the hw support isn't there yet
flybacknicest free low level serial program I have found so far
Celerity0001ACTION is going out, rain seems to have stopped0001
flybackhave fun
flybackso before any of you say 'why not use minicom, etc'
Miyuah, a flyback
flybackhey babe
Miyu0001ACTION so missed those all-capital letter exclamations0001
Miyu0001ACTION isn't an infant :(0001
SoniEx2does anyone know how to answer this? http://www.reddit.com/r/AskElectronics/comments/2fer8d/can_fiber_lasers_play_pcm/
dago1question makes no sense
medflyI touch the leg of the transistor, nothing. 0V. I touch the leg of the other line of the breadboard which is some DC value, I get a dC value
medflybreadboard fucked?
medflyis that even a likely thing
SpeedEvilPoke it into another hole
SoniEx2dago1, uhh let's see… from what I know these lasers work with AM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feit1osFiqE
infiniteNOPWhich was the formula to determine resistance when amperage and voltage is known?
dago1the laser is just modulated on-off so it sounds like something.. it is not AM
medflyV/I = R
infiniteNOPhey medfly
SoniEx2dago1, uhh yes it is
infiniteNOPmedfly: How was this called again?
medflyohm's law
infiniteNOPOhm's law?
SoniEx2dago1, the guy's changing the laser width
infiniteNOPmedfly: Thanks :-)
infiniteNOPV=I*R , right?
infiniteNOPI see
infiniteNOPthanks medfly!
medflyjust how fucked is this breadboard for the same thing to happen twice in two spots
SpeedEvilare the leads clean?
flybackgood point
medflyI dunno, let's see if I can give up on this thing altogether.
medflyI'm getting lazy
flybacki'm getting old
flyback0001ACTION bites gold-digger 0001
quartz-digger0001ACTION kicks quartz-digger's ass0001
quartz-diggerthat too
evilbettyyou're a butt digger
flybackstfu waffle
evilbettyyou already said it yourself
GentileBenflyback you goddamn CANUCK.
jacob___i need a good book (and solution manual must exist) for 'differential manifolds/geometry'
flyback0001ACTION sings charlie brown by coldplay0001
mr_boocan CMOS operate with 3.3V signals?
scrts_wsure, why not?
mr_booscrts: datasheet didn't mention it
scrts_wmr_boo: what device?
dhrosa_mr_boo: not reliably: http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/vol_4/chpt_3/10.html
dhrosa_mr_boo: depends on the device, your datasheetwill have an input threshold voltage
mr_booscrts_w: CD4020 binary counter
R0b0t1mr_boo: CMOS is a gate construction technology that can be designed to run at a variety of voltages
R0b0t1your part is designed to run at a subset of all the possible CMOS voltages
scrts_wmr_boo: the inputs must not exceed VDD+0.5V
scrts_wso if you use VDD = 3.3V, then it's fine
scrts_wminimum VDD is 3V
mr_booscrts_w: thanks
Celerityokay it's kind of raining
x-fakive bought a stainless Tweezer to manipulate SMD components to solder/unsolder with hot air station, i wonder what is the difference between a set of 7 tweezer for 10$ and a single tweezer for 10$? Why there are some tweezer that are so expensive?
CelerityI'd say, it's at 50% of max(rainfall_Ive_see);
dhrosa_x-fak: cheap tweezers' tips don't often touch or meet properly
dhrosa_or they bend easily
dhrosa_making them uselessfor really small parts
medflyso, am I being stupid
darsieDo you think a 'dead', bulged Li-ion battery is a fire/explosion risk? The cover is bulged with gas, but the actual battery inside doesn't feel deformed.
medflyI have this thing that is a ramp between 0-10V, and I connected a zener diode across it, then tried to measure it
medflyshouldn't the zener diode short it whenever the voltage is above its cutoff (5.6V in this case) and then I'll get a 0-5.6V ramp?
Hyratel1darsie, yes, its' a fire rist
Hyratel1put it in a firebag and take it to a battery recycling center
x-fakdhrosa , i bought this one: http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/tweezers/0549628/?searchTerm=549-628&
darsieHyratel1: I'm thinking of recovering the lithium inside.
Hyratel1yeah, tip
dhrosathe lithium in a primary cell is actually pretty recoverable apparently
medflyhelp :(
dhrosanot from rechargable ones iirc
darsieIt's a rechargable.
dhrosamedfly: yes that's should should happen
dhrosamedfly: instead whathappens?
Hyratel1darsie, don't
darsieHyratel1: Cause of the Li or of other ingredients?
Hyratel1they're a very unstable fire-explosion risk
Hyratel1which is why hobby aviation requires firebags when charging them in the field
raffahacksDoes anyone here own a cubieboard2?
dhrosano, next question
darsie0001ACTION owns an ATMega1680001
dhrosai'm amused that my answer is apparently right
x-fakdhrosa , do you have tweezers to do some electronic work?
dhrosayeah, but they're cheap ones
dhrosathey work fine enough for 0805
x-fakcheap one like those one http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ecomony-Swiss-Style-Tweezers-Set-of-5-Tweezers-/120956688170?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c2994972a
R0b0t1raffahacks, if you have a question about using the board just ask that question.
raffahacksI know only tweeters
flybackyou should get non magnetic ones
pwillarddon't you have issues with mangetism with those?
flybackand non static ones
flybackbut that seller
raffahacksHow can i access gpios
flybackSAM JEWbinstein, is a good seller
flybackI bought my aoyue 968 from them
flybackI wish the model 968A had been out there :/
flyback0001ACTION loves jews but his name was just too jewish not to make fun of :P0001
flybackyeah I know dongs you invented that name
flybackyou DEFINTELY want non magnetic tweezers
darsieIs it bad to charge Li-ion batteries with rectified 50 Hz AC pulsing DC at 0.5 C average current?
waressearcher2what is the difference if I connect few light bulb in serial or in parallel ?
medflywhat happens if I have a diode across a 0-10V ramp
flybackUH DARSIE
x-fakflyback , i bought those one: http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/tweezers/0549628/?searchTerm=549-628&
medflyI feel like I should get a 0-5V ramp
medflywhy is this not happening :(
x-fakbut i got them for 7€ here
flybackuse a dedicated charger or at least build one with a charger ic
darsieflyback: What's wrong with regulated power?
evilbettywhy not?
flybackexcept lithium phosphate
evilbettyif they dont take advice let their house burn down, they'll learn
R0b0t1raffahacks: Read the docs/google for it. Usually there's a kernel module involved (if your board runs a full OS).
flybackdarsie, cause there's so many ways to blow it up
dhrosadarsie: because you don't just charge a li-ion with regulated power
x-fakflyback , i also ordered a AOYUE Int936 soldering station, do you know this one?
flybackno but x-fak it's better than unregulated shit that I used all my life and didn't know better till about 7 yrs ago
darsieflyback: As long as you don't exceed 4.2 V or 0.7 C.
flybackthe iron on my 968 was too weak 35w so I bought a 50w one
darsieflyback: I'm monitoring I and V.
flyback968A has a 70w now
evilbettyonce you bought crappy chinese soldering stations its too late asking people's opinion about it isnt it? :p
flybackdarsie, still I highly recommend you do this with a mcu or chasrger ic
x-fakflyback , it is one of those hakko 936 clone out there
flybackdon't fuck around
flybackx-fak, yeah like I have
flybacknot the greatest but not bad
darsieflyback: I don't have one. Hmm, actually I do .. for 18650 batteries. But here I have come bare cells from a died notebook battery.
flybackyou can't just limit current and voltage and charge them forever
flybackthey detonate when they hit 100%
raffahacksI think i made a mistake buying it instead of raspberry pi. Many more function, but 1/100000 community
x-fakflyback i got it for 45€, a hakko one would be more around 100€ i think
flybackthey won't just bleed off heat like nicd, lead, etc
flybackx-fak, trust me, it's still amazing compared to unregulated pencil irons
darsieflyback: Current is within limits and I'll take action at 4.2 V.
flybackyou will like it
flybackdarsie, JUST BE careful
R0b0t1I mean they catch on fire but it's not like napalm shoots out of them
flybackremember if you try to put out a lithium fire with co2 or water it bends them over and canucks oxygen in the eh-hole
flybackR0b0t1, actually yes it can
darsieflyback: Sure, I don't want to damage them. I just want to know if pulsing DC is bad.
flybacki'm not worying about damaging them
flybackI worrying about you being dead or your kids
flybackanother thing to do
flybackgo to home depot etc
flybackget a cheap ceramic or stone flower pot
darsieMy life sucks anyways and I don't have kids.
x-fakflyback , i bought it because i had a set of 12 hakko tips which i could mount because of the special tip system hakko uses, so i will mount my hakko tips on this AOYUE station
evilbettylike i said, let them burn their house down , they'll believr you after
flybackx-fak, yeah I can use hakko tips also
flybackin fact I might try some
Hyratel1darsie, yeah, you should only ever use a microchip charger for LiIon
flybackI wonder if the tips I get are junk
darsieI'm stressing my 1.5 A power supply to 1.9 A.
flybackanyways gtg
darsieflyback: thx. cu
Hyratel1darsie, Lithium Ion batteries are Not To Be Fucked With
x-faki watched the very good review of EEVblog about the Yihua 936, i wish i could find one for 16$ lol, i think its close to the AOYUE one
Hyratel1also LiPoly
`NerobroAw, come on. They're fun to make burn
darsieHyratel1: uC chargers don't do it any better then what I do manually.
darsieflyback: you gtg ;p
flybackdarsie, STUPID CANUCK
flybackdarsie, STUPID CANUCK-
Hyratel1darsie, sorry, I call bullshit
flybackdarsie, STUPID CANUCK-
raffahacksdarsie: on ebay 5pcs 5v micro usb li ion charger modules for 2$, don't risk
Hyratel1flyback, ENOUGH
`Nerobrothey work. they're just really slow
flybackdarsie, YOU DON'T FUCKING GET IT
flyback100% IS BOOM
darsieTell me.
flybackthere's no opps this is warm etc
darsieWhat's wrong with 1.88 A and 3.95 V?
raffahacksflyback: please..
flybackcause if you miss stopping it at 100%
flybackthey detonaTE
darsieOk, I won't miss it.
darsieAnd they will explode at best, not detonate.
p0g0isn't detonate and explode sort of the same thing?
darsiejust sort of. Detonation happen at supersonic speed, IIRC.
Celerityso do we want a detonation?
darsieNo. Not atm.
Celerity0001ACTION hands out the supercharger plug0001
Celerity0001ACTION puts the plug away0001
raffahacksWOW! I will build a cheap liion bomb!
darsieI'll switch to my 18650 Li ion charger at 4.2 V for the final charge.
Hyratel1we warned you
darsieYes. But you didn't tell me whether rectified AC ripple DC is bad.
evilbettyi need director responsibilities
evilbettyi need to fire 80% of my colleagues
Hyratel1darsie, yes we did
flybackI might do this
Hyratel1and the answer is 'very bad'
raffahacksMy friend connected a laptop batt to the ac plug..
darsieHyratel1: Ok. But I don't trust that answer. I think you just said that cause you think manual charging is bad, generally.
evilbettyif i had such friends i wouldn't announce it in public
flybackdarsie, and that's just a coin cell
flybackyou idiot
R0b0t1p0g0: Detonate involves the material breaking down due to a shockwave, explode can be contained conflagration.
p0g00001ACTION pedantlically notes that the first 3 english web dictionaries I looked at define 'detonate' as an explosion0001
raffahacksMy idiot friend
Hyratel1darsie, *facepalming across the sky*
evilbettysay neighbour
raffahacksMy neighbour..
SpeedEvilDetonate - in the scope of explosives - means 'a propagating exothermic reaction occurring at more than the speed of sound in the material.
Hyratel1p0g0, that's common, not scientific
evilbettyi kicked out dumb friends, and also those smarter than me
R0b0t1p0g0: SO WRONG
p0g0SpeedEvil: thx
evilbettyi have 1 left
Hyratel1a gas detonation is a turbulent deflagration
waressearcher2anyone seen evilbetsy ?
darsieflyback: That cell has a steel case which may build up more pressure. I just have a plastic bag around it.
SpeedEvilHyratel1: gas explosions canbe supersonic
flybackdarsie, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9mcNvOGKtI
flybackthis is your FAIL ON LITHIUM
waressearcher2haven't seen her in a while, after I add her to ignor list
flybackany questions?
Hyratel1SpeedEvil, yes, usually enabled by a turbulent flame front
p0g0RoBo_V: beat me, I am only reporting a verifiable fact- search up 'detonate vs explode english definition'
p0g0^ R0b0t1
SpeedEvilHyratel1: No - due to IR emissions triggering the next bit
medflyhow sensitive is TTL stuff
medflycan I put in around 10V?
SpeedEvil0-5V in
raffahacksHis battery didn't explode! Luckily for his life it was a Sony Vaio..
Celerity_darsie: The thing is, this is one of those, 'If you have to ask, you probably shouldn't be doing it' kind of situations.
raffahacksBut not for his purse!
medflySpeedEvil: I tried to put a diode across between the + and gnd and I got mostly nothing :((
darsieflyback: That plane battery burst in flames, no explosion.
dhrosamedfly: which direction did you put it
Celerity_Li-Ion + improper energy delivery mechanism = No battery + No operator
medflyit's a zener diode. does it matter?
dhrosamedfly: a zener has a 0.6V drop in one direction, and V_z (I think5.6V for your application)
dhrosamedfly: yes aboslutely
raffahacksSorry for my stupid question, but has ac plugs got polarity?
dhrosamedfly: they behave differently in each direction
flybacknicely done
dhrosamedfly: if you wire it like a normal diode, it has a 0.6V drop like a normal diode
flybacksound effects module etc
raffahacksThey cannot!
flybackthat's sweet
dhrosamedfly: if you wire it in reverse, it has a5.6V drop
medflyso I put it in reverse?
medflylet's see
raffahacksBut they have some kind of polarity, haven't they?
dhrosaraffahacks: whay do?
waressearcher2what about my bulbs ?
waressearcher2beaky: sub female guy
beakybut i am a dude
waressearcher2beaky: but it is a girls' name
evilbettya pussy and a dick in your butt
p0g00001ACTION holds up a dign for Beaky: Warning Tolling Ahead0001
beakyhow is beaky feminine
beakyp0g0: sign*
p0g0that too
darsie0001ACTION 's battery reached 4 V. 1.76 A.0001
raffahacksSome screwdrivers have got a lamp to see plug polarity..
p0g0I have terrible typing skills..
evilbettyif they'll find out in your town they'll stone tou
waressearcher2p0g0: we can dance, we can dance, we can also shitting your pants
p0g0waressearcher2: ignore is my friend..
waressearcher2p0g0: go ignore yourself
p0g0so babbal on
p0g0or babble or whatever
beakyany suggestions for powering up a microcontroller project portable
beakyah never thought of batteries
beakyis there a way to get my stm32f334 to bootstrap itself off batteries
p0g0switch the power on
beakyor should i just use a linear regulator
beaky(like the onboard one that gives 3v3)
evilbettya resistor divider
p0g00001ACTION heads off to move a small horde of steel, g'day all0001
evilbettywith resistors < 50ohm
beakyevilbetty: thats bad since it wont regulate and also has high output impedance
beakywhat about thermal and OC protection
evilbettyget thing enough wire
evilbettyno seriously
evilbettyi would use 2 batteries
darsiemanual Li ion battery charging: http://www.bksys.at/bernhard/temp/P1130318.JPG
evilbettykeep 1 batttery at 3.3v with some monitoring, and use the 2nd one to charge the first one if it drops below 3.3v
evilbettyand a resistor to discharge it if iy goes above 3.3c
evilbettydude collected €1200 with crowdfunding to pay his parking ticket
evilbetty€12 ticket
kdosawhat kind of tool (PSU) do I need to adjust the phase shift between AC vold and current?
evilbettya crapacitor?
dhrosakdosa: what exactly are you trying to do
kdosaI need it to calibrate for an electricity meter, it requires a known voltage, current and phase shift
dhrosakdosa: capacitors and inductors provide phase shift
kdosadhrosa, does it matter what is the value of capacitance as long as it conforms the voltage rating?
dhrosakdosa: the phase shift depends on the capacitance and the frequency of the signal
kdosadhrosa, thank you.
t4nk810can anybody explain this to me i am new in electronics http://www.nxp.com/documents/application_note/AN97032.pdf
dhrosat4nk810: explain what exactly
archivistyou want an entire app note explaining!
SpeedEvilIt's a monitor
SpeedEvilIt explains how it works
SpeedEvilA CRT monitor
archivistask a better question
t4nk810i know it monitor i dont understand parts of it
RabSide note, this is a pretty good circuit description.
archivisthow should we guess what you want to know
SpeedEvilt4nk810: why are you trying to understand it?
jeremyabelmorning even
t4nk810first of all where is data input
SpeedEvilt4nk810: what data input do you mean?
t4nk810thr video signal
SpeedEvilt4nk810: this is not a digital monitor - it's analog
t4nk810ok why using eeprom
evilbettycolleague calls from station 'all trains are cancelled'
evilbettyand panic broke out among the ppl still in the office
evilbettythose by train anyway
mr_bootheBear: around?
SpeedEvilt4nk810: because it's got microcontrollers in it
SpeedEvilt4nk810: and to hold config data
Rabt4nk810, I don't believe the video input is actually included in the description. Everything I see is oriented toward low-level monitor control.
SpeedEvilIt is - it's a compelte monitor design - with BNC RGB and sync inputs
SpeedEvil(can also do composite)
evilbetty22 inch Sun CRT ?
evilbettyif you put 2 of those on your rear seats in winter you have double the traction of your rear wheels
PoleschI got myself my first variac, supposedly with isolated outputs
RabSpeedEvil, the video controller is a TDA4885. But the schematics don't appear to include that section. (It is shown in the block diagram, though.)
hjfheh i wanted to make a SMPS for my audio amplifier
hjfseems like i'm gonna have to just use a transformer
hjflook at that motherfucker
evilbettydo we have to
jeremyabelguys my game dev partner just told me we're all wrong about ohms law
jeremyabelit's really 'vidjagames = illustions*raditude'
evilbettywrong type of humour for this channel i guess
hjfthat is some complicated PSU. dang
evilbettyexacrlt what i thought when i saw your joke
hjf$150 for the EVM shit
jeremyabelevilbetty: wasn't even my joke! I just liked it is all
hjfjeremyabel: calm yo tits
evilbettyor shake em good
jeremyabel0001ACTION shakes 'em all around the place0001
jeremyabel0001ACTION shakes 'em all up in evilbetty's so-called grill0001
theBearwrong type of humour for people that don't own dice with more than 17 sides
evilbettythat includes me
evilbettyi own no dice
evilbettyi wouldnt know why
theBearwhy you don't own them ? cos you ain't a d+d nerd, dude !
evilbettyi know
evilbettyi wouldnt know why to own dice that is
mr_bootheBear: hi
theBearoh, there is that (the real and original) diceman concept, that's a reason to have one or two
theBearbut 2-6 sides is more than enough
hjftheBear: http://i.imgur.com/PaPjD4r.jpg
mr_bootheBear: i spoke to a guy on this forum and he concluded that the DAC i'm using need to have the master clock and sample clock in sync
theBeari even found it in the datasheet late lastnight
theBearpage 9 maybe, under clock sources or sync or something
PoleschCan you make a full-wave rectifier that works on o-250 VAC universally? Four big diodes and a couple of 400V caps?
theBearhjf, heh, but i can pretend you're cool and those are for professsional reasons
mr_bootheBear: so now i've used a digital counter to derive the sample clock from the master and even the bit clock
hjftheBear: these are for sale
theBearmmm, tradition DOES often know best
theBearhjf, <nudge nudge wink wink> oh i know buddy, i know
mr_bootheBear: if i tie the data pin high or low doesn't affect output at all
mr_bootheBear: do you think i can finally pronounce the part dead
hjftheBear: hey, $1 each!
theBearwhat data pin, and under what conditions, and i'd like at least a suspected cause of death before i give you that permission
theBearhjf, but, i want ones with chamfered edges and at most 6 sides, i should get a discount !
theBearooh, or howbout pensioners discount ?
theBearhave you got a 4 sided one ? or a 3 sided one ?
hjftheBear: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20
theBeari want a 3 sided one !
hjf100 too but i dont stock em
theBearhave you got one loaded for 17 black that can replace a roulette wheel ?
Scott0_hjf: I didn't break it :P
hjftheBear: thats not D+D nerddom
mr_boocan someone recommend a digital audio interface board with say 4 channels of 24-bit audio output
hjfScott0_: what was it
theBearand i ain't no d+d nerd ! and double negative makes it doubley true !
Scott0_its supposed to show 0mA for when there's an alarm
hjfScott0_: told ya
Scott0_hjf: there's also a secret programming document they don't send customers
mr_booan audio shield is available for the arduino due but it only has two channels (stereo)
theBearoh, basic alarm system eh ?
Scott0_which I used to put it into a simulation mode
evilbettyram attacks quadcopter and its owner :p
Scott0_theBear: no, a $4000 electromagnetic flow meter
hjfmr_boo: you could make your own with any PC audio CODEC (ALC 88x)
theBearhmm, sounds like a basic alarm system
theBearhtf does that work ? water isn't magnified
hjfTIL magnified
theBearactually yeah, that's why i got a handful of salvaged pc codecs (and one from a warrantied pcb in a shitty modern marshall amplifier) in the other room
mr_boohjf: i don't wanna make the board myself if i don't have to
theBearall you need is a blowtorch and a soundcard or a mobo or a dead laptop
theBearoh, and the most important ingredient.. maaaaaaad skills, yo !
hjfmr_boo: i mean i made my own, it was really easy and single sided. you put the codec + a xtal, then break out all the otehr pins
hjfmr_boo: do you etch boards at home? i can send you the Eagle files for the one i made. dunno if all these have the same pinout. maybe they do
hjfmr_boo: and the chip and xtal you can get from any old motherboard for free
theBearok, i gonna go watch some more skinny fresh prince and blind woody from cheers movie
mr_boohjf and theBear this is my CS4382 that i blowtorched from a board http://www.carmi.se/misterstarshine/img/conv_1.jpg
theBearcataracts at a glance
theBearahh, the board from the other night pre bypass.. nobbad
hjfmr_boo: cute but doesn't that need a xtal?
mr_boohjf: i needs a master clock but i think i've killed it while blowtorching it off the Audigy card
theBearand practice your soldering, we talking more consistant amounts left on the joint, and not letting the flux run out (stop smoking) before you take the iron away
hjfmr_boo: you used like, actual fire?
theBearanyway, tv, plus i gotta recline more, my doctor stabwound stopped getting better everyday, and i think i can do better than that
mr_boohjf: i shielded away the chip and heated until the part precisely loosened
blkcatthe pin at the very top left is about what you want
blkcata lot of those joints have waaay too much solder
mr_boohowever the color of the pins got somewhat yellowish dark in places
hjfmr_boo: you probably killed it. you should get a heat gun
theBearhjf, i've used both post-mapp style plumbers torches, and most recently for some 3.5mm jacks and a couple chips i used a bbq sized gas bottle + tube -> traditional jewellers torch
mistryhello, i am looking for a gpio expander for a microcontroller based project. which is the most easy-to-find chip?
hjftheBear: i used that for soldering fat wire
theBearblkcat, except the ones with holes in them, tho they owuld be ok if the flux was still there
SpeedEvilmistry: another microcontroller
theBearyeah, io expanders are so 80s
SpeedEvilmistry: practically - the right solution is generally to pick a microcontroller of a similar series with more pins
anton02how come capacitors dont have current ratings, only voltage
hjftheBear: star grounds for my audio amplifier. 1mm wire on a 5x5cm board = LOTs of dissipation so impossible to do with my wimpy iron
SpeedEvilanton02: they do have current ratings.
SpeedEvilanton02: in the datasheet generally - or expressed as wattages or ..
mr_boohjf: what are your specifications of your shield?
hesperaux_hjf, 5x5cm? iteadstudio?
hesperaux_good morning all
hjfhesperaux_: no, like, a 5x5cm bare board
anton02SpeedEvil: oh okay, thanks
mistrySpeedEvil : if i have a very large requirement then?
hesperaux_ah nvm
hjfmr_boo: nothing really. just the AC97 codec, a crystal, and breakout everything to the outside. audio inputs/outputs capacitor coupled. 6 channels
hesperaux_mistry, how many I/O do you need?
hjfmistry: for output only you can use shift registers
mr_boohjf: i can get those from old motherboards right?
hjfwell, for input only too, but 74HC595 is really easy to find
mistryhjf : good idea
hjfmr_boo: yes
SpeedEvilmistry: 'very large' ?
mr_boohjf: could i have your eagle files?
hjfmr_boo: wait
mr_boohjf: multilayer board?
ShadowJKfluke is sellong ir camera for 500 eur, except it's not a 'camera', and displayed temp is average of entire viewfinder. sure looked like 32x32 or better with visible ligjt overlay though
hjfmr_boo: no
PoleschShadowJK, Flir One for the iPhone
ShadowJKiphone is aroind 700 eur
mr_boohjf: double sided?
SpeedEvilShadowJK: the flir one is SPI imager
PoleschShadowJK, can use it on many phones or even standalone
hjfmr_boo: nope. single sided
SpeedEvilwith source code available
hjfmr_boo: hjf.com.ar/codec.rar
SpeedEvilPolesch: no, you can't
SpeedEvilPolesch: only iphone
SpeedEvilPolesch: and it doesn't work standalone
ShadowJKFluke VT02
SpeedEvil(with stock firmware)
hjfmr_boo: dont worry about the capacitors, they are just the .1uF decoupling caps and some 10uF local power caps
hjfmr_boo: and the 'top' layer (red traces) are wire jumpers
ShadowJKyeah but because fluke and only 500 i might be able to get $work to pay :D
Poleschmikeselectricstuff has a video on Flir One
hjfmr_boo: remember this talks AC97, not I2S
mr_boohjf: yeah i use the same approach
mr_boohjf: haven't used any codec before
mr_boohjf: hope it is easy and efficient to program on the Arduino Due
hjfmr_boo: i used it with an FPGA
hjfthat pin header was supposed to be compatible with xilinx's spartan-3 starter kit
mr_boohjf: thanks for the eagle files
ikarus'Professional Low Noise Microphone Cable' I am pretty sure out of all those lies I may be able to trust one
SpeedEvilmistry: http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/LPC1786FBD208,551/568-7574-ND/2677568 - for example - 165 IO, $11 in ones
ShadowJKit's kinda fun going to trade fair when the salespeople that usually say 'fuck off' on the phone suddeböy talk with you
hjfmr_boo: but do yourself a favor and go to the hardware store and get a heat gun
hesperaux_i don't know what to do guys
mr_boohjf: i have a heat gun. i was just stupid that i used the mini torch
hesperaux_i have a little time, but can't shake the desire to sit here and stare
hesperaux_how do I productivity?
ShadowJKget a boss
SpeedEvilmistry: http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/Z8F1682AT024XK/269-4886-ND/4571996 - 67 IO, $2
hesperaux_i have one, but i'm not leaving for work for another hour or two
loonquawlget depressed and interested in philosophy
mistrySpeedEvil , hjf : thanks
hjfhesperaux_: productivity you say? http://i.imgur.com/WwTcNBT.jpg
hesperaux_that could work, but i as hoping to code something up
hesperaux_hjf, that's a lap dog
hesperaux_why do huge labs always do that lol
hjfhesperaux_: luckily this one is a small one
hesperaux_indeed, but much larger than a normal small dog
hjfyou'd have to be lucky to find a pure lab on the street
hesperaux_my g/f's dog does that too
hjfthis one is nagging me to go for a walk
hesperaux_they do that
hesperaux_hence, i prefer cats :P
evilbettyan article that many women demand some personal time without their men, but that they dont give their men some time for their own
hjfhesperaux_: our 2 cats were stolen
hesperaux_who steals cats wtf
hjfhesperaux_: i wish i knew
evilbettysome dumbass or a craey cat woman
hesperaux_that sucks hjf
evilbettyno sane person would want cats
hesperaux_i never understood the intensity of feeling regarding cat people vs. dog people
evilbettythis is internet
evilbettywhat else is there to understandµ
hesperaux_i guess
hesperaux_why is my nick stupid
hesperauxgeez, today is a day for sleeping
ikaruswonder if DX sells a dirt cheap chinese version of those machine warning lights (pole mounted availible in many colours)
mr_boohjf: how do i connect it if i want only three 24-bit signals at 32kHz samplerate?
evilbettyi think i got 1 or 2 of those lights
evilbettyin orange
ikarusevilbetty: heh
ikarusI want a traffic light one hooked up the status monitoring system
evilbettyi like the stacked ones
evilbettyyes those
mr_boohjf: maybe i can read that up in the datasheet for the part
mr_boohjf: anyway many thanks
ketasi wonder if there are usb cables with 90 degrees angle cable (aligned either way related to plug).. with minimal plug size?
ketasor i need to make my own
Rabketas, I've seen mini-USB cables of that sort.
ketassuch plugs are nice if you want to charge something in backpack or pocket.. without much stress on sockets
RabI see micro and regular USB flavors exist as well.
ketasRab: i have seen angled plugs.. but they are so big
SpeedEvilketas: I've been looking on-and-off for this for some years
SpeedEvilketas: I've seen no purchasable ones
RabWell, define minimal. You need a certain amount of overmolding to get reasonable strain relief.
xDR1TeKSpeedy, nice bling
ketasusb 3g adapter is also where you want it
SpeedEvilIs the closest I've seen
ketasRab: how much of strain relief the 'strain relief' actually provides?
ketasRab: i've seen some cases where it actually works
SpeedEvilketas: the primary probem isn't the strain relief - it's the massive lever
Rabketas, here's an example of r/a micro..is this too large? http://sgcdn.startech.com/005329/media/products/gallery_large/UUSBHAUBXRA.B.jpg
ketasdamnit, can't view that in moment
SpeedEvilThere is no good reason for the plug to be ~20mm long after the port
SpeedEvilketas: it's a ~20mm long or so right-angle plug
SpeedEvilthat is - it sticks out 20mm
xDR1TeKwe got it
ketascable is much cheape that device
RabApple provide plugs (magsafe, etc) with very minimal strain relief, and it always seems to be a weak point.
ketasmagsafe breaks?
hesperauxhttps://www.thetileapp.com/ <--- what kinda transmitter do you think this uses?
hesperauxketas, hell yes, just not at the 'mag' part
RabMagsafe apparently breaks all the time, at the cable.
hesperauxi went through 5 chargers under warranty
hesperauxI tried 4 different ways of winding/storing the thing. eventually just loosely coiled it
RabWhich is really sad, because it seemed like such a great improvement.
xDR1TeKhesperaux RFID
hesperauxthe rubber insulation crap they use sucks itself out of the strain relief
xDR1TeKbut for that NFC
ketasi've seen it come loose easily.. well like designed.. unsure about breaking
hesperauxxDR1TeK, it's got a pretty big range though
synx508I've had a Macbook since 2007 and never had a magsafe fail in any way
hesperauxsynx508, mine is a late 2007 model
evilbettychihuahua died from a baseball player that hit a homerun and the ball fell outside the field on the dogs head
xDR1TeKhesperaux strange, but yes
synx508maybe I'm doing it wrong
hesperauxi had every piece of hardware replaced under warranty for the laptop except the LCD
synx508I've had 1 battery, that is
hesperauxhard drive, DVD drive, battery, 5 chargers, bottom case (because they were nice), and motherboard/vid card
hesperauxso much fail
blkcatmy work MBP has a magsafe 2 connector and the cable insulation has cracked and broken just past the strain relief
hesperauxit is not long for this world blkcat
synx508the apple store volunteered a replacement case on my wife's macbook but she refused because, I think, she liked her stickers
RabOther Apple plugs with minimal strain relief experience similar problems, e.g. Lightning.
ketaswell, i can be more careful with that small plug but i'm sure moderate strain relief can be put there.. it's not like you need to swing it around constantly
hesperauxwhen mine got sent to texas for mobo repairs, they were kind enough to just fix everything they saw wrong with it. there was a dent in the case so they replaced it. their warranties are really good
hesperauxhad to pay for the Nvidia defect though because during the coverage period for the law suit I took very good care of the thing (never played games). Then it died right after the warranty
ketasi might need to make my own plugs..
synx508the mbp is considerably less reliable than the mb
xDR1TeKhesperaux they say: Tile casts a signal across a 100-foot radius
xDR1TeKthat is long
hesperauxketas, you'd be surprised how little that matters. Mine have all gotten jacked up from simple movement of the wire pulling the insulation out of the strain relief
hesperauxxDR1TeK, yeah i know. It's cool but why iphone only, once again..
synx508the imac seems to be about the worst Apple product though
ketastake plug.. trim it.. put it in silicone
hesperauxalso, no servicable battery or wireless charging
synx508for breaking a lot
hesperauxsynx508, i blame their case design
xDR1TeKThe app supports up to 8 Tiles
hesperauxplastic is a much better material for laptop cases even if it does look bad/crack
synx508yes, I think that's it, they simply assumed light use, so when people hammer them they overheat
xDR1TeKso, maybe bluetooth or wifi, but i read somewhere they are tethered
ketashesperaux: do you pull on cable a lot?
xDR1TeKso it has to be RFID for long range
hesperauxthe metal stores heat, even if it does conduct it, making it uncomfortable. the metal also transfers shock into the parts better than plastic
ketashesperaux: i know apple has so soft cables
hesperauxketas, I tried various methods of using/storing the magsafe charger to avoid the problem. nothing worked
synx508apple cables are fairly terrible, i'm not sure why my own magsafe cables seem to survive
hesperauxthe connector design is absolutely awesome
ketasdo cables usually break for you
synx508not for me, I'm fairly careful
hesperauxnah, only a couple of micro cables over time
synx508I don't use the 'magsafeness'
hesperauxi don't tightly coil my cables or put the connectors under stress if i can help it
hesperauxif i'm going to use my phone and it's charging, i take the cable out ot avoid smashing the strain relief for example
ketaswell it's just metal and plastic.. eventually it goes
xDR1TeKman, definitly bluetooth
xDR1TeKWhen you begin searching for a lost item, your phone tracks the signal strength of your Tile. As you get closer, the app's tracking circle fills in, giving you a clear indication of your progress.
hesperauxi liked the 180 degree magsafe design, but it probably isn't very good cuz it tends to want to stay attached a lot more than the 90 degree design (old one). I guess the new ones are 90 degree again
ikarusI just want a bunch of antennas in my room for tracking of random items
hesperauxxDR1TeK, and yet 1 year battery life somehow.. >_>
xDR1TeKfuk donno
xDR1TeKthis is crazy
synx508knowing where stuff is, that's going to be the next big thing
xDR1TeKwho other than apple
synx508micro-location, I suppose they'll call it
hesperauxthings that subsidize our human stupidity are the next big thing
hesperauxi forgot = product. I lost it = product. I don't understand = product
hesperauxI'm bored = product. I'm indecisive = product
synx508retrospective backups, that'd be a good seller
hesperauxretrospective? what is that?
ketashesperaux: that's why i want low profile usb with soft cable.. it's amazing how stiff and big some usb cables are.. it moves the DEVICE!
hesperauxwhat a name
synx508backups for people who didn't do backups
hesperauxketas, hehe
hesperauxsynx508, how does that work? FS snapshots?
synx508rebuild from surveillance you didn't know you'd opted into, or something
synx508still, I think people would pay
ketasask nsa
synx508they'd be in a good position to offer it
synx508if it's all true
xDR1TeKbut seriously, what a wonderful website
hesperauxyeah that was a good joke i heard
hesperauxit was a first world problems meme - 'My hard drive crashed and I lost my thesis.. And the NSA wouldn't give me their backup copy'
synx508seems they don't understand capitalism.
hesperauxthe government not understanding capitalism?
synx508they're not allowed to, are they? US constitution or something, forbids them
synx508run as a business, that is
hesperauxyeah, i know
synx508unlike Britain, where everything is sold off
FreezingColdmeh, that was a boring morning
hesperauxyeah i know
hesperauxi woke up later than planned and have to leave for work soon. :(
hesperauxsuch sadness and regret
medflyso, I tried the entire day to do this stupid thing with a fucking zener diode, and I just found a good connector.. TURNS OUT WE DON'T NEED IT
hesperauxat least snuffeluffegus is here
hesperauxmedfly, o/ sounds like fun
hesperauxyou got paid to do something useless?
snuffeluffegusI'm not here
hesperauxsnuffeluffegus, your name is pleasing to the eye
snuffeluffegusI'm there, with you, behind you, all around you.
FreezingColdall I did today was write a stupid math test
FreezingColdkind of annoying
snuffeluffegusI'm in your closet eating your ramen.
hesperauxsnuffeluffegus is the matrix
Slade--hesperaux, dont most people get paid to do something useless
hesperauxfffuuuu not my ramen
hesperauxSlade--, yap
medflywho knew connecting MERELY A DIODE AND JUST LOWERING THE DANG VOLTAGE is so damn hard!
medflyI think that the BNC to crap connector I used was bad
hesperauxbecause engineering
medflybnc to just random wire which is made by someone ripping off the bnc end of a cable and soldering bits was probably bad
snuffeluffegusWire cutters + electrical tape = universal connector?
medflyunless its high frequency
medflythen you should probably wrap it back in conductive tape
A124Or small.
snuffeluffegusnah who needs shielding
snuffeluffegusJust dump higher wattage through.
A1240001ACTION would get a joke about mom.0001
snuffeluffegusIrradiated nuts never hurt anyone.
A124snuffeluffegus: Ever tried to irradiate hazelnuts and eat them?
snuffeluffegusSo I do need to restate that. Wire cutters + electrical tape + amplifier = universal connector?
snuffeluffegus<medfly> indeed
snuffeluffeguslol didn't mean to copy you medfly
medflywell, 'we could juts radiate a little bit'
snuffeluffegusA124, Can't say I have.
zigggggy0001ACTION hugs snuffeluffegus0001
snuffeluffeguszigggggy, !!
zigggggyhesperaux do you rememeber snuffeluffegus from sesame street?
snuffeluffegusI am in lovew with this song http://youtu.be/DD0A2plMSVA
hesperauxno, but i googled him just a minute ago and was happy
zigggggyhesperaux :D
hesperauxi didnt' watch sesame street much as a kid
zigggggyoh :(
zigggggyyou missed snuffy
hesperauxi did, mostly
hesperauxi saw it once or twice
snuffeluffegusIt's ok I'm still here brotha
zigggggysnuffy is all grown up now hesperaux
zigggggy0001ACTION hugs snuffy's trunk0001
hesperauxso he's as big as Clifford?
zigggggyhe's as big as an elephant!
hesperauxClifford was awesome
snuffeluffegusOh watch out I just railed some coke, so my trunk is like suuupperrr sensitive right now.
FreezingColdman this fucking power company wants me to go in person to show my ID
FreezingColdit's an hour walk
FreezingColdno, I'm not fucking going :p
snuffeluffegusFeels good man.
zigggggyFreezingCold fax it
hesperauxFreezingCold, send them a Selfie of you with your ID ;P
zigggggysnuffeluffegus do you take selfies?
snuffeluffegusadd one of those hi /b/ photos
hesperauxFreezingCold, and you gotta do the anime peace sign pose
FreezingColdzigggggy: I emailed it and they said they got it, but wouldn't accept it
snuffeluffegusor do it like infidel style with a newspaper and tied to a chair
snuffeluffegusEh not regularly
snuffeluffegusI don't have much soul left, so I can't go letting cameras steal the little bit on the daily.
FreezingColdzigggggy: This is part of my reply 'If there is no one capable of operating a printer, I can optionally fax my identification as well.'
xDR1TeKare germans still nazzi?
ketassnuffeluffegus: give you soul to us
snuffeluffegusNot most of them. They're now one of the most tolerant countries in the world.
snuffeluffegusProbably a great place to live.
FreezingColdoh wait, got an even better way to say it
FreezingCold'If [name] Power does not have the technological capacities of operating a printer, I can optionally fax my identification as well.'
FreezingColdI'm aware I'm an asshole, but sadly that's the only way anything is going to change.
snuffeluffegusFreezingCold, it
snuffeluffegus's necessary sometimes.
FreezingColdketas: fux?
snuffeluffeguslol fux his id?
snuffeluffegusThat may be uncomfortable.
FreezingColdsnuffeluffegus: I still can't believe they expect *anyone* to go their stupid office just to let them photocopy ID
snuffeluffegusIt's probably a verification issue.
ketasid should be digital
snuffeluffegusIt's be solved if the world would finally just adopt gpg or x.509 for verifying e-mail authors.
FreezingColdsnuffeluffegus: I've opened $2k to $10k credit services online before
FreezingColdNever visited an office
hesperauxoff to work gents
hesperauxsee ya
medflyso, here's a weird thing
hagbardfuck x.509
medflyI've got a signal which is 10-15MHz (sweep) going through a 16m cable
hagbard50ohm, great
medflyit changes amplitude in an inconsistent manner :-(
hagbardyou know, if you're asking for advice, anyone would need more details.
ketashow come every country in world probably had passport.. and only few of them contain digital means of remotely identify it's owner
hagbardlike, how are you measuring the amplitude? whats terminating this cable
medflyketas: locally we fight it because the initiative to introduce it comes with a huge violation of privacy
ketaswell s/passport/citizen id of some kind/
medflyI am pushing it into an oscilloscope directly
hagbardand can you define insonsistent? why would it be varying in the first place? whats your signal source?
hagbardwhats the scope's input impedance? 50ohm or 1megohm?
medflyit's a pretty good signal generator. I have tried it with a 1-2m cable and it doesn't cuse the same thing.
FreezingColdketas: mine is remote
medflyI'm not sure
hagbardlook on the front of the scope.
hagbardnear the BNCs, it should say. it's important
medfly1M ohm.
Scott0_anyone know of a modbus master software?
medflybut it doesn't do this for the 1m cable
Scott0_I need one and I can't wait for a response from a guy in denmark :P
hagbardmedfly: well, i cant speak to that. i still think it's reflection. which would make sense, 10mhz is 30 meters and 16m is half that
medflycould be.
hagbardmedfly: do you have a bnc T and 50ohm terminator you can put on?
hagbardtry it.
hagbardbecause in my math just now i forgot to account for the velocity factor of rg58 which means 16m isnt as close to 1/2wl
ketasmedfly: privacy issues that arise from id, wtf
ketasmedfly: how come you could fuck things up like that
hagbardketas: i know, right? it's a transmission line ffs
CasperWhat is a good single suply opamp for sensing shunt voltage? so need to have rail to rail input and a low offset.. expected gain would be around 100.. many opamp have a 4-10mV offset.. so half a volt or more of offset once amplified.. unacceptable..
hagbarduhh, AD8237 i think?
hagbard!google analog ad8237
Casperthru hole?
medflylooks normal now
medflyketas: they want to take biometric data of each citizen and have it on the id
medflyketas: and also store all this data in a giant database
hagbardmedfly: wait, what? i was totally guessing. sweet. you're welcome?
FreezingColdwtf, this chinese seller gave me a tracking number for a $3.40 product
hagbardmedfly: incidentally, everything i know about coax and transmission lines i learned from w2aew's channel on youtube
hagbardCasper: i doubt it.
FreezingColdthat's a first
FreezingColdoh, looks like it might be a fake?
hagbardthe tracking code?
hagbardlemme guess, you just received the code and it doesnt apppear in the database yet. check tomorrow
FreezingColdwell it appears in this weird WeDo postal site
FreezingColdbut not china post.. which it was shipped from
theBearWeirDo post eh, i like it
ketasmedfly: i'm not entirely sure how this is that bad.. so in addition to picture they also store fingerprint?
theBeardid somebody say nightclub -> police state ?
medflyand they also store this data in a database
medflywhich is a bigger issue
medflywe don't trust government databases to remain secure
ketasit would be fine without fingerprint?
theBearand regarding reflections, propogation rates are different in various cables vs air
medflyno the whole point of it being a digital ID is to have the biometric data
Casperhagbard: do you knows of any thru-hole ones?
theBearhere it's privately stored and (usually) shared
ketasmedfly: seems wrong
theBearjust another good reason to start removing my fingerprints again
medflyI don't understand
medflywhat on earth do you intend to store on a passport besides picture, information, and maybe biometric data?
theBeari kinda wanna try that one where you cut them off then jigsaw them all up and sew them back together
dhrosamedfly: nude pics
ketasmedfly: though i don't get why this is bad?
theBearbut i was very young when i worked out which common household chemicals remove fingerprints effectively and much less painlessly than burning them off with acid every few months
medflybiometric data also includes other things besides fingerprints
theBearketas, i don't like anyone having information about me in 2 or more categories, because i don't agree with all local laws
ketaslike what?
theBearat least a dna fingerprint, i would guess
medflydna is too hard to obtain atm
theBearerr, it is ?
medflyfor millions of people? yes
medflytoo expensive
bulaiai give dna samples for free
ketaswell, i still don't get it.. fingerprinta and more is just advanced picture
evilbettyso does your mom
theBearhey it's bulaia ! i just saw hawaii on tv and i thought of you
snuffeluffegusYou can be identified by like just 3-5% of your face being visible
ketasit makes sense that id contains 'pictures'
theBearketas, in theory storing/sharing all that stuff impinges on your civil rights/freedoms, but in reality that's only an issue in the case of corruption or rule-breaking
medflyif your bank thinks your fingerprint is an ID
snuffeluffegusBy your gait / posture / build
medflyit would really suck if someone could just capture the meaningful info it uses to identify
ikarusI've used keyboard timings when typing in specific texts as biometric ID
theBearpfft, i can't be idenitfied that easily, and on paper i'm several ghosts
ikarusworks amazingly well
theBearikarus, you know macgyver can listen to someone type a password in the next room and workout what it is !
medflycould make it a hassle with police
medflythey'd always pick up like 200 people whose fingerprints match up to something they found
ikarustheBear: I've actually been tempted to write a system for that
medflythat's not a normal and acceptable situation
theBearmedfly, well see in most countries that would fit somewhere between entrapment and 'the fifth'
dhrosaI plead the second
medflyyou mean in the US and is police identifying your fingerprint in a crimescene not a viable reason for questioning everywhere?
ketasmedfly: stupid bank, then
theBearikarus, that reminds me, years ago now the fbi had a HUGE research project/results with some fancy nickname that was all about sniffing things like mains inputs and leakage off of random computer-ey cables for spying
theBearmedfly, no, i used a us term, which i quoted, and stand by my statement and wording
dhrosawait no, I plead the third
ikarustheBear: the codeword for the counter for that is known as TEMPEST
medflyok, gtg
theBeari don't think i know the third
ikarustheBear: no idea what the applied one is
theBearyeah, tempest, that sounds like something they would choose
ikarustheBear: unlike the brits who are actually smart about codewords and randomize them
xDR1TeKbye all
dhrosatheBear: the third ammendment says that you're not obligated to house soldiers in your home in times of peace
dhrosaactually at any time
theBeari been considering and pre-experimenting a lot recently regarding some spying related stuff, including extensive work on derivitives and cures and approaches for things like the old 'listening' via a laser pointer on a window
evilbettyis there ever peace anyway
dhrosait's a rather non-controversial ammentmend:p
theBeardhrosa, wow, really ? i bet it wouldn't work in times of invasion.. wars are all about the taking over peoples houses. have we learned nothing from the chronicles of yip man, hogan, or 'allo allo?' ?
theBearoh i bet people like this 3rd, it sounds real nice
theBearevilbetty, not when americans are involved :)
dhrosatheBear: american civilians have no obligation to house soldiers
dhrosait's something that was more relevant around the time of the revolution :p
theBeardhrosa, oh i believe you, and i understand your original wording, i just don't see it stopping the guys with guns from using your house
theBearis it just re: local soldiers, or foreign ones too ?
dhrosacan't stop foreign ones from barging in with guns
theBeari wonder what the old geneva convention has to say on that stuff, or miranda
theBeardon't care much, i just enjoy exercising my comprehension muscle.. an increasingly uncommon passtime in modern society, it would seem :(
theBeari heard we have a constitution recently.. should probly findout what it says one day
theBearof course this isn't proof of my willful ignorance, that's no secret, but it IS proof that you can learn a lot from television
theBeari know all kinds of presidential terms and orders and quotes and crap from cartoons and the odd movie, but i don't even know who runs this country at the moment
dhrosatheBear: the rich
theBeari remember them popping up on tv a couple days ago and thinking 'heh, how about that, wonder when that dude took over'
theBearpfft, if yer gonna be all thinking outside the box like that, nah, the rich here are too busy pretending they got culture to run anything.. people like me, and of course the bikies, run this country
FreezingColdobama seems chill
FreezingColdhe cares too much about jobs though
theBeari do like that i seen him smoking and low-fiving a janitor dude
theBearand he's way less offensive to the eye than the first-something-someone we got shortly afterwards
theBearand to the ear
theBearhe's got a good smile
FreezingColdtheBear: low fiving sounds like an innuendo
theBearheh, i like the boy !
theBearoooooooohhhh ahhh ! too soon ?
FreezingColdsmoking as in cigs or weed?
theBearFreezingCold, err, in YOUR endo
theBearlol, he's the president, noone's getting away with spreading pictures of him smoking weed all over the world :)
theBeari'm a member of the pro-smoking lobby here since right around when they started.. i like smoke
FreezingColduh, there is a photo..
theBearit's almost bad enough to make me start voting
theBearheh, that's even more awesome
theBearand voting is compulsory at pain of prosecution here
FreezingColdheh, I'm anti-pot
theBearbut err, i'm not aware of that
corecodeFreezingCold: meaning you don't take it?
corecodeFreezingCold: or you think nobody should be allowed to take it?
theBearFreezingCold, c'mon man, not everyone is awesome and somehow immune to the negative effects of alcahol like me
FreezingColdcorecode: Same reason I'm pro prohibition
corecodeFreezingCold: because it is ridiculous?
theBearyou WHAT !?!?!?! i dunno if we can be friends anymore, plus, i'm not sure i can trust a man who doesn't drink or smoke
FreezingColdtheBear: I drink
theBearoh, so err, you against taxes then ?
FreezingColdBut I'm also against social services..
theBearand that's why you into prohibition and against weed ?
FreezingColdtheBear: prohibition would have been great if it worked; it causes more harm than good. With weed there's still a chance of controlling it
FreezingColdcontrolling = getting rid of
FreezingColdcops are way too relaxed about it though
corecodeloonie friday
corecodethursday even
FreezingColdcorecode: You disagree that alcohol is harmful to society overall?
corecodeFreezingCold: yes
JFK911corecode must be canadian
corecodei do not have numbers
FreezingColdcorecode: What about all the deaths and lost working hours due to alcohol?
JFK911ive never met a teetotaler nuck
corecodeit does have negative effects on individuals, for sure
theBeari'm very against social services tho in recent years i have taken into account that they kinda are necesarry in the case of crippleness.. assuming of course that we ARE a civilised people and don't want our sick to just starve in the streets.. at the same time, it makes me feel guilty even tho i had no hand in the matter, yeah, i don't really approve of social services at all
theBearsocialist hospitals and medicines tho, i'm into that
ossifrageAnyone know of a company that sells LEDs smaller then 0402s?
corecodebut it might also have positive effects, like increased creativity, socializing, etc.
FreezingColdtheBear: the only social service I'm okay with is giving just enough to live plus whatever education you want
corecodeFreezingCold: you think society is just for working?
FreezingColdtheBear: I'm still on the fence about public health care.. I guess it's good overall
theBearbut alcahol has very positive effects for people like me, net and gross (so far so good) .. not to mention how psychotic and dangerous i am on (likely, not entirely proven due to time and health constraints) the medications that are supposed to help someone as crazy as me
JFK911theBear: what meds are you on
FreezingColdcorecode: No, but it's something you have to consider
Rabossifrage, plenty of companies sell raw dies. Mounting them might be a problem though.
JFK911your contention is a bit wacky theBear. ethanol, the positive poison
corecodeFreezingCold: i do not think so
theBearFreezingCold, eduction i'm into socialism, but i don't feel someone who doesn't have a job should get ANYTHING, regardless if they quit, were fired, made redundant or anything else
ossifrageRab, the problem with wirebonding is the yield, especially for what I'm looking at doing (large LED count)
JFK911theBear: what if they are crippled. let em die?
JFK911theBear: what if they are crazy. let em commit crimes?
FreezingColdtheBear: the issue with not forcing them into education is then they usually turn to begging and crime (theft mostly)
Rabossifrage, makes sense. How large is large count, BTW?
ossifrageRab, rohm does have a picoled package 1mm x 0.6mm x 0.2mm, but thy are painful
FreezingColdtheBear: otherwise you have to have gated communities for the employed people like in africa =/
corecodeno social net -> employers have too much power, de facto slavery
ossifrageRab, ~800
theBearJFK911, right now tapentadol and tramadol and paracetamol and codeine and pregablin and err, probly a few others, but i always been fairly high range classic manic depressive with fairly sociopathic tendancies
JFK911the issue is getting the right balance of rights, employers and landlords vs. individuals who may not be able to defend themselves
theBearJFK911, well, that's tricky, cos i'm crippled, and if i die like i often want to it'll make some people sad who don't deserve it
FreezingColdcorecode: I think we're moving more towards an individualism market; each person has to be looking out for themselves and marketing themselves correctly
corecodeFreezingCold: why?
corecodebecause you say so?
JFK911theBear: arent those all for pain? codeine can be fun if you take a bunch of it, but if its mixed with paracetamol you dont want to take a whole bunch
FreezingColdcorecode: [14:41:41] <FreezingCold> corecode: I think
FreezingColdI have no facts to back that up
theBearJFK911, but if i don't become usefull again in a year or two i ain't gonna be happy about the idea of a lifetime pension, deep down i think i feel the useless SHOULD just die
ossifrageRab, the other problem with wireboding is protecting the bond wires, not sure how well they would survive a silicone overmold
JFK911theBear: it's difficult idea to grasp if you used to be 'productive.' but you arent a robot, anyone who criticizes you for not working is a dick
theBearJFK911, yeah they are, i stopped taking/trying different (VERY time consuming due to slow onset and weening times) antidepressants and similar things over 10 years ago now
corecodeossifrage: what are you trying to do?
JFK911theBear: yeah psych rx are very disruptive and definitely not for everyone. cannabis actually has comparatively few side effects
theBearJFK911, i know i'm a dick, but that's how i feel.. not that i'm shit for not working, but that me or anyone else doesn't deserve a free ride just 'cos they're of little value
JFK911there is a theory of cannabis induced psychosis though.
theBearJFK911, heh, i know that too, but both with prices and age, i'm back to almost exxclusively alcahol these days
ossifragecorecode, working on a discrete LED display
JFK911theBear: You paid taxes your whole life. Therefore you should regret receiving government services *less*
theBearand i'm 99.999% psychosis proof
corecodeossifrage: maybe china can help you?
Rabossifrage, I've seen wirebonded LED strip assemblies which suffered dramatic failure rates. The boards (IMS) could flex, and there was a clear flexible overmold of some type. The bond wires just couldn't take it.
cheaterRab, have you finally killed your efnet troll cave dead enough that you are forced to seek new pastures?
corecodethey have a lot of bonders
JFK911theBear: Unlike someone who washed ashore you actually contributed
Rabcheater, what a pleasant surprise!
theBearJFK911, meh, there's roads and hospitals and modest-co-pay medications, buses and trains and shops and whorehouses and parks.. pissed off with the hundreds of thousands too lazy/stupid to get work that get a free ride on it tho
JFK911theBear: here in usa its rather difficult to get a 'free ride'
synx508and there are no social problems in the USA as a result!
theBearand i try to be useful, i sure spend a lot more time helping here whiel i'm subsidised, but my usefull doesn't makeup for my food costs
cheaterRab, I will not give in to your trollology
ossifrageRab, that is my thought, gluing raw die to flex and then wirebonding them, bending that assembly around a support structure and then injection molding silicone over the top would have a pretty high fail rate
JFK911theBear: ive seen how much they'd give a person, and compared to minimum wage, it doesn't seem like fun
Rabcheater, good for you.
JFK911now there are people who lie and cheat it, and live it up
synx508in the UK we call those people politicians
JFK911you can't have an expensive car and get food benefit, for instance, but i've seen people pay with a benefit card and in the grocery parking lot they have an old car with a fresh glittery paint job and $5000 wheels
ossifrageSo I'm back to finding the smallest possible packaged LEDs
theBearJFK911, maybe, but over here it's so damned easy that people with real quantifiable medical problems like me have to do quartely face to face interviews to check we aren't cheating the cripple system, regular people who just quit or got fired get nearly as much indefinately with nearly no scrutiny outside of getting a few random business owners to scribble that they failed an interview now and again
Rabossifrage, but larger than Rohm PicoLED-mini? Or cheaper?
cheaterossifrage: at that point you're looking for bonding wire that can flex well enough. The metal needs to be soft enough, and the enamel needs to take flexing as well, and be chemically resistant to what you're molding it into.
JFK911theBear: this must be frustrating to see.
theBearJFK911, heh, quick head maths say that even with modern fulltime (32-38 hour weeks ? pfft !) on the full disabled pension with medicine and similar little additions, and considering that min wage here for most jobs at an adult age is pretty decent, i'm at about half that income
ossifragerab, I have no clue what the high volume price of the rohm picoleds would be, the factory in china I'm working with is very closed lipped about component pricing
theBearJFK911, meh, don't shoot the messenger, they let me reschedule when i can't actually walk/etc to get there, i'm just grateful i ain't starving and am relatively comfortable (at least pain wise)
ossifragecheater, I suspect that wirebonding is beyond what the factory I'm working with could handle
theBearthe social system is actually quite painless here if you can just be polite and honest and not be screaming and swearing and having a punchup with your defacto and kids while yer at the office
JFK911they say cannabis also works for pain but i never experienced this effect myself. i think i had a toothache once and it didnt help any
theBearapparently that isn't as easy as i make it sound, 'cos 99/100 people you see there act that way, but i have no problem with it
bulaiadepends on the person and the pain
bulaiait's both worked and not worked for me
JFK911yes i probably had the wrong kind of pain. i can see that it might help for gastrointestinal problems
cheaterossifrage: oh, i thought you said you wanted to do it yourself.
bulaiawhen it works it's less of a painkiller and more of a pain distraction
theBearJFK911, some pain it helps more than others, and a lot like codeine and light opiate doses in general, it's as much letting you ignore it more easily as it is taking it away
JFK911i like codeine as a sex aid
ossifragecheater, no this is not something I could do myself
JFK911just a little numb, then the fun lasts for hourrrs
JFK911make wife happpy
cheaterossifrage: i've seen people do 3d pcbs at productronica 2014
cheaterbut that's expensive.
theBeartooth pain it never helped me, but on a good day if someone shares a joint with me, i often notice that everything doesn't actively hurt for a change, which is awesome
JFK911theres no really good reason for it to be banned
JFK911if i drink i get sick and act stupid
theBearJFK911, hehe, no shit, good idea :) i used to (and still technically do, i assume <grin>) use a similar approach but based on more partydrugs than codeine
ossifragecheater, at one point I was messing around with discrete led displays on my own, but now I'm doing it for an actual product
JFK911im going to try the e cigs instead of real tobacco soon, hopefully it might help with quitting
PoleschHow can I tell if my variac has isolated outputs or not?
theBearif i drink i feel less painful, and can concentrate and can explain things better, and even just sometimes, exhibit aritificial empathy, which is impressive when you don't like msot people or society, and are 95% sociopathic naturally
theBearPolesch, you asked that yesterday ! these guys are useless !
PoleschI did not ask that!
theBearPolesch, erm, easy way i spose would be to unplug it and measure resistance from input to output socket/jacks
theBearoh, someone did
PoleschI just asked what it was
theBearlike, word for word
PoleschI found a variac online yesterday, someone local, just bought it without knowing much about it
cheaterossifrage: so you want to do a flex pcb then?
theBear'Sep 04 04:19:29 <Ammonia> If a variac is said to have 'isolated outputs' what does that mean?' told ya
theBearnot you tho
theBeardon't advocate flex-anything ! they're too effed !
PoleschtheBear, I am Ammonia aswell.
theBearalso most variacs only have a single output
theBearwoah dude, tricky
ossifragecheater, yeah LEDs on the top side of the flex, drivers on the bottom (with underfill)
PoleschThe resistance across the outputs on my variac is 3.3-3.5 Ohm
RabPolesch, what's the resistance between input and output? If it's truly isolated, there should be virtually no reading.
theBearheh, that's a cool little kit@adafruit.. and for reference, basically EXACTLY what they hide in potting compound (that makes the component physically unsound also) in those $200+ 'opamps' with those silly audiophool mic preamps
PoleschI can try that
theBearPolesch, what rab said, no one said across one side
theBeartho without thinking too hard or reference material, technically a variac can't be isolated
theBearthat'd have to be a variable transformer, where a variac is from memory a 'variable autotransformer' .. kinda like a tapped inductor, half a trannsformer
theBearheh, less than meets the eye
PoleschI get no resistance measurements across input and output
RabPolesch, here's a schematic of a typical variac: http://www.afcaforum.com/attachment.php?id=53771
theBearthat sounds isolated
PoleschIt did flicker to 300 M Ohm once, but OL on both
theBearmmm, that schem agrees with what i said poorly a couple lines back
PoleschI do have a nanosiemens function, can try that
RabMight have an added winding for isolation, or something.
theBearand that flicker on the meter is likely just a cap or maybe a mov or something, just there to stop the output side floating to silly voltages on its own, and generally make the thing legal
PoleschSlightly unrelated, but do anyone know why multimeters have problems measuring resistance across large inductors?
theBearRab, sounds like it, tho i maintain that technically a variac is that schem, and therefore cannot be isolate
PoleschThe seller online said the variac had isolated outputs, but I can't find nay markings or text on it that would indicate such
PoleschI only see that the output is protected with a fuse
theBearPolesch, erm, i haven't noticed particularly, oh, you probly mean large value, not large physically, but it'd have to do with the approach/timing the meter uses to 'probe' resistance, and the inductor fooling it
jpa-most people aren't that careful between the difference of 'variac' and 'variable transformer'
theBearheh, i always liked the classic red variacs like that
PoleschRight, I have no idea on the differences
theBearhmmm, good price on deoxit d5
PoleschThis thing is made in Sweden anyway
RabPolesch, can you see a brand/model number?
PoleschYeah, Lübeck Vario SR54-220/260T
theBeari can almost see it from here
theBearhmm, are those us sockets on a 220/260v variac ?
PoleschStandard European, but made when we had 220 VAC mains instead of 230
cheaterossifrage: you could perhaps use a display lens, the display will be smaller on the front panel than it really is
cheaterit's just a wedge of clear plastic
theBearwow, euro has a standard plug eh ? that new with the new money or i'm just dumb ?
cheaterfairly thick
cheatertheBear: definitely dumb. don't even ask.
ossifragecheater, think wearable device
theBearcheater, aww, you could be nice about it :(
cheaterossifrage: external or internal?
PoleschRab, the model number on the device is 'TYP 237', the other model was the transformer itself
cheatertheBear: don't want to give false hopes.
theBearbeing dumb definately makes me smile
theBearthat's more like it
jeremyabelgodddammmit linear technologies why are your parts expensive
cheaterPolesch: if you open it up, you should see two transformers, one is round (that's the variac) and one is rectangular (that's the isolation transformer)
PoleschOnly one big one here
jeremyabel'oh, this one fits my specs perfectly! oh wait it's 2x the price of the previous solution I was using..'
theBearperhaps my only real life goal that sticks thru the years is giving myself enough braindamage to be as unaware and happy as those assholes i see walking in the street
RabPolesch, I can't find anything online..sorry.
cheaterPolesch: i wouldn't trust it to be isolated. But maybe you're not seeing part of it.
ossifragecheater, the design actually may use the structural frame as a light guide/mask
veekman! quite a few chinese shipping agents are absolutely rotten and deceitful! that lying biatch tried to rip me a new anus! FYI: Ocean Freight is around USD 15/cbm/RT (cubic meter or 1ton which-ever) which is really low and this money goes to the carrier; what gets you are the DOCumentation charges for the B/L (bill of lading) USD 50 supposedly (but that's for a whole container) what a NVOCC issues is a House BL;
theBearPolesch, i really can't think of anything that your earlier measurements wouldn't notice, i suppose you could grab your nearest huge dc supply or battery, and see if you can put a huge offset on the output side of the thing without all yer breakers exploding
ossifragebut my big issue right now is figuring out how to get the pixel pitch down to the bare minimum
theBearveek, that IS cheap !
veektheBear, untill they sprout you a new anus which is why its cheap
cheaterossifrage: not with discrete devices, i believe.
veekactual FCL containers are around USD 800-1300 and more. USD 15/RT is the bait
theBearmeh, i go about things in non-recommended ways.. only time i ever needed/used BIG (by the cube) shipping the international container yard and several companies headquarters were literally in my backyard, i had a mid level employee for hints and tips and intros, and i dealt directly with the last company in the chain, the one that owns the trucks and decides what goes in them and where
theBearso to sum up, NOONE rips a new anus on the bear, and i got no idea, i believe you
FreezingColdveek: what do you import?
theBearon reflection, if i leaned right forward the thing the doctor made in my back would look a lot like a first vagina, or right now like a 'circumsized' vagina
theBearheh, that's abit graphic, sorry
veekFreezingCold, nothing thank the lord!
FreezingColdveek: ah, what caused the curiosity into the prices?
theBearalso female 'circumsision', NOT cool
cheatertheBear: porn or didn't happen
theBearand hard to spell
theBearnah, still too dopey to get pictures all the way from a phone in my pocket to the server in the next room, maybe later
theBearlater in the year that is
jeremyabelhttp://www.st.com/web/en/resource/technical/document/datasheet/CD00000460.pdf so I'm trying to understand this comparator here
jeremyabelon page 8, typical applications, figure 8
veekFreezingCold, and they don't tell you about destination port charges either. that's even trickier - you can get hit real bad for USD 100 compulsorily (you have to pay - it's got to do with the D/O [some sort of order])
theBearfor a bit i had this amazing overly configgable any-transport-you-can-think-up syncey thing working on my phone, but those days are long gone
jeremyabelif +Vref > -Vref, then +5V appears at Vo, is that what's going on here?
FreezingColdveek: so how much would a full 40 foot crate cost to ship to miami?
dn4how easy is it to product half a million volts?
jeremyabelat what current?
theBeari looked up my bigbrother logs a few months ago, i got my location/height/batt % and reception everywhere i went for the past several years in 15 min intervals in there
jeremyabelyou can just rub some balloons together to get some major kilovolts if you want :P
theBeardn4, pretty easy to produce, tricky part is stopping it from turning into lightning and getting away
theBearjeremyabel, i'd rub them on my head, cos i like to live dangerously :)
jeremyabelyou rebel you!
veekFreezingCold, well i wanted some l00t and i though i'd buy 1/2 a kg as a trial so i enquired. your better off buying FCL AND don't ever tell them you are an individual - cook up some company (so much for honesty is the best policy)
jeremyabeltheBear: you up on comparators?
theBearwithout a cause, all i need is a tight white shirt and a olde motorbike
theBearjeremyabel, mmm, above average
jeremyabeltrying to understand them
FreezingColdveek: they do something as small as half a kilo? What's FCL?
theBearkeep questions simple tho, definate subconscious responses, i can't think on all these pills
veekFreezingCold, dunno about 40' but the FCL quote i got for 20' from Evergreen was. umm USD 800-1300 i think let me confirm
jeremyabelpage 8, figure 8, can you explain what that's doing?
jeremyabelI understand it's comparing +V and -V
theBearmmm, the old 339 eh
jeremyabelI'm looking at the 239 but I guess it's the same
JFK911veek: does that include brokerage and everything else?
FreezingColdveek: not bad
JFK911shipping is hard/hassle
jeremyabeltheBear: not really sure what the diff between 139, 239, and 339 are
theBearumm, they're a lot like an opamp but notice page 2 fig 2 that you got an 'odd' output, in this case a common collector aka npn to gnd, sometimes/often there is also a diode, internal or discrete, that's why they got the pullup in that example
jeremyabeltemp range it seems
FreezingColdwhat rocks about ordering directly without a shipping container is that you don't usually pay customs
FreezingColdhere in canada the postal people just say 'fuck it'
FreezingColdtakes them too much time to read every package
FreezingColdso they only do it for large shipments
theBearjeremyabel, it'll be on there somewhere, but pretty sure it's hmmm, nah, what you said
veekFreezingCold, O/F:USD850/1300/1300, subject to DIH、CIC/D
jeremyabeltheBear: at the last page or so
jeremyabelpage 17
theBearFreezingCold, don't you mean fuck eh, buddy ('you're not my buddy, friend !' 'i'm not your friend, guy !')
jeremyabel139 are -55 to 125, 239 are -40 to 105, 339 are 0 to 70
theBearjeremyabel, yeah got it, usually last page or specs or title explain that kinda multi-p/n stuff
FreezingColdtheBear: they say 'fuck it' in reference to your package, not you
hjfi finally replaced that stupid HDMI cable
hjfmore dramatic version: http://i.imgur.com/etH0b3W.jpg
theBearFreezingCold, oh, i meant that in regards to a package
theBeari know if i was canadian i'd say buddy and house and eh ALL the time
jeremyabeltheBear: now what's LT's version of the 339.. so I can plug it in to ltspice here
jeremyabelneed to figure out my reference voltage
theBearjeremyabel, ummmmmmmmm, i dunno, i only use linear for those special one-of-a-kind chips, everything else i use the most commonly available (which also usually means i got them already)
theBeartype comparator lt into something with google autocomplete
theBearit's my new favourite net-info-wrangling trick
theBearhehe 'if you die in canada do you die in real life ?' gotta love the autocomplete
jeremyabeltheBear: http://ltwiki.org/?title=Adding_a_permanent_component_to_LTspice well this works too!
theBearhangon, are you telling me the lt in spice stands for linear tech ?
theBearand look at that, it's a synonym for the 3rd result in my not-web-search
theBeardamn i'm amazing
jeremyabelare you a wizard?
hjfhah my cousin's husband is an idiot
theBearhehe i'm like osama, a kinda dirty wizard santa claus character
hjfi mean the guy is completely useless. he doesn't know how to even operate a DRILL
FreezingColdhjf: of course, he married into your family
theBearoooh burn !
hjfthe guy can't drill a hole in a wall, jesus
hjfthe guy is only child from a rich family
FreezingColdI don't see what's wrong with that?
hjfso he's just an overall douche
FreezingColdhe's just never done it before
hjfFreezingCold: yes but he doesn't want to
theBearwell that's cool, tell him to use his inheritance to pay someone useful, like you to drill the hole
hjfmy cousin is a lot. a LOT wealthier than him
FreezingColdhjf: maybe he isn't as dumb as he seems then
theBearcourse he doesn't .. it's noisy and he might get dust on his crocodile polo shirt or his tennis shoes !
hjflike, the guy's father have a store in some town,
hjfmy cousin's father owns the largest electronic retail store int he country with like 350 locations
theBeardoes it sell those crocodile polo shirts ? it's been too long, i need one again
hjfbut guess what
hjfmy cousin
FreezingColdhjf: you should have married her first, you probably knew her first too
hjf a woman obviously.. SHE CAN DRILL A FUCKING HOLE
FreezingColdokay, I'll stop myself there
hjfso anyway
FreezingColdhjf: I'm so tempted to make a drilling joke.. But I'll hold myself back
theBearspeaking of women, and drilling effing holes <grin> nah, too easy
hjfhe comes today to ask me about fiscal receipt printers
FreezingColdha, theBear couldn't resist
hjfand tells me he wants to start a business
theBearfiscal receipt printers, as opposed to those regular receipt printers eh
FreezingColdhjf: argentina IIRC?
hjftheBear: yes, they are special here in .ar, obviously. they have a ROM
theBearerr wha ? why
hjftheBear: you get LX-300 OR LX-300F which costs 10 times more cause of that ROM
jeremyabelwtf is in the ROM?
FreezingColdhjf: I doubt it, but ever been to Panama?
theBearhere you just buy any one from any company in the world, stick in your logo and *bam*
hjftheBear: so all receipts you print are stored in ROM
hjfFreezingCold: no
hjfso anyway
theBearpfft, i bet che never had a rom in his receipt printer
hjfthe guy asks me about that
hjfbecause he wants to start a business
hjfand not worry about stock
hjfhe will have employees
hjfa stock control software
hjfso he doesn't need to go to work
hjfand just go to the store like once a week to check the stock
theBearmeh, people ask me about taxes, i never even done a return, but i still know all about it.. there ain't no helping fool
hjfthis dude is like 30
hjfnever worked in his life
FreezingColdhjf: that goes for most graduate students too :p
theBeari'm like 30(ish) and i may never work again in my life :(
hjfand he wants to start a business.. but not go to work
theBearFreezingCold, they get what he said AND what i said :)
hjfi was there the other day with them and he comes out and goes like
FreezingColdtheBear: man I still don't get why you aren't able to find tons of work online, you're a smart dude
hjfoh they called us from HSBC they want us to go talk about some investment proposal
theBearthats how rich people think, spend money to make money, actually do ANY work for that money ? out of the question !
hjfand i go like. is this guy for real?
hjfand say 'ah yes, investment funds. i have my money on that. i'm getting 180% annual return'
hagbard180%? really?
hjffuck you, asshole. you think you're something? dude you never worked in your life. i live off dad's money too but at least i can drill a hole
theBearFreezingCold, cos i can't sit anywhere i can type for very long, some days more than others, and i ain't as sharp in my conscious thinking or as fast generally as i should be
hagbard0001ACTION thinks . o O ( bullshit. )0001
hjfhagbard: yes when economy is in shit, you get those crazy numbers
hjfhagbard: we have like 40% annual inflation
FreezingColdhjf: heh, that's risky then
theBeardamn ! that's almost as much inflation as my marlboros
hagbardhjf: the economy's been shit for 80 years, the only way people get those numbers is by stealing, fraud, or scam.
FreezingColdI checked, I can get like a 20% interest rate on a month to month basis if I put my money in an iranian bank :p
theBearhmm, how they drive that much inflation ? govt got the old cash-photocopiers running fulltime or what ?
hagbardI'm just barely old enough to remember australes.
FreezingColdtheBear: how long do you manage to spend on IRC? I'm not telling you to leave us, but you seem to be able to spend a bit of time here?
hjftheBear: 100 billion pesos las month
theBearFreezingCold, getting better recently, but i can never sit more than maybe 20mins without at least a little walk and a stretch, and if i do it takes a lot more than that to get back to not very uncomfortable
theBearhjf, holy eff balls !
FreezingColdtheBear: how about a tech support job?
hjfhagbard: http://www.fondosalpha.com.ar/Site/frmFactsheets.aspx
FreezingColdtheBear: you can be a bluetooth headset douchebag!
theBearmmm i dunno, i hate people, and windows, and ain't fond of osx
hjfhagbard: click on 'alpha acciones' and see the evolution of that thing
bobo1on1you basically hate everything
theBeartraditionally employers have been wise enough to keep me away from customers as much as possible, it just works better that way
theBearbobo1on1, nah, just common os's and ya know, humans
R0b0t1animals are nice and predictable
theBeari like flowers and animals, and musics
R0b0t1people? nah.
hagbardhjf: wow, that's the first time I've seen someone embed a PDF in a webpage.
bobo1on1ok, just let me know if you develop a fond hatred of spoons for example
jeremyabeltheBear: whatcha listening to these days?
bobo1on1or sand
bobo1on1nobody hates sand
theBearbobo1on1, no way man !
jeremyabeltheBear loves his spoons
theBearjeremyabel, ummmmm, been a bit lazy but i think i'm still on the various obscure and 'classic' techno bits and pieces i got off a backpacker buddies hd
FreezingColdtheBear: you do any Android dev stuff for fun?
theBeari think i can still play the spoons if it helps
hagbardFreezingCold: What do you do for fun?
theBearFreezingCold, haven't quite set up the full dev env and hello-worlded yet, but i know the os/linux side of things, and manufacturer eccentricites almost inside out these days
FreezingColdtheBear: want a $10 contract? :p
theBeartho in most cases i do have reservations about charging for software, even a couple bucks
jeremyabeltheBear: why?
jeremyabelit's your effort, you should get paid for it
theBearumm, if you don't demand a tax-invoice, and can get the money into the country, meh probly, but until i get over this surgery i am dangerously stupid
jeremyabelhow's getting over the surgery going?
FreezingColdtheBear: uh I listed it through elance
hagbardtheBear: Donations into a paypal account may work well enough. Leave the money in the paypal account and use it whenever you need to buy something that accepts paypal?
theBearjeremyabel, other people do similar effort and thus all these computers and devicey things surrounding me work for free, like technical/general knowledge, i always kinda felt instinctively that software should be free
FreezingColdtheBear: elance can go through paypal
theBearmmm, gettin there, gotta walk and irc a bit less this week, but basically aight
hjfhagbard: you know Soda Stereo?
jeremyabeltheBear: might I ask what it was surgery for? I'm not up on your medical issues, I guess
hagbardno, I'm sorry.
jeremyabelif you're comfortable sharing
theBearmmm, i got half a paypal account, got pissed off between the not accepting a prepaid credit card and the problems people have had
FreezingColdhagbard: read a lot
theBearbut when i smart enough to program, i'm smart enough to work that out
FreezingColdhagbard: plan different ideas/concepts that probably won't happen, but fun to think about
FreezingColdtheBear: I think you can link your bank account
hagbardtheBear: You have to accept that paypal doesn't want to be laundering money or hiding money for terrorists.
FreezingColdtheBear: you don't need a credit card for paypal, you can use a Visa Debit card fine
hagbardtheBear: But, yeah, I can appreciate that being obnoxious.
hagbardFreezingCold: I think he meant someone was trying to pay him, with paypal, using a prepaid credit card?
theBearyeah, until people get bored of it i don't mind repeating things (you repeat yourself a LOT in hospital land, like whole story to every person you see).. had some err, laminectomy and a big micro discectomy bout 3 weeks ago
blockyif i want to simulate analog circuits (<10 transistors, to start with) from linux via command line and editing netlists, which spice do i want to use?
jeremyabelgurpgork: niiiiice
Netwizardgood or bad?
theBearFreezingCold, mmm, in my world visa/mastercard is 'creditcard', regardless of modern realities, and if it comes to it they can probly have my 'can afford to get screwed' second visa numbers, but i'd kinda rather not.. their modern terms document is ridiculous, as is their treatment of all kinds of people/things they don't approve of
R0b0t1blocky: There's basically one spice with a bunch of front ends.
FreezingColdhagbard: an easy trick if you live in tourist city is to go to the currency printing/mint and buy coins at face value with the card; then go to your local bank and deposit them
theBearblockh34d, probly ngspice, but basically what R0b0t1 said
FreezingColdtheBear: just link a debit card and a bank account. Make the debit card attached to the same bank account you like, then you're only risking one account
theBearFreezingCold, so um, what kinda job would it be if i'm compis mentis before someone else does it ?
blockyare any of them free?
blockyor do i need to bug someone in the university to get me a license
FreezingColdtheBear: I had it listed for two weeks and nobody submitted a decent proposal. I'm trying to find/make a logo.bin file to flash on my nexus 7 that hides the stupid 'unlocked bootloader' logo thingy. I got a logo.bin from my Moto G that does that, but I doubt they're the same
hagbardblocky: I think some of them are.
theBearFreezingCold, yeah, that's what i said :) and i only put JUST enough cash on it anytime i'm expecting a charge, partly for protection, and partly cos i got pissed off at utilities and isp kinda companies that insist on visa/auto-charging instead of billing even their longtime customers, and moreso the way that i would put 20bucks on the card, walk up to the shops and find the isp had grabbed it with their monthly random-time-charging
theBearFreezingCold, interesting, you mean in the hboot screen right ?
FreezingColdtheBear: yeah I think that's it
theBearhmmm, i didn't know you could have a logo OR overwrite that, but remind me when i forget, i like little challenges like that, and due to my electronics background, often find that level stuff more straightforward than computer dudes
hagbardtheBear: I'm similar to you in that regard.
theBearwhy you wanna do it ? to sell, or just cos you don't like it showing that or what ?
FreezingColdtheBear: I don't get how it works, because somehow the stock logo.bin detects the bootloader is unlocked or something
theBearFreezingCold, we talking normal boot or when you hold maybe vol up and power and get a text only bootloader kinda screen ?
FreezingColdtheBear: the normal boot that says 'Google'
theBeari never seen a nexus up close, but ooooh, ok, that should be way easier
theBearyou tried just a generic startup animation replacer ? an app that is
theBearoh actually, at a guess it doesnt' detect it, it just prints it on top
bobo1on1I wish samsung would release android 4.4 for my galaxy s4 mini already
bobo1on1bluetooth a2dp is fucked on android 4.2.2
theBearhmm, getprop might show something
R0b0t1Can you even do that? I thought the firmware was supposed to make it impossible to tamper without leaving a mark
R0b0t1without serious RE
hjfwhere can i buy litz wire
hjfbut in like
hjfsmall quantities
R0b0t1the internet
hjflike 200 grams or so
theBearbobo1on1, last week i got REAL carried away with a galaxy ace/cooper, tried everything from stock 2.3.x's up to 4.4.? and at the moment sitting on a 4.3.something that does awesome bt keyboard, which is rare in any version and config
hjfbobo1on1: i need it to be a real place that can give me a receipt
theBeara lot of ebay sellers are real these days
theBearothwerwise electronical places is where i'd try, like rs/farnells/etc
FreezingColdtheBear: I think even my HTC Incredible got 4.x or something insane
bobo1on1you can just print out the paypal receipt
hjfbobo1on1: no like, it cannot be the paypal receipt, it has to be a real one
hjffor customs bullshit
theBearFreezingCold, haven't even setup the big/fast new sdcard i got, but hot damn it's running fast and smooth and comfortable on teh 4.3 nice and cutdown.. and it's a LOW spec phone
hjfthats why i can't order from china
R0b0t1hjf: What makes it a real receipt?
R0b0t1The law has to say somewhere, certainly?
R0b0t1Packing slip might/usually count(s).
hjfR0b0t1: it has to have the name and address of the seller and some tax id
bobo1on1I get a ridiculous amount of 'free gift' packages from china :)
theBearin this country just scribbbling 'tax receipt' and a business tax-reg-no somewhere on it makes it official
ShadowJK hm
ShadowJKI shouldn't go to exhibitions
ShadowJKnow I'm pondering buying 3 fluke meters :o(
theBearhmm, maybe i can smuggle electronics and hitech gear into argentina for a living
chris_99haha bobo1on1
hagbardtheBear: In his country, any opportunity an official has to potentially get a bribe or some kickback, they'll probably accept it.
hjftheBear: in this country you have to get your receipts (factura) printed at a registered print shop,
theBeari don't bribe, i take pride in my rule bending
theBearhjf, ooh, maybe i can borrow your cousin in laws fiscal printer :)
R0b0t1hjf: lolwhat
hjftheBear: the print shop will go into the tax agency's website and request an authorization to print receipts for you
cheater__hagbard: what country is that?
evilbettywhy not export to a country where the ppl can actually pay you :p
R0b0t1that is patently ridiculous
hjfevilbetty: you have to pay to export......
R0b0t1I really wonder what their justification was for requiring print shops to be authorized.
FreezingColdtheBear: anyway, just find a 1920x1200 logo.bin with the stock google logo; as long as the bootloader unlocked logo below disappears, I'm happy
hjfR0b0t1: receipts are numbered
hagbardcheater__: It's the continent, really. South America.
theBearwhy not live on the couple feet of spare room near the tv and pay rent in beer and cigarettes
R0b0t1I mean, if I qualify something as official, even if I wrote it, that just means it's easier for me to perjure myself
theBearFreezingCold, that's what i was saying, i don't think it will, the logo is printed OVER anything, then again, that's just a SLIGHTLY educated guess
hjfR0b0t1: i could go into many print shops and just print the same number receipts several times, and keep a 'real' one for tax purposes and give fake receipts to my clients
FreezingColdtheBear: it somehow disappeared on my moto g; let me DCC you the stock and replacement logo
evilbettydcc lol
theBearhmm, i let you try, but i think my dcc forwarding is still broke
evilbettyi suddenly feel in the 90s
bobo1on1I use a client that does not support dcc :)
FreezingColdtheBear: see it?
hjfbtw a receipt is an actual form
theBearunless you're not nat'd
R0b0t1hjf: So you're telling me the revenue service isn't smart enough to figure out fraud with copious hand-holding?
hjfnot just any piece of paper
hagbardFreezingCold: Nexus 7 or Nexus 7 (2013)
evilbettydoes dcc work for anyone with a nat router and no manual changes to the irc client settings
FreezingColdhagbard: 2013.
bobo1on1evilbetty: no
theBearyeah, they all failed, hmm, 403 forbidden ? wait
evilbettyand afaik since the 21st century everyone has a nat router
FreezingColdtheBear: fuck it, I'll sprunge them
hjfR0b0t1: the revenue service is able to just go into your bank account and collect taxes
R0b0t1hjf: I mean in the US if I sold you something and scribbled down my name and a price it'd probably be acceptable as a legal document
FreezingColdtheBear: er I might not be able to sprunge half a meg..
cheateryou know, given the amount of money the US jet set has, i'm surprised there isn't an enclave somewhere in south america where coke, lsd, and all the other vices are perfectly legal
evilbettyjust put it in the cloud
hjfR0b0t1: if i deposit money into my own account, i pay a tax (0.16%)
hjfR0b0t1: if i withdraw money from the same account I PAY THE SAME TAX AGAIN
theBearFreezingCold, try one more time
hjfR0b0t1: if i wire money betwen two accounts of mine. GUESS
evilbettythats in every country
bobo1on1a bank transfer tax? that is just ridiculous
theBearheh nah, but it was closer to working, gimme a moment
evilbettyif you have money you pay for it, if its not per transfer its in some other way
FreezingColdtheBear: let me just give you them via sprunge k?
hjfbobo1on1: yes.
theBearyeah k, i thought you said it was too big or something
evilbettyi pay over 40% of taxes on my salary
hjfbobo1on1: but it;s there. they put it in 2001 for the crisis, 'economic emergency law',
R0b0t1hjf: lol.
R0b0t1hjf: that's thoroughly insane
theBearwas gonna see if i can htaccess allow upload to my webserver, or just give yer a scp login
FreezingColdtheBear: curl -s http://sprunge.us/ARLR base64 -d xz -d > stocklogo.bin
bobo1on1sure, taxes on your salary, but taxes on moving money around is just evil
hjfthe government says we are better than ever..
FreezingColdtheBear: md5sum is 187908e994f5b42710d13dbb5126d6d2
hjfbut they keep pushing the economic emergency law 1 more year every time
evilbettyits the same, i also pay for storing my money
cheaterhjf: where is that?
bobo1on1I would move money around in single cent transfers just to fuck with them
theBearcurl, oldschool, surprised i still got it installed :)
evilbettythen again ill kindly pass for south america:p
FreezingColdbobo1on1: I do that a lot but not to fuck around with people :p
hjfbobo1on1: its rounded to one cent
bobo1on1down or up
theBearFreezingCold, looks good
hjfup of fucking course
hjfthe government is full of thieves
hjfthey are ahead you
FreezingColdtheBear: okay that's the stock logo for the moto g, let me send you the 'hacked' version with no unlocked bootloader
hjfR0b0t1: you know whats worse? ANY country can do that. we just do it because we're worse. but the US has even more awful 'provisions' that would scare the shit out of you
hagbardFreezingCold: It looks like the unlocked bootloader warning screen is put there by the bootloader itself.
bobo1on1we have high tax on inheritance
hjfsounds like my government is crazy but the US just doesn't need to do it. but it very well could
hjfbobo1on1: dude you have that bullshit corporate tax that keeps all your companies outside
evilbettywhy do you have to hide youur bootloader?
bobo1on1so you save money that already has taxes paid over it, then you die, taxes have to be paid again
hagbardFreezingCold: Also, the moto g and the asus nexus 7 aren't really the same thing.
hjfbobo1on1: yes but like this woman said: that's the government taking money over your dead body. who gives a fuck
R0b0t1hjf: Well, I'm aware of things that are like you describe in the US, but they're typically associated with high-volume business.. not a small business or two people interacting
shrdlu-hjf, I heard that Argentina has realised it has vast shale gas reserves
FreezingColdhagbard: theBear can probably throw it up on a hex editor and see what's changed maybe?
hjfshrdlu-: and we need 25 billion dollars to exploit them. would you lend us?
hagbardFreezingCold: How would that help your Nexus 7?
theBeari'll look into that if he doesn't get excited and solve it before i can focus good
hjfshrdlu-: the government has 27 billion dollars in the central bank reserve. thats it
bobo1on1you could exploit a small bit, make money, exploit more
theBearbut i got some other basics to check first too, also grab a getprop export for me while we at it, on the nexus
bobo1on1standard business practice
hagbardFreezingCold: I don't have either device, but they're not related. It's like looking at changes in a ford engine to fix a chevrolet one.
evilbettyare you installing ubuntu mobile lol
hjfR0b0t1: small businesses (like me) haev our own 'small taxpayer' thing. i pay a single tax that covers everything. $80/mo allows me to bill up to $20K/yr
shrdlu-hjf, you need to get your ass down there with a pick axe and a siphon
hagbardFreezingCold: I don't mean to dissuade you; but it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.
theBearhagbard, probably slightly related, pretty sure a bootloader can't print over the bootlogo from outside-os in android land, and very few companies bother to show unlocked outside of the bootloader/hboot/fastboot screens
theBearand it don't gotta make sense to him, i just need a handful of hinty facts
hjfshrdlu-: what for? we gave these to Chevron in a secret contract to perpetuity
shrdlu-oh :(
hagbardtheBear: Fair enough.
shrdlu-chevron are fucking evil
evilbettyand crazy
hjfR0b0t1: i have a bank account in the US. since i'm not a citizen, the IRS takes 30% of all i make in interests there
evilbettyyou should have used swiss :p
hagbardor bahamas
Loshkihjf: no reciprocal tax relief agreement?
hjfevilbetty: do the swiss allow you to open a bank account via email? :P
evilbettynah switserland is releasing many names these days to financial inspections of the countries pp are from
hjfLoshki: i dont wnt my government knowing i have that
hjfalso guyd
evilbettyso no more switzerland
hjflol delaware
evilbettydelaware sounds like a cookie factory
Loshkihjf: hiding money from the government? They *love* that..
theBear'well howdy pardner, we're in texas , yeehaw !' 'we're in .. delaware'
hjfdelaware is us' homegrown fiscal paradise
theBearhehe, that early mike myers, genius
theBearkinda like that matrix dude before the matrix when he did cool movies
evilbettyi never saw the matrix
evilbettyi remember i turned the first one off because it bored me
theBearbut you SHOULD see 'so i married an axe murderer' ! and bill and teds bogus journey
hagbardhjf: yes, lol delaware. delaware is very much one of the more ridiculous states in th eunion.
hjftheBear: how about point break
hjfi mean dude
hjfi coul open a company in delaware myself
hjfi think i should do that, just for shits and giggles
theBearhjf, umm, i dunno, that's one of the ones that if i did see it, it was right in the peak of my drug and alcahol abuse, and at best i got hazy images of a hallway/living room
theBeara shop that sells shits and giggles ?
hjftheBear: it's the one where he jumps off a plane and grabs the guy with the parachute mid-air
evilbettyare those even comedies?
hjfevilbetty: no..it's serious
evilbettyi only watch comedies
theBearhjf, lots of movies done that now :)
theBearevilbetty, good boy :)
hjfi wonder what would happen if i ever request a US tourist visa and they find about my company in delaware
theBearyou'll be labelled a terrorist and sent to the bay
hjfi refuse to go through the US visa process
hjfi should get my italian passport
evilbettyget one from a nonnoisy country :p norway or so, you'll be welcome everywhere :p
hjfto get a us visa you need to prove you don't want to go live there
hjfevilbetty: argentine passport is allowed everywhere except US, canada and australia
hjf3 months in the EU, 6 months in the UK even
hjfso anyway, i'll probably get my request denied if i try to get a us visa
evilbettywho'd wanna stay here 3 months, or 6 months in uk :/
hjfcause like, i dont have a house, car, 'real job', wife
evilbettyand us
hjfi'm 31 and living with my parents. they will probably stamp my passport DENIED
hjfyou know how they give you a visa there? you have to leave your pasport at the US embassy
hjfand 2-3 weeks later they will return it with the visa, that takes 1 full page of your passport
theBearrelevant and then related but unrelevant.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FmXsl7msQ8 leading to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-qxeC-QOsM and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK4XTIY_R2s
evilbettythats a lot of youtube
evilbettyim nervous
theBearevilbetty, it's all comedy !
evilbettyi got a week off next week, but shouldf honestly use it for finding a new job
theBearand final clip loosely related to electronics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8Sg7bq6wuw
evilbettybut knowing myself im just gonna be lazy and glad im off work
evilbettytuesday after i have that evaluation im already worried for for months
evilbettywould be kinda nice having a new job and being able to say ascrew you all during my evaluation
evilbettybut a week and half thats not gonna happen lol
theBearhi beaky !
beakyhello theBear
evilbettyyoutube comedy
evilbettyusually with a video resolution to cry for
evilbettylittle fockers on tv
theBearit's real comedy, cartoon network are just assholes so you only get little chunks on the tube
evilbettynot my type of comedy, but i may as well leave it on
evilbettyit got dark early very fast
evilbettyim still stuck with the idea that if it gets dark its 22h
evilbettybut its not even 21h yet
theBeardamn, you got the daylight savings or you living with polar bears ?
evilbettyhehe i assume daylight savings will kick in soon
evilbettynot sure
evilbettyto save the day!
theBearholy crap it gets dark late tehre
evilbettymcpixel saves the day
theBeari like mc chris
evilbettymcpixel is cooler :p
evilbettyhe's a ginger that saves ppl by getting rid of the bomb
theBearmc chris is a cartoon voice artist AND a novelty/joke famous mc
theBearmy buddy in teh other channel even met him !
blockh34dalso, his backback has jets
blockh34di heard he's hilarious
theBearthey've got the bomb ?
blockh34dbought some weed from a friend once
blockh34dimmediately kicked him out of the dressing room after
blockh34d'ok now get out'
evilbettyfull of washing powder
evilbettyyou have a dressing roomù?
theBeardoesn't everybody ?
blockh34dhe did
blockh34dhe's mc chris
evilbettyisnt a dressing room a separate room with a mirror and racks of dresses?
blockh34di think normally that would be lame, getting ejected like that, but when mc Chris does it its funny
blockh34dcause he's hilarious
evilbettyis it really
evilbettyi generally get annoyed by people that find themselves funny and act like it
evilbettyeccept when its me ofc
blockh34dmaybe its something about his voice
theBearnah, he's a jester, awesome people find him funny, and he was gonna act like that anyway :)
blockh34dits just really hard to take seriously
theBearhis voice is a big factor
evilbettyeverything froze except irc
theBearif google hadn't effed youtube so hard i'd have a link by now
blockh34dtheBear: yah, its right in line with the ATHF sort of humor
evilbettyi need an arduino
theBearpretty sure he was in athf, shake maybe, he plays the dude that is inside shake in one of the post modernist bits
evilbettyi need to decode some IR but dont feel like writing my own code
blockh34dtheBear: Yeah i think he's one of the moonites? something like that
theBearpffft, you need lirc or a real avr and the stock rc5 lib from avr-c
theBearhmmm, i can see him being grrr (the little one)
evilbettythat would be nice but its not rc5 :pp
theBeari been getting scary good at picking cartoon voices recently
blockh34dMitnicknock and ERRR
theBearevilbetty, what then, sony protocol '?
blockh34dThey are from THE MOON
evilbettysamsung & nec
evilbettysamsung is same as nec with a different startpulse tho
theBeartheir vertical leap is beyond all comprehension !
blockh34dtheBear: oh thanks i can never remember how to spell his name
theBearhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7c97JnBhbM selection of mc chris parts in sealab
theBeari dunno if that's how you spell it, but that's how you say it
blockh34dJazz Cola, best episode
shrdlu-joan rivers died
blockh34dof sealab
theBearshrdlu-, holy crap ! i saw her and her daughter on tv just last night
evilbettyok ill click it
blockh34daww, she was fun i'll miss her
evilbettybut i really hope its worth it
blockh34dsuch a funny sense of humor
cheaterthat's a human being?
theBearblockh34d, i'm quite fond of the mouse-head robots and legend of baggypants (monster hesh/golf)
blockh34doh i dont know the first one but the second is a classic you're right
evilbettyno audio, and without sound i dont wanna be watching cartoons about male cheerleaders :p
blockh34di think jazzcolor was the first time most people heard the bobafette song
blockh34djazzcola i mean
theBearno audio ? wtf ? adultswim effing you or just google effing the tube ?
evilbettyare you prepared to be the gothfocker? the goatfucker? the gothfocker.
evilbettyno audio cable plugged into pc
theBearoh, work, yeah heh
evilbettyno im home its 21h
evilbettyi just dont have my audiocable plugged in, its laying next to pc
theBeardude !
evilbettybut my feet are on my pc and im in a good position :p
cheatersounds like asshole
evilbettyand then after that i'd have to stretch my arm to reach mixer
cheater0001ACTION puts evilbetty's arm in a blender0001
cheaterdid that for you
evilbettyi have a titanium arm
blockh34ddoes it blend?
blockh34dthat doesnt sound right
blockh34dpretty sure everything but Chuck Norris blends
evilbettyit doesnt get blended
evilbettyit sure blends
evilbettythen make me some code
theBearooh titanium chameleon, all blending with stuff
evilbettysamsung ir decoding code
theBearsamsung ? they use rc5
evilbettythey dont
theBearthe two in the next room do, or rc something at least
evilbettythey use nec with a different startpulse like i said 5 min ago
theBearwell i didn't listen then
evilbettyi noticed
theBearwhy don't you tell me what you really think
evilbettybecause im trying to be polite today :p
theBear0001ACTION imagines betty going mental on the other side of the world0001
theBearaww, i'm not, but i was nice to begin with <grin>
evilbettyStep 5: Your C-Based Project Should Be On C: Drive
theBeardamn i gotta learn to stash alachol like the alcaholics in movies.. i'm all sober, that's the problem today
blockh34dtheBear: check the toilet tank
blockh34dalso in the overhead lights
theBearblockh34d, i always thought that was the best one in movies, but only ever did it myself at old old work
theBeari had my own office and ensuite toilet :)
blockh34di keep wishing someone would use a prosthetic arm as like, a kegerator or something
LoshkiBetween the sofa cushions. In the filing cabinet. Under the vacuum cleaner (safest place in our house. It'll *never* be discovered).
blockh34dlittle arm shaped flask
theBearnow that's what my walkin' stick needs, a flask ! i'd use that WAY more than a silly sword
blockh34dfor sure
evilbettyan arm shaped flask reminds me of this http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v493/scubastza/Blog%20Stuff/funky.jpg
LoshkiLittle British Joke: Q) where do the French hide their money? A) under the soap
evilbettynot very safe for sork
evilbettynot very unsafe either
bobo1on1theBear: get a hollow walking stick
bobo1on1which you can drink out of
theBearin schwarzennegers action blockbuster 'red heat' there's a dude with a pegleg full of coke, till arnie tears it off and smashes it on the floor of the cafe they in
theBearLoshki, lol
blockh34devilbetty: hahah what a funky kids bracelet!
blockh34dcan you imagine the poor kid that gets that as a gift and decides to wear it to school
theBearbobo1on1, it's already hollow ! and well, obviously that you can drink out of, that's what flask are for
evilbettyher son didnt wear it much :p
blockh34d'back to school gift'
hjfjoan rivers died
theBearwhy people keep saying that ?
hjfhow am i going to laugh at the red carpet now
hjfevilbetty: that evil bitch who laughed at celebrities clothes
theBearlol @ bracelet
blockh34dhjf: i dunno, she's irreplacable
evilbettydidnt she do some soap?
blockh34dmaybe betty white can step in for a while
theBeari dunno, that voice was gold, and she acted increasingly in her later years
bobo1on1so apparently there is an ongoing investigation how it could happen that joan rivers got cardiac arrest during surgert
blockh34dcarry the torch of hilarious old gals on the red carpet
theBearbetty white doesn't sound like a jewish zombie at all !
bobo1on1well, maybe it's because she's fucking 81 years old
blockh34dshe could
blockh34dbetty white has a lot of range
blockh34dand can drop an f-bomb like no other
evilbettyanyuway with craigs you never know if its a joke or not i guess
ShadowJKThey put a tube down her nose and it accidentally dislodged coke
theBeari'm barely over a 3rd of that age and i had to sign something that said i understand that can happen during an operation, everyone knows that
blockh34di blame that icebucket challenge
theBeari miss the golden girls
blockh34dno real rational reason why
blockh34di just hate that shit
blockh34dshe did the icebucket thing a week beforehand
evilbettywhats the name of that long running soap again
evilbettybold and beautiful woop
theBearmiz doob-wah and the ever lovely bea
theBearShadowJK, heh
blockh34dyah, such a mold-breaker of a show
LoshkiI am not to be revived unless I can do an hour of stand-up. -- Joan Rivers
theBearhmm, friend of mums did that icebucket thing on the weekend at work, wonder if he's dead too
blockh34dpreviously i think people just assumed that when actresses hit 40 they get recycled or launched into the sun or something
evilbetty2014 must be the year of the new tv programs
theBearblockh34d, err, previously they did :)
evilbettyi never saw so many new tv programs at once after summer
evilbettyi even saw some funny things :p
LoshkiIt's like the Japanese soft drink approach to TV shows..
theBeari don't mind this cougartown show
blockh34dwell thank-the-spaghetti-monster for the golden girls then, cause older ladies crack me up with their comedy, I guess cause you expect them to be all prim and polite
blockh34dwhats her name from grandmas boy
blockh34dgrandmas boy kinda reminds me of golden girls
theBeargrandmas boy ?
blockh34doh hell ya
blockh34dyou gotta watch that shit
blockh34dlike 3 times on repeat at least
blockh34dcatch up with the rest of the world
theBeari don't wanna catch up with them, but i'll watch this
blockh34dyou could never catch up with me at watching grandmas boy
blockh34di have the high score
blockh34dlove that movie
evilbettylol geeks
theBearyeah, well err, it's quite possible i know every sealab and aqua teen episode word for word, including the aqua something you know season and the un-beeped version of the fcc rant about tattooing a gorilla in guatamala
evilbettytrying to beat eachother in watching the same movie the most
theBearpfft, i never watched it, and i won in the cartoon watching category for 500 points, what is awesome ? i ain't no geek, yo
evilbettynormal nongeek ppl saw police academy the most
blockh34dtheBear: nice. I actually build an e-helmet
blockh34deDork is my fav ATHF
blockh34dalso Super Model
theBeari saw all 3 police academies a lot in the 80s, but since then cartoons came into their element
evilbettyall 3?
Sendoushihey guys. help me here. for guitar pedals which NPN transistor would you use? Something easy for a noob to use
theBearblockh34d, heh, can you text message and express your electronic emotions via your forehead ?
LoshkiI've seen every doctor who episode ever. Started when I was 5 years old..
evilbettynever saw dr who
theBearSendoushi, whatever is lying around without more info, you know, bc3 or bc5 something maybe, ?n2222 maybe
blockh34dtheBear: Yes I can, in a variety of fonts. Also, it has a power antenna
Sendoushihmm ok then
Loshkievilbetty: you need to fix that..
Sendoushiso i'll buy just the cheapest
theBeari been missing monkey magic recently, and do i remember seeing an ad for the musical vesion recently ?
drac_boyjust wondering but any light suggestions on a nice audio codec for mobile purpose? (onboard speaker/mic, external line-out source, and one digital output source as well)
theBearblockh34d, awesome !
drac_boyapparently the intel HDA needs an external codec so
theBeardrac_boy, probly anything you see in pcs or lappies
evilbettymetal 2n2222a ones :p
theBearhda is actually more of a protocol/bus standard than an actual 'card'
drac_boythebear mm so realtek?
blockh34dtheBear: i'm just kidding it does neither of those things but it is incredibly dorky looking
theBearmost of them made up of 2 or 3 chips
theBeardrac_boy, or crystal
drac_boythebear..thats what I was starting to suspect when I saw it mentioning for external codec
Loshkievilbetty: try the episode called 'blink'. It's fairly standalone. You'll know after that if you want to see more..
blockh34dtheBear: http://s13.postimg.org/kvykdw2dz/IMG_2521.jpg
drac_boycrystal? didn't know that still existed hmm..ty going look up now :->
evilbettyyou forgot the tinfoil head part
theBearhttp://www.carmi.se/misterstarshine/img/conv_1.jpg here's one boo made earlier
evilbettyis that an old or new dr who?
theBearblockh34d, hehehe, i like it
blockh34dif i ever make a housing its going to have an uncanny resemblence to the eHelmet
theBearblockh34d, does it have nightrider lights where the filter used to go ?
blockh34dand i really will put a motorized useless antenna on it
blockh34dit should
evilbettywhat does uncanny mean?
blockh34di will put that on the list of upgrades
evilbettyi read this a lot lately
evilbettyalso with comics
blockh34dit means xmen is awesome
blockh34dactually means 'unnaturally awesome'
theBearuncanny, like umm, unsettlinglym aybe
evilbettywat :p
blockh34dseems to normally have a positive tone
theBearlike, err, amazingly maybe
blockh34dlike 'that is freakish but cool'
theBearit's commonly used as a measure of how much two things are alike
evilbettyits it invented in a comic or so? :p
blockh34dit was part of the title of the Xmen comic
theBearno, it's a real word :)
theBearoh, the uncanny xmen
blockh34dfor a while, maybe still is. The Uncanny X-Men
theBearheh, old school, back when dragonball hadn't yet grown a z
evilbettythats a long time ago
evilbettyalready as a small kid dbz irritated me on tv
blockh34dfor a while I owned the first 12 xmen
theBearme too, i liked very few cartoons until i grew up and learned to appreciate them
blockh34dnot the actual xmen
evilbettythe ones not worth much? :p
theBearuncanny (German: Das Unheimliche, 'the opposite of what is familiar') that's a good one
blockh34devilbetty: no they were pretty pricey. Got a good deal at a comic show once
evilbettyi have the first duffman comic :p
theBearwow, no wonder it's so hard to define, it's a complex meaning
theBearherm, heimliche is familiar ?
evilbettyand a graph with a moustache
theBearhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny#mediaviewer/File:Mori_Uncanny_Valley.svg yeah, that's gold !
theBeareverything is improved with a moustache
drac_boymm Cirrus..been a long time I ever heard that name
drac_boywhat was that last time I ever saw cirrus.oh yeah an old vga agp card that only had 2D capacity alone yet
theBeari suspect you mean pci, and yeah, they oldschool, i got one right here, think i had one in the xt days too
evilbettyagp is not old :p
theBeardefinately 286 days
blockh34dEngage TURBO Mode
evilbettyi had a trident with 512kB ram:p it kicked ass :p
evilbettytrident 9000 or so
blockh34di think i had one of those too actually
drac_boythebear.actually it was agp..you had to wonder how many 2D-only cards ended up in the early agp era
blockh34dback in 3d studio R4 days
ikarusTrident 8900 ISA
theBeardrac_boy, not many, most of the companies that made them had already died
ikarusI still own that one
evilbetty16bit isa
ikarusdrac_boy: AGP ? i740 Intel was 2D only
theBearconsider there were LOTS of pci and isa 3d accell overlay cards, but i can't think of a single agp one
drac_boythebear.yeah..and beside agp bandwidth was kinda wasted on not having 3D included too
theBearmmm, to an extent, things like full def dvds and hd stuff killed a pci in a hurry
evilbettyi assume you can control your own isa vga card with an mcu
drac_boythebear thats a very tiny group of users tho
theBearmmmm, this grandmas boy movie looks good in the gimage machine
blockh34dtheBear: it really is a classic
drac_boypci replaced isa rather easily only because there was actually plenty of everyday things that could easily choke on even the best 16bit isa buses
theBearmeh, my voodoo 2 and tseng 4000 are classics
evilbettyback in the days you had another slot for videocards
evilbettyforgot the name
drac_boyevilbetty likely it was just the same slots but maybe with a dedicated bus
blockh34di only remember PCI and then AGP and then PCI-Express
blockh34dthere was another?
evilbettyisa and something
drac_boymind you there was one pci oddity that I do recall of.. the B&W G3 may had several pci slots but you always explictly put your pci video card in the first slot as it was 'paired' for high bandwidth . the other slots got lower priority
theBearherm, way back you mighta had a vesa-local (vl) bus, that was like a pci extra-slot in front of 16bit isa slots
drac_boythebear.I believe that was generally stuffed with storage controller cards for most part
drac_boyjust like pci-x never saw much of any non-storage useage either
theBearmaybe, i couldn't afford storage controllers back then, but i did eventually get a video card for it
theBearthat was way before pci
drac_boybut anyway thebear..I think my point was..audio, tv tuner, most data streams, etc all still can be done within the pci bus .. so it still has quite plenty of uses
evilbettymaybe it was just e-isa
drac_boycompared to isa which late on was easy to choke out
theBearwow, that musta been an early mach64
theBearevilbetty, vl bus, like that last link
evilbettyits one of them anyway
theBearmmmm, pci gets real tight with even a single full pal def and framerate video running in realtime uncrompressed, need all kindsa tuning and a decent hw buffer on yer capture to not bottleneck and choke regularly
evilbettyvl or eisa
drac_boyoh and if anyone's wondering.its official.. Ricoh doesn't even sell any card controllers anymore . only Ti still has relative products for expresscard/cardbus controllers
theBearhmm, isn't eisa just 16bit isa
drac_boythebear..umm.I dunno what you're talking about because a 720p tv source and 1394a card could coexist on same bus and never shoot each others down
theBearheh, i ain't used a laptop card since before ricoh was into the business :)
evilbettyhttp://i.stack.imgur.com/ualb8.jpg :p
RabtheBear, EISA was 32 bit.
theBeardrac_boy, try it while that bus shares with storage and north/south bridge and even a tiny base load and talk to me again, and remember raw is MUCH bigger than dtv data streams if that what you thinking about
drac_boyrab whatever happened to eide? (not same thing I know but the mention of the 'E' letter had me wondering)
evilbettyanyway its not that important
RabWeird stuff: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:KL_ELSA_Winner_1000_ISA_EISA.jpg
theBearRab, damn, i forgot a slot :(
theBeardrac_boy, everything started supporting the additions and it just got called ide again
theBearhehe, upside down upside down mr squiggle
drac_boythebear..you're thinking that a bridge somehow can know what a *400mhz* ram is yet not know what pci slots are..try again?
theBearooooh, sip ram modules
evilbettyoh lol i didnt see the other connector
theBeardrac_boy, what ?
evilbettyare you sure they're ram
evilbettyi assulmed they were resistor arrays where you dont put ram
theBearevilbetty, yep, graphics card, that age, sip, ram
drac_boyheh evilbetty
theBearvery rare
evilbettyand worth nothing!
evilbetty0001ACTION removes his ! key0001
dhrosahmm, how to cut through steel cable
dhrosathe thin shit used on bike shifters
evilbettywith my included key remover tool :p
theBearand i'm saying that 33mhz bus with variable latencies and associated overhead % changes, and absolutes like storage governor timeouts and deadlines, that pci is tight for a lot of stuff
drac_boyjust curious but does 'stereo aid mono line-level' mean anything specific?
theBeardhrosa, depends what ya got, i tend to use my mini-boltcutters recently
evilbettyit sounds chinese
theBearsounds kinda hearing loop related
RabI heard PCI was technically pretty crappy. As in, max length was four slots before signal reflections started causing problems..if you saw a MB with more than four slots it had two PCI controllers.
drac_boywell thats what it says near bottom http://www.cirrus.com/en/products/cs4202.html
RabAnd that's why moving cards to different slots sometimes helped.
theBearRab, the 2 controllers for over 4 slots isn't strictly true, but all that makes sense
drac_boyrab actually two controllers would perhaps be because of it being a high-bandwidth board where someone actually was running several highend cards at once
drac_boybut most cheap atx boards did with just one because very few users ever really were bothering
drac_boymind you some tyan boards did have three due to the heavy uses of scsi-raid cards etc
theBearespecially early on, and depending on bios and os even today (in my world) juggling slots for all kinds of enumeration and pnp-style-assignments like irqs makes sense often
synx508horrible memories of hard-wired IRQs that shared with things that weren't compatible
evilbettywith a circus music
theBearthe old alpha boxes had all kinds of bridges, pci and other weird fairly specific/proprietry kinda interfaces
evilbettyratataratarara tarata
RabI think PCI might have relied on reflections for timing, but I don't know much about it.
drac_boy(then again Ultra 320 Raid was exactly why tyan had 2-3 slots per full controller cards)
theBearmeh, pci is still a fairly basic/traditional bus, 33mhz standard, 32 datalines on normal, decent address space, discrete (yet shared) irq lines
FreezingColdfuck yeah I passed my entrance exam
Rabsynx508, I was just thinking about that the other day. Sound cards and IDE controllers with a million unmarked jumpers to choose address/IRQ..better not lose one!
drac_boybut home users..well..heck the Promise TX133 cards barely even used half of the given bus width at all
theBearhooray ! are you inside now ?
hagbarduhh, most enterprise motherboards had multiple PCI busses anyways.
theBearthat's cos the promise cards were slow :)
drac_boythebear.not really.it was the hds that were the limit
theBeardrac_boy, oh yeah, how quickly we forget :)
drac_boyit explains why even although ATA133 existed most hds still were only marked as ATA100
evilbettypromise woop, that was the brand i was thinking of a few days ago but couldnt remember
drac_boyand anyway thebear did you see that cirrus link above?
hagbarddrac_boy: we had an Intel E7500 based board - actually, it's in my basement - every 2 PCI or PCI-X slots were on a seperate bus.
theBearthey were starting to get into on-hd 'big' buffers at that stage too, no command queing in ata but still the extra cable speed didn't hurt, also often sharing a single ide bus between two devices
theBearumm nup
drac_boyevilbetty Promise still makes budgetary controller cards to today .. if you just wanted lazy JBOD expansion then that was who you bought
drac_boybut for real raid..adaptec/etc are better off
evilbettyi was treing to remember the raid controller on my p4
synx508I was using SCSI-UW (or was it UW2?) when those promise cards came out. They were so pathetic.
theBeari still got a couple dac960 scsi2 raid cards soemwhre, they were AWESOME
theBeardrac_boy, heh it totally does. i suspect that means mono headphone output
drac_boysynx.heh.scsi was more toward Adaptec . I can't recall of anyone else that even did it well at all :->
evilbettyi got a hw raid card with ultra scsi here too somewhere, and 2 15k disks
Shawn286*Howdy :D
evilbettybut i dont use it
evilbettyits in a dell server thats just qstanding against the wall
drac_boythebear.ty anyway, if '6-channel playback' means analog audio then I think I probably like that codec chip
synx508I had a 4G IBM disk, which ran hotter than anything I've used since
Shawn286fixed a couple bad solder connections, and replaced a power cable in my laptop's ac adapter :D
synx508I gave it a dedicated 120mm fan
Shawn286no more laptop shutoffs when I move the ac adapter
theBeardrac_boy, can't think what else it could mean, and it matches similar spec pc output specs
hagbardOh, god, HW raid adapters were so slow back then. i960 based crap
theBearerg, stretching can do no more, i gonna watch a movie
Shawn286anyone here familiar with DipTrace?
theBearhagbard, other people probly had post 4gb sized scsi drives, but those 960 things kicked ass on big arrays of shitty old disks
drac_boyhagbard mind you I kinda skipped x86 computers on and off back then . still somewhat doing it to today :->
synx508i960 was developed for something else entirely wasn't it? RADAR or something?
hagbardtheBear: yeah
hagbardtheBear: Fair enough
theBearseacrest out
drac_boywonder how old the adaptec 6405E card must be anyway
hagbardI suppose an i960 doesn't suck so bad compared to a TI SuperSparc @ 35MHz. :)
theBearmy adaptec 29?? and err, 27?? are pretty old
hagbardsynx508: Maybe the i860? It was supposed to be the fpu monster.
hagbardtheBear: 2940
theBearhot damn it took a long time to build glibc and gcc on a supersparc, even with dual 60mhz procs
evilbettyi960, wasnt that one in the xray machine teardown on mikeselec
hagbardtheBear: or 2940UW, 2940U2W, then it went 29160/39160, 29320/39320.
theBearyeah, 2940
theBearthe other one was older, similar setup but scsi1/10mb max
synx508I had a 2940U2W, then a 39160 I believe
hagbardI remember reading mailing lists, knowing nothing, and insisting on a Symbios or buslogic scsi card, 'Because that's what Linus used.'
theBeari still use the 2940 if i ever use the scanner
hagbardsynx508: the 39160 was dual bus, and 64bit pci-x
theBearanyway, gotta recline, for health, l8r
hagbardtheBear: take it easy.
theBearyou can rely on that ;-)
hagbardsynx508: The frustrating thing of the 39160/39320 were vhdci connectors.
hagbardtheBear: watch the jason scott presentations!
hagbardtheBear: I'll get you the youtube link.
drac_boymm sorry to ask but any thought on what 'single-ended output' could mean on an audio chip?
hagbardtheBear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSWqx8goqSY&index=1&list=PLx_a2qpaf00U7gVa38PvvsquRNFZ9zOvT
dhrosadrac_boy: as opposed to differential
hagbarddrac_boy: not differential
hagbarddrac_boy: Like proaudio XLR's
drac_boysorry but I'm a bit naive to certain audio things .. whats non-differential audio? or is that just another term for unbalanced?
hagbardunbalanced, yes.
drac_boyahhh.think I get it now ty hagbard
synx508oh, this card seems to be a LSI Logic 213230, whatever that is. It's 64 bit but single bus. Pretty sure I have a 39160 somewhere
hagbarddrac_boy: it's like SE/LVD scsi
hagbardsynx508: IMHO, the LSI was a better adapter.
drac_boyhagbard I had to ask because a smaller Cirrus chip basically is Serial Input on the host side and Single-Ended on the audio source side . but its making sense now tho
drac_boyagain ty :)
drac_boy0001ACTION will have to see if the Intel HDA is indeed some sort of serial bus as to go with this little codec chip0001
hagbarddrac_boy: Yes, but it's not as easy to use as AC97
drac_boyhagbard since you mentioned it now - I had to mention: isn't it funny how a lot of people always called scuzzy a 'black magic' or 'voodoo' only because they are having a bad day trying to get anything to work? :P
drac_boyme I've never had any problem with various types of scsi setups..maybe I just knew what I was doing or simply got lucky all the times :p
hagbarddrac_boy: Because they didn't read the manual and learn how to terminate their bus properly?
hagbardThe same deal with IDE and CSEL/Cable Select
drac_boy0001ACTION throws a very thick RTFM bible at the direction of hagbard's head0001
drac_boylike that? ^^^
hagbardPeople didn't bother to learn how it worked to use it properly - wihch is insane, because it's incredibly straightforward.
hagbarddrac_boy: I didn't have problems either - but I would read the manual.
drac_boyCable Select..wasn't that the one where the ide ribbon was traced out in a certain way that channel 0 was always going to be master and channel 1 was slave?
hagbarddrac_boy: I mean, I had trouble finding a 3944 - the HVD version of the 3940 and an HVD terminator to run an old DLT tape drive.
hagbarddrac_boy: Yes, basically.
drac_boyI've never ever came across such ribbons myself but I've heard about it nevertheless
hagbarddrac_boy: you have.
hagbarddrac_boy: In fact, I bet you that every single IDE cable you have works that way.
shrdlu-* GentileBen is now known as SirCrispinTheJew
hagbarddrac_boy: there was rarely a visible cut in the cable.
drac_boyI generally only had 1-2 ide drives per system at the time anyway (so it was either cdrom on primary master or hd on primary master and cdrom on secondary master)
hagbarddrac_boy: Sure, I don't mind.
drac_boydid sometimes use single-channel ribbons tho
drac_boy(oddly enough it was dell systems salvaging that provided most of them)
hagbardsure, super-shorty's.
synx508I've got one of those nice 3ware IDE RAIDs in a box here. It was the only decent IDE RAID
hagbardAlso could get stupidly long ones out of Macs
hagbardsynx508: Yeah, agreed.
drac_boyhagbard well I liked them better because I -never- had any kind of slave drives anyway (any extra hds was always off the pci scsi card anyhow)
drac_boysay hagbard I'm just asking but what sort of drives do you like to buy these days whether for yourself and/or for others you're helping out?
drac_boyand as for that 'not as easy as AC97' remark earlier on.well..I don't mind it if it means a smaller footprint seeing I don't need much fancy audiowork
drac_boybut yeah if it was going take another hour to program.I'll probably skip it for sure
hagbarddrac_boy: Drives for anything in particular?
hagbarddrac_boy: Generally, SSDs. Samsung or Intel SSDs.
FreezingColdso stupid question incoming.
FreezingColdCan I use three 3.3V voltage regulators together to get 9.9V?
hagbarddrac_boy: For 3.5' drives, basically bigass SATAs. I still have some machines at work with 12 or 48 4TB drives.
hagbarddrac_boy: I loathe optical drives.
FreezingColdI don't even have an optical drive
hagbarddrac_boy: I haven't been able to muster the courage to throw away my tape drive collection.
SpeedEvilI have a decent optical drive. It can do 0.4G for three months.
hagbarddrac_boy: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/99642288/2014-03-20%2013.47.34.jpg
drac_boyhagbard mm.for me its generally seagate constellation on most systems with exception of some old samsung hds for any laptops needing replacement drives
DusteDI was disappointed when I looked for new motherboards, there's no god-damn floppy controllers on them any more!
hagbarddrac_boy: The SAS or SATA variants of the constellations?
drac_boyand system with no optical drive = either it gets one or its going into the for-scrapper junk bin . sorry but thats just the way it is around here ^_^
drac_boydusted heh :)
drac_boydusted why do you still need disk drives btw
soil-dor even worse trying a sata dvd-rom with a windows for it to tell you afther loading to put in dvd-rom drivers
drac_boyhagbard sas variant
hagbarddrac_boy: Yeah, I don't think they're worth the expense unless they're in a dual-controller storage array
hagbardand those storage arrays have not served us well.
drac_boyhagbard mm I dunno but its always been one card with 2 hds here (although a while ago I finally offered the option for four hds instead but not surprisingly very few people are picking that)
drac_boyto our own I guess
hagbarddrac_boy: Were you aware that the purpose for SAS on nearline disks is for when they're attached to multiple controllers simultaneously?
hagbardLike, storage arrays with failover backup controllers
drac_boyI don't use nearline so dunno about that ^
hagbardI thought you said you used constellation drives, my bad.
drac_boyits pure sas
drac_boymight be the other series do have nearline but I wouldn't know
hagbardNo, constellation drives are nearline. Wether they have sata or sas, they're still nearline.
hagbardThe point was simply, if you're using them in regular machines or servers, you can use the singleported sata variant instead of paying for premium sas when you can't even use the second port.
hagbardThe controller on the drive, actually, is the same chip.
drac_boyanyway hagbard about audio again heh.this is what I had been looking at http://www.cirrus.com/en/products/cs4270.html
hagbardwhich is what amuses me.
drac_boystill have to check if PCM is on the intel side
hagbarddrac_boy: hrm. not sure if I follwo 'PCM is on the intel side?'
drac_boyheh sorry..I meant that I still had to check if the 'intel hda' thing had a matching pcm bus for to go with that codec
hagbarddrac_boy: yeah.. quite different busses.
hagbarddrac_boy: Basically, the intel hda bus is considerably more complicated.
hagbarddrac_boy: http://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/product-specifications/high-definition-audio-specification.pdf
anonnumberanonI can't seem to get the current density vector J from this magnetic field intensity vector H(x,y): y^2 ax -x^2 ay
anonnumberanonI find 0 for the vector J
anonnumberanonI took the curl of H and I get 0
anonnumberanoncan anyone help?
anonnumberanonam I right?
dhrosahmm, let's see
dhrosato the wolfram
anonnumberanonbecause after that I need to integrate that vector but if it is 0 then the integration will not be interesting at all..
dhrosayou don't integrate the curl
anonnumberanonno i didn't say that
anonnumberanon i said i took the curl of H to get J
anonnumberanonand then I integrate J in order to get the circulation of H around a loop of wire
mbwehi everybody i am looking for simple linux software to do electronic network drawing, i tried dia, but don't like how its working, any idea's?
jeremyabelis pretty much the defacto linux electronic design software, at least open-source-wise
theorbtwoNot so open source wise, cadsoft eagle.
jeremyabelyeah, they have a free hobbiest version
jeremyabeluncommercial hobbiest, that is
jeremyabelI use the paid hobbiest version, personally
blockyhow capable is ngspice?
blockyis it pro quality?
FLHernembwe: There's Qucs, but it's a bit unfinished still I think
jeremyabelis Flixel on linux?
jeremyabelI can't remember
mbwejeremyabel: theorbtwo i am talking about this kind of drawings http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/Ohm%27s_Law_with_Voltage_source_TeX.svg/220px-Ohm%27s_Law_with_Voltage_source_TeX.svg.png i thought that kicad was more for pcb disign etc, its not i want to simulate something only make drawings of the teachers example
jeremyabelkicad does schematics too
jeremyabelyou need a schematic before doing a board layout
mbwetrue, jeremyabel :)
jeremyabelI'm not sure what they use to make for teachers examples though
jeremyabellike with the nice fonts and lines and all
mbwedunno, somebody sugested to use an svg program like inkscape to that kind of drawings
jeremyabelyeah you could if you wanted total control
jeremyabelfind some library of symbols you could use
jeremyabeldepends on the visual fidelity you want
jeremyabellike if you want it too look pro and like textbook stuff, I have no idea what they use for that
jeremyabelI wonder if there's a font for those symbols anywhere
analognoiseIts probably done with Circuitikz
jeremyabelahhh yes that looks like it
analognoise..which is a huge fucking pain in the ass.
jeremyabelgood god
jeremyabelLaTeX for circuits..
analognoiseIf you want post script high quality outputs, try xcircuit
analognoiseAt some point you probably actually want to do the circuits part, rather than spend more time fucking with latex.
mbweoke cool, let me have a look
analognoisejust my 2c
Shawn286is the pcb channel dead?
jeremyabelthere's a pcb channel?
ahmadexpemitter coupled logic is the best
beakyi like analog logic
beakyinfinite states, infinite ways things can go wrong
beakywith digital, sure its finite states, but combinatorial ways things can go wrong
enthdhow do you encode a signal
enthdI have a set of N symbols which I need to be able to make distinct within some radius in C
enthdhow do I represent each symbol?
enthde.g. if I had 4 total symbols I could use QPSK
SpeedEvilThere are many different possibe encodings.
jaggz 2I wonder what I'd need to do to modify my stove so it can go below it's minimum temp (of 250 or whatever)
enthddhrosa: I only have some finite amount of power so I can only transmit up to some certain magnitude
jaggz 2250f
tawranyone into knives / collect them / edc?
enthdSpeedEvil: this is true
SpeedEvilenthd: it's almost a pointless question.
Shawn286jeremyabel, yes there is, it appears balrog and I are the only ones that have said anything int here
Shawn286*in there
SpeedEvilenthd: Which encoding is best depends on the signal frequency, the transmission environment, recievr complexity, acceptability of errors, ..
R0b0t1'You have a Galileo V1 kit allocated from the Windows Developer Program!'
SpeedEvilFor example - if you're in an environment with lots of multipath - high frequency modulations may get completely shredded by that.
SpeedEvilAnd you need to use OFDM or something
SpeedEvilR0b0t1: gallileo v1?
tawrRoBo_V, did you get it? they stopped sending them out
beakyR0b0t1: is that the intel arduino thing
R0b0t1Well I think it's compatible with Wiring but it's also capable of running .NET code, iirc.
R0b0t1Or whatever you compile for it.
R0b0t1SpeedEvil: Yes. Or was that a specific question?
azonenbergtawr: I have several but i'd hardly call it a collection
SpeedEvilR0b0t1: I was wondering what it was - I forgot
SpeedEvilOh - the crappy arduino thing
azonenbergtawr: my two main ones i carry frequently are my leatherman wave and a victorinox swiss army knife, forget the model
azonenbergthen for lab use, a scalpel with #11 disposable blades
R0b0t1SpeedEvil, it's like 2W and afaict has way better utilization of those 2W for computation than comparable ARM-based processors.
tawrR0b0t1, not sure of that
SpeedEvilminnowboard max ++
tawrCERN uses arm clusters for data acquisition / parsing
SpeedEvilThough today - 'regular' motherboards are coming in under 10W
tawrazonenberg, mind looking one up to see what you think about it?
R0b0t1SpeedEvil: Well yeah but this one's free!
azonenbergtawr: maybe in a bit, kinda busy
R0b0t1tawr: I'll look into that, but I suspect it's due to customized silicon.
R0b0t1SpeedEvil: Yeah, I actually looked at those. It's not quite in the power/size bracket I would consider the Atom/Quark to be in.
SpeedEvilRoBo_V: not quite
SpeedEvilRoBo_V: but getting there
SpeedEvilAnd - wel - my haswel I3 is at 22W right now - with a 5 year old PSU and ..
tawrazonenberg, no worries bud
tawrR0b0t1, have you seen the Vida mini-pc that just came out?
R0b0t1Link? I'm getting paperback porn.
R0b0t1Ahh neat
tawrruns on 5v, dual core celeron, 32gb emmc
tawrthere is a new version coming out with 64gb instead (since there is no way to upgrade storage or ram)
tawrbut they are $130 on newegg with all the discounts, built in bng/bt4, dual monitors
tawri kind of want one just ot have one at that price
R0b0t1And has a mini-PCIe slot.
tawri believe it's taken up by the bgn/bt module
tawrbut i did not research too heavily
R0b0t1I picked some $50-with-$20-rebate AMD board b/c I needed a full PCIe slot.
R0b0t1http://www.latticesemi.com/en/Products/DevelopmentBoardsAndKits/ECP5PCIExpressDevKit.aspx - in a bit
lachesiscan anyone suggest an approachable writeup about usb charging? maybe as part of a datasheet or something? i'm reading the USB Battery Charging 1.2 test spec, and I feel like scooping my eyeballs out..
jeremyabelooh sxy
tawrthe thing that caught my eye was you can run it from a 5v usb powerpack
enthdFind the (an) n-partition of a circle meeting the following criteria: 1) The boundaries are a union of finitely many closed, simple, (finitely) piecewise smooth contours. no weird uncountable physically unrealizable cantor crap 2) the sum of arclengths of the each partition's contours' pieces is minimized
jeremyabelwhoa there mr. geometry
jeremyabelthere's the man I'm looking for!
GPF_1I have no money
tawrlachesis, what do you need exactly
jeremyabelGPF_1: a few days ago I mentioned I was having problems programming my avr cause I had another chip sharing the SPI pins, and you mentioned some stuff about using resistors but I forget exactly what it was
lachesistawr: mostly, how to implement the protocol to negotiate charging current; also, how to find devices that are compliant
Viper-7jeremyabel: its a cosine from god!
lachesis(2) could be handled by (1) + a protocol sniffer
jeremyabelViper-7: lolol
GPF_1if you use a resistor network to the device that is using the SPI, you maybe able to overide it via the programmer.
tawrlachesis, well, how in depth do you need
tawryou can just 'force' 1A or 500ma with known resistor dividers on data pins for android/ios
GPF_1that is, if it is a loading problem.
lachesistawr: yeah, i want to see where that stuff is specified
tawrit is not lachesis
jeremyabelViper-7: got me a 2V reference zener, modified your schematic, using Vin-28k+2k+2k+2k+33k-GND
tawrit was proprietary and you have to nda to get the datasheets
jeremyabeltook me like 2 hours to figure out the damn terms that worked
lachesisisn't there a standard now?
tawreveryone else just reverse engineered it via trial and error
tawrnot for anything over 500ma that i'm aware of
lachesistawr: this is what i'm reading right now
tawranything over 500ma is proprietary and implemented, everyone copied apple and that's the 'unofficial' setup
jeremyabelGPF_1: I 'maybe' able to? What would prevent me from doing so?
SpeedEvilEveryone diddn;'t copy apple
SpeedEviltawr: then there are 'charger' standards since ~2011
tawrbut android copied apple. a lot of aftermarket ROMS for android allow you to ignore the charger and just suck 100% of what's available
GPF_1you need to know the minimum current needed for the SPI device that is connected onboard.
lachesistawr: and wikipedia has 'Additionally, there is a Battery Charging Specification (Version 1.2 December 2010), which increases the power handling capability to 1.5 A but does not allow concurrent data transmission.[21] The Battery Charging Specification requires that the physical ports themselves be capable of handling 5 A of current[citation needed] but the specification limits the maximum current drawn to 1.5 A.'
tawryes SpeedEvil i'm aware, but in this case it's a bit more complicated
GPF_1possibly pull up R's will fix your problem.
jeremyabelGPF_1: I shall investigate
GPF_1you do that.
tawrwhen adafruit created the mintyboost she cataloged what it took to find out the chargign current setup
jeremyabelcause I'd rather not like, have jumpers for freaking 4 pins hanging around
GPF_1 if you had a scope, you could see what is going wrong with the signal.
tawrand it was impossible without a NDA and she gives more information about that from her mintyboost page
jeremyabelGPF_1: I do have one of those.
jeremyabeland a logic analyzer
GPF_1then look to see the difference between the signals loaded and uploaded.
lachesistawr: yeah, i've read the mintyboost page - seemed like an overly complicated solution that was just begging for someone to standardize :)
tawr? one of us has it backwards :P
GPF_1it's possible your onboard SPI is acKing..
GPF_1or back talking.
Viper-7jeremyabel: yep i like it :D
GPF_1when it should not be.
lachesisalso, mintyboost only works at '5V output @ 500mA output'
SpeedEviltawr: mintyboost is old
jeremyabelViper-7: yeah, starting to get the hang of it. Verified everything in LTSpice, works like a charm
lachesisSpeedEvil: can you link me to a charger spec or similar document?
tawrlachesis, their new universal 5v boost power supply
tawrhas the resistor setup for 1A output for ios
tawrerr 1.5A and they tell you what the setup is
tawrpowerboost 1000 -- iirc
lachesistawr: powerboost does look nifty
jeremyabelViper-7: I power the comparator off the 3.3V regulated supply, not the battery, yeah?
tawrlachesis, im about to purchase one actually
Viper-7preferably with decoupling caps and such
tawrto run it off a 3,400mah 18650 cell
jeremyabelof course
lachesistawr: i just bought a xiaomi 10400 to keep in my bag as a power source for my cell phone
lachesisway more consumer, but cheap as can be
lachesisneed to take it apart to make sure it isn't counterfeit, but it looks good on the outside
Slade-when talking about propulsion, what is a low-pressure-ratio fan?
Slade-i mean i guess it'd be a fan with a low tip speed, but i dont know what else they'd do to it to make it noteworthy
SpeedEvilhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alZhcFSyoE0 - mike is awesome
Slade-slower, but heavily angled?
darsieSlade-: There is also #radiocontrol .
genewitchwhat's the best way to clean electronics that possibly got rainwater inside?
darsiegenewitch: What device?
genewitchMPPT solar controller
SpeedEvilunder power?
darsie##radiocontrol *
SpeedEvilRemove battery/power - place in oven at 60C for a day
Slade-darsie, this has nothing to do with radio control?
SpeedEvilIf you can get the PCB out - place in oven at 95C for a few hours
genewitchthat dries it, should i put it in distilled water first
Slade-darsie, think they'd know or something?
darsieSlade-: k. They also talk about model air planes, I think.
genewitchSpeedEvil, alright i'll try that
Slade mdarsie: yea. Reading a nasa presentation. So not really model planes
SpeedEvilSlade m: the pressure ratio is simply the ratio of pressures on each side of a compressor
SpeedEvilOnce you get above a fairly small limit, this requires more than one fan
Slade mSpeedEvil: I thought that too but they are electrically powered fans
SpeedEvilSlade m: same applies
SpeedEvil(not directly relevant)
Slade mSpeedEvil: hmm. So nothing to do with spin speed? I mean I guess curve would matter
SpeedEvilloosely related
SpeedEvilhigher speed, higher maximum pressure before a fan stalls
SpeedEviltill you hit mach 1
genewitchactually only the very top looks like it got any water in it
genewitchLCD isnt damaged or anything
Slade mYa. The paper is talking about mach 0.8 with low pressure fans. I can't even visualize that
genewitchinverter looks clean too
genewitchman i hate making cables
maicodhi I tried using my 3.5 inch HDD mounting screws on an SSD (I didnt force it) but the holes of the SSD seem slightly narrower. is that correct ?
SpeedEvilSlade m: exhaust pressure is a proxy for exhaust speed
genewitchmaicod, the mount screws are on the bottom
genewitchand i think they're fine, not coarse
maicodgenewitch: yeah I saw the holes on the bottom but my screws don't seem to fit and those are the ones I normally use to mount a 3.5 hdd
Slade mSpeedEvil: so you think they are using electrically powered turbines?
genewitchHDD screws are coarse, i think you need fine, like cdrom screws
maicodoh OK
maicodI thought you meant 'they are fine' as in they are ok :)
maicodsorry language prob:)
genewitchsome people say 'case screw' instead of 'coarse screw' but whatever
maicodthanks for the help genewitch
maicodgenewitch: I'll get a 3.5 to 2.5 adapter and it comes with screws so I guess those will fit
maicodwonder if they also fit in the bracket of my desktop (the outer ones)
SpeedEvilSlade m: i have no idea
Slade--SpeedEvil, instead of speculating, its page 7 of this that i was struggling with http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20100036222.pdf
SpeedEvilLook at the videos
Slade--'The propulsion
Slade--system utilizes superconducting electrically
Slade--driven, distributed low-pressure-ratio (1.35)
Slade--fans with power provided by two remote
Slade--superconducting electric generators based on a
Slade--conventional turbofan core engine design'
Slade--ack sorry
genewitchSlade--, i hate blogs too
Slade mgenewitch: pdf
Slade mHmm. So this means they are using a turbine to generate the electricity to be used to spin other turbines used for propulsion?
Slade--and they stress the use of supercapacitor in everything to demonstrate how it wont be terribly lossy?
hjfclass D is interesting..
hjfi was trying to build this amp wit TAS5630,
hjfbutthen i read about TAS5631 which is PWM input
hjfand i thought ..wtf? why would you have a chip that converts analog to pwm and a separate chip for the power stage
hjfturns out they have chips that receive digital audio directly (I2S) and convert to PWM
hjfthen you add a power stage
hjfso you never have line-level analog audio
hjfi wonder if i could use one of those PWM ICs and external MOSFETs
hjfwould be a lot easier than using this 44-pin power SMD thing
Slade--SpeedEvil, thanks for trying to explain :)
hjfpretty awesome too since it can receive 24/192 data
jeremyabelaw yeah pizza time
hjfjeremyabel: what time is it
jeremyabelpizza time!
lost_soul:o no beer?
jeremyabelnah, still more work to do
jeremyabelnormally yes
SpeedEvilSlade-: this is working on technologies that may be 40 years out
SpeedEvilSlade-: working out possible efficiencies of far-term propulsion
Slade-SpeedEvil, yea. which was what i was interested in :)
FreezingColdnot baddd
FreezingColdI get about ~3.9ms of a ping with powerline
FreezingColdwe're on different power meters too
Slade-SpeedEvil, still doesnt make exact sense to me. but :)
nicexeI need to drive 2 servo motors at 6.8V. My source is a 12V battery. Should I go with a step down converter or with a variable regulator?
Firehoppermost servos are most happy at 4.8 to 6volts. and not much above.
Firehopperif your talking rc hobby servos.
GPF_1are you talking about steppers?
Firehoppertheres some high voltage servos that are happy at 8.4 but those are pricey
GPF_1from the talk it looks like it is just a simple PM motor with servo mechanics attached.
nicexeok lets say I need 6 volts. should I gow with a step down converter opr a variable regulator?
Firehopperprolly a smps is best for that.
GPF_1does this servo have a position sensor?
Firehopperservos tend to be power hungry
GPF_1use a buck current regulator.
GPF_1for the motor that is.
GPF_1with battery things, that helps to keep a constant max supply to the servo.
GPF_1however, the electronics on the server needs to be separated.
nicexewouldn't a regulator have a constant output voltage?
GPF_1 SUre.
GPF_1 I guess you could use a buck switcher in voltage mode.
GPF_1but you do need to good size cap on the output for those inrush moments so the buck switcher does not get upset.
nicexehow much capacity should I seek for?
GPF_1how mnay amps total are you supplying?
GPF_1that dopends on the number of servos.
FirehopperRIP joan rivers, passed away today at 1:17pm est in new york.
blighthall sensors are nice :D
linux_probe0001ACTION feels dead after car wreck, sleeping whilst driving = no bueno it seems0001
linux_probethe sudden stop in a ditch was bad
GPF_1yes, the car tends not to go where you want it to with your eyes closed.
GPF_1Joan Rivers was a good looking woman for her aga.
nicexeGPF_1: I.. don't know. Only one servo will work at a time. I have 2 of those http://www.servodatabase.com/servo/towerpro/sg-5010
linux_probeyeah, didn't work out so well for me, stupidest yet I was less than 1/8 mile from house on my own street >_>
Dazed_Any suggestions for an IC or something that can communicate over the same two wires that provide power to a device? For example, I would like to use the 12V (could be AC or DC) power lines to do RS485 communication with other devices connected to the same power rail. Ideally, I could throw a $1 IC into the project and call it good. Is that a hopeless pipe dream?
ikarusDazed_: hopeless pipedream
ikarusthat's not going to be a single cheap IC
GPF_1nicexe' that servo must has some tall gears in it, a 3 pole motor is kind of
GPF_1of you know what I mean.?
GPF_1I have a few 3 pole DC brushed PM motors.
nofxx__Dazed_, was taking a look on data over power stuff, pretty abandoned
nofxx__wireless wins
nofxx__was even thinking it would be more reliable, but looks like suffers more than wireless (data over power) , but was looking over home AC lines
nofxx__Dazed_, what I've seen with pretty success is the use of eth cables, (4 non used in < gigabit connection) for power or RS485
nofxx__or telephone
Dazed_interesting. This would be for an application in underground mines. Supposedly they do have a wireless system that works in that environment, but I don't have any details about what it is or 'networking' with it. I figured data over power would be a good way to minimize the wiring costs, since each unit on the network already needs power wires.
hagbardI do believe they often use radio for communications in mines using what's called, 'leaky coax'
HTT-BirdDazed_: mine apps generally use a leaky coax system, and it would not be terribly hard to adapt that to some sort of leaky waveguide at microwave frequencies
hagbardleaky coax >> leaky bladder
HTT-Birdthe main problem is protecting against the specter of flammable gases being ignited by whatever system is put in
hagbarddrac_boy: sup
drac_boyto get analog audio to eg a pci bus would had been a DAC right? (as in opposite of ADC)
drac_boyor am I thinking backward
hagbardDAC is for playing back music
hagbardIt's Digital to Analog.
hagbardan adc is for recording.
drac_boyright..long day so my memory is.well..yeah
hagbardwhat are you trying to do?
drac_boyoh bit tired to do anything major now but just taking a quick look at what it might have taken to do dedicated audio interface before I.well..jut read some casual magazines then fall asleep? :->
hagbarddrac_boy: dedicated audio interface for something in particular?
ikarusdrac_boy: real audio interfaces are external (for (electrical) noise reasons)
ohsixyou know how badly a computer would fail fcc stuff if that were true and insurmountable
Dazed_Thanks for the leads, maybe I can dig around and find something about leveraging the existing systems.
drac_boyministereo in&out to a digital data bus with little parasitic overhead (sorry if thats not even a word but you get the idea) to the main cpu? mind you I hate these stupid winaudio and winmodem cards as they really have no actual purpose for existing in the first place at all but thats just what *I* think!
ikarusdrac_boy: and the one I use is nothing more then a USB 2.0 interface chip, an Atmel AVR (ATMega162) and a bunch of high quality DACs, ADCs and clock sources
ikarusoh and the really expensive bit of fancy FET microphone preamps and such
ohsixand not that most people will notice, or it matters; but usb audio class does some funky stuff ;D retiming in one of two places, and the OS usually sucks at it
hagbardI use fake ones mounted in my computer.
drac_boyatmel? hmm haven't checked them for anything for a long time.maybe I should take a look..
ikarusohsix: this one doesn't use usb audio class
ohsixeven if it doesn't the problems are the same, or worse
ikarusohsix: however that does make it's drivers interesting to say the least
ohsixat least with the usb audio class you know
hagbardohsix: dude, I bet ikarus has a full onb ocxo for his master clock.
ikarushagbard: if only :P
ikarusbut the driver does adjust it's clock based on the clock in the interface
ikaruswhich is part of what makes the driver funky
hagbardit's not just a fifo that the computer keeps topped up when it falls below a watermark?
ikarusit also hogs one of the high quality interrupt sources on the host because of that
hagbardbecause if there's anything a preemptive, multitasking operating system is bad at, it's deterministic timing.
ikarushagbard: hence you throw in a HPET and a RT kernel
ohsixthe usb controller?
ohsixthe rt kernel does nothing notable that isn't already in mainline
ohsixall you get with the patch anymore is upper and lower irq handlers
ikarusI didn't buy it for this stuff btw, I just needed to tie a condenser microphone to my PC and have it work
flybackhagbard, sounds like a veneral disease
hagbardflyback: some argue it is.
ikarusand at 90 euros, it was a pretty good deal
ohsixthere's nothing a usb device can do to hog an irq
ohsixwhat makes one high quality and low quality?
drac_boyhmm 8bit or 8bit+32bit avrs parameter filtering..
ohsixwhat are you looking at drac_boy?
dhrosadrac_boy: in between, 20 bit@
drac_boyohsix oh I was just idly looking up the avr re audio . I'll have to say for $2-$3 bulk it sounds interesting
dhrosawhat's the weirdest word size that was popularly used
drac_boydhrosa hmm one sec as I kinda recall something.
ohsixmotorola had a bunch of bit slice processors, you could pick
ohsixthere are cheaper mcu's too; though 2$ for an audio thing isn't bad
ohsixi'd probably use some soc with usb in it, one of st's or something
flybackwhat kind of audio
flybackI read up on that motorola 14500 or whatever it was
flybackwasn't really that much of a cpu
flybackmore like ladder logic or something vagely mcuish
flybackbut like 70's or so
drac_boyah took me a while but dhrosa here you go https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ND-5000 specifically the ND-505 version to be sold to russia at the time
drac_boywhile it may have been designed as a 32bit cpu . it still nevertheless only ran in 31bit mode permamently
FreezingColdso managed to download pretty much all of my semester's textbooks
FreezingColdwoot woot
flybackthat doesn't really matter
ohsixthe arm is '31 bit'
ohsixthey use one bit to flag thumb
drac_boyalthough..I wonder how many people resoldered the broken trace back on
FreezingColdI can't believe people would pay for textbooks
flybacktoo much dick sizing contest in mcu/cpu world sometimes
ohsixthe textbooks you buy for school are great
drac_boyohsix agreed
Casperman that digikey order will be a royal pita to sort..
FreezingColdohsix: but I got the same ones..
FreezingColdjust they fit in my tiny tablet :D
ohsixbest of luck to you
FreezingColdwhat's wrong with ebooks?
ohsixdiagrams and stuff are often set up for facing pages
drac_boyfreezingcold 1. where do I write? and 2. is it actually the legal one and not something that was likely rewritten by some random someone?
ohsixnothing is wrong, but when you need the real book for something, it is pretty shabby alternative
flybackso many canucks chatting at once
FreezingColddrac_boy: on paper. I don't write in my real books either
flyback0001ACTION bleeds out his eyes0001
FreezingColddrac_boy: what do you mean 'legal' one?
FreezingColdwho rewrites ebooks..?
drac_boyohsix heh..I have the same thing with certain magazines too..sometimes I have to literally put the magazine down and flip it to fold out a 2-page picture for a moment then flip it back and continue reading
drac_boyfreezingcold lot of people do.and pass it off as realistic copycats
drac_boyeven without that theres the problem of eg amazon/etc who seem to think its ok to strip ebooks at random notice anytime too
FreezingColdthese are all ripped ebooks.
flybackthat's why I really like those arm soc's that have a normal arm core and also a m0 core
GPF_1in otherwords, you ripped someone off?
flybackyou could use the m0 to handle the deterministic timing shit :)
FreezingColdGPF_1: Correct, for the purpose of learning
GPF_1you don't need to learn to be a crook, that normally is born in you.
drac_boygpf_1 well said :)
ohsixcopyright infringement is not stealing
FreezingColdohsix: it's actually legal to pirate books for university in Canada..
ohsixthey provide them?
GPF_1Maybe if the book is not published in CA.
ohsixi don't see how going to university can be any sort of legal exception
drac_boymm looking at these avr's I'm starting to wonder if I could use them to work around the SoC having no pci bus to use for things like wifi..
FreezingColdno, the university would get sued to shit if they were known to allow it
ohsixthen it is not legal
FreezingColdohsix: pirating content for personal education is legal
FreezingColdso for the individual it's legal
drac_boywhich bill quoted that freezingcold
ohsixdrac_boy: avr, really?
ohsixyou'd also have a serial wifi module or something expensive, too?
drac_boyohsix wifi is pretty easy n cheap..the only problem is lack of bus for it
flybackget what to do without pci?
flybackusb? ethernet? wifi? they make them with a gpio, i2c, etc interface
flyback0001ACTION punts canuck_boy into orbit0001
ohsixit is a bit silly to try and manage peripherals you need at the edge and not change the thing you hook it up to
FreezingColddrac_boy: looking it up..
flybackthey make some damn fine chips infct
drac_boyohsix tell that to the companies..especially to allwinner for still having no bus host or anything at all
flybackeven when doing awefull pio they tried to make it perform as well as possible
drac_boyfreescale does have just one single pcie host but .. meh I'm not interested in trying to use a plx bridge chip
flybackwhat are you trying to do
flybackI might have seen it already
flybackand fuck I am having a reaction to this shot this time
FreezingColddrac_boy: http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-42/page-18.html
FreezingCold'Fair dealing for the purpose of research, private study, education, parody or satire does not infringe copyright.'
FreezingCold> research, private study, education
FreezingColdcovered three times over lol
ohsixdrac_boy: if allwinner is the problem .. i don't follow
hesperaux'fair dealing'?
ohsixFreezingCold: 'fair dealing'
FreezingColdsounds fair to me
ohsixsounds like a legal term to me
drac_boyohsix..yeah and if you read more than one line you'll see that its not as clearcut anymore
FreezingColdohsix & hesperaux : http://www.usask.ca/copyright/basics/copyright-law/exceptions/index.php
FreezingColdit's a case-by-case basis
FreezingColdnobody has gone to court in a very long time, so none of those laws have even been tried really
ohsixFair dealing is an enumerated set of possible defences against an action for infringement of an exclusive right of copyright. Unlike the related United States doctrine of fair use, fair dealing cannot apply to any act which does not fall within one of these categories.
ohsixdrac_boy: eh? i'd read all the lines up to the point i'd typed that
hesperauxi live in the US so it doesn't make any difference to me anyway
hesperauxUS law: you arrr a pirate
drac_boyheh hespraux
ohsixFreezingCold: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_dealing#Canada 'six principle criteria'
Shawn286copper pours are generating over static vias, when I am telling them to connect to them >.<
Shawn286can soemone help with this issue?
ohsixsuffice it to say what you are doing is not a-priori legal because reasons, but only when it has been evaluated by a court and deemed not legal
ohsixloose talk man!
ohsixit is kind of gross what the other things are in the bill that added the education stuff
Shawn286oh, thermal settings??
Shawn286thats just confusing, but instead of using the settings I set in the copper pour tool, it lets me ovveride, and upon updating copper pours, they are connected
drac_boymm going let you talk about coppers..I'm going
Guest85687Coopering around?
Guest85687What software is that?
ohsixinfused olive oil is gr8 for sandwiches
SolarluxData direction output = 0 input = 1?
SolarluxIn microcontrollers?
Shawn286_abc__, I am learning to use a neat application suite called DipTrace
_abc__Ah i heard about it. Here I think..
hesperauxi like DesignSpark
hesperauxpretty nice and free
hesperauxSolarlux, usually that's the case
hesperauxSolarlux, datasheet always says
teus_hmm, i have my amplifier at never more than 10% of the volume here
teus_what voltage divider do i need to limit the audio signal at 20% of the range of the amp
Solarlux0 input or 1?
SolarluxFor example
SolarluxI want write it in my bootepad
Solarluxand mmemorize
hesperauxread the datasheet
Casperteus_: you know that.. the volume button isn't linear?
teus_something about 20log
teus_i suck terribly at this
Casperso if you set it to 1/10 that is not 10%
Shawn286yea, well so far everyones ignoring me when asking _abc__ :(
ohsixhesperaux: i'll have to try and remember that
teus_i know
hesperauxeh? remember what?
hesperauxah. yeah
ohsixwhat's the deal with the activation thing if it is free?
teus_hhmm i should know the gain of hte amp to know anything sensible
hesperauxactivation is free
hesperauxyou have an account for it cuz it can download models/symbols from their library online
hesperauxthe program is unrestricted
cnehi, i'm doing a basic circuit theory question (just ohm's law and kirchhoff's current law) and i've confused myself a little bit. in the context of http://puu.sh/blZZr/2460491361.png, how exactly is it determined that R_a = 1? i tried working through it but failed
hesperauxapparently RS/Allied have a couple of other free CAD tools too
ohsixyea they say all that on the web page, getting parts is good enough for me
teus_i think ill start with -20dB
ohsixtracking usage is probably something you'd want to do to develop it too
hesperauxit's surprised me how many things are in the library, but i've had to make a few symbols before. They have a video tutorial on youtube for how to make your own symbols
cnefrom what i can tell, the voltage drops across the three branches are equal so 18 V = 6i_x is consistent with the given i_x = 3 A
SolarluxFor example myvariable = (int)PORT4.DR.BIT.BIT0;
SolarluxPORT4.DR.BIT.BIT0; how can i ma
cnethe current thru the R_a branch would therefore be 18/R_a no? which leads me to using kirchhoff's current law to state
SolarluxPORT4.DR.BIT.BIT0; this value its only number
SolarluxWhy itcan access Direction register?
cnethe 13 A splits into i_x, 18/R_a, and the given 8 A ergo 13 A = i_x + 18/R_a + 8 A
cneso 13 A = 11 A + 18/R_a therefore R_a = 9 ohms
cnebut the given solution states R_a = 1 ohm and i have absolutely no idea where i went wrong
ohsixhesperaux: yea i see a lot of good in being connected with someone like rs, they've got 3d parts and shit from the vendors already
hesperauxnot a fan of their pricing, lol, but i'll take the free software xD
cnehttp://puu.sh/blZZr/2460491361.png the problem again in case anyone feels generous enough to help me
ohsixhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.theophrast.droidpcb&hl=en heh
ohsixi hate what mobile has done to games and shit, but i like to see original small scale software and how they end up doing a 'big thing' on a small device
hesperauxcne, you need to use loop equations as well as node equations in order to come up with a sufficient number of equations to solve for variables vx and Ra
ballWhat has mobile done to shit?
Bird lappyball, mobile's kind of forced games to oversimplify
hesperauxi like those though. when i play a mobile game i want to be able to start and stop it at any time
Bird lappyin some of the same ways the early consoles and arcade machines did
hesperauxi play a lot of puzzly or tower defense type games though
The_CoolestSo I'm debating if I should have a ferrite bead in front of the DACs digital VDD pin + cap or not
cnehesperaux: we don't need to solve for v_x, do we?
hesperauxcne, i think you can use thevenin/norton simplification too
hesperaux0001ACTION hasn't thought about it that much0001
Bird lappyThe_Coolest, go ahead and slap it in there
HaltingStatehow do i tap a screw with a cnc machine? is there a bit for this?
Guest86407hello all.
Bird lappywhat should I look for if my nodal/mesh equations appear right, but cancel out excessively (or not enough) when I try to solve them?
hesperauxHaltingState, don't think you'd usually use a cnc for that, unless it's a lathe
HaltingStatei have a hole and i want it to be threaded
hesperauxand you'll need a die cutter
hesperauxoh you mean tap a hole, ok
The_CoolestBird lappy these are the beads i got http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/CIM21J252NE/1276-6377-1-ND/3973849
Guest86407i'm trying to simulate an AWGN channel of some complex channel strength, with some SNR.
Shawn286gah, I can't figure out how to remove copper pour's empty spaceing
Guest86407how much gaussian noise do I add to the signal, post multiplication with the channel strength?
cnehesperaux: to solve for v_x shouldn't it just be the 18 V drop across the parallel branches + the drop across the first resistor (V = 13 A * 5 Ohms = 65 V) for a total of v_x = 83 V?
hesperauxHaltingState, i've done that on a lathe, manually. don't know if it can be done with CNC without really good brushless drives
cnehesperaux: i'm familiar w/ those but we're expected to solve it using just KCL and Ohm's law
hesperauxeither way you can try to use a tap and have it drill and back off really fast. might ruin the part though
cneit's a practice example in the textbook btw
Bird lappycne: nodal *IS* KCL+Ohm's law, in a nutshell
hesperauxcne, i see that it gives you the answers so i'm not concerned with that ;) I have to look at this more carefully. It's been years
hesperauxi've had a bit of scotch too, so who knows how correct i'll be :P
The_CoolestBird lappy any idea if these beads are any good?
Guest86407so say, for example, I want to simulate a channel with strength '0.5-0.5j' and SNR 5. What gaussian distribution do I add to it to get that SNR?
ohsixhesperaux: lots of people like tower defense and stuff
hesperauxyou know that 10A is split between RA and 18V supply (I believe it is possible for current to flow into the 18V supply)
ohsixwith the markets and the price points (free to play, 99c) you get a shitload of clones and the same stuff people like over and over again
hesperauxyeah that is true
hesperauxsome clones are better than the original though
ohsixthere's nothing new, i've had a thing for like a year and i've yet to find something better than like, youtube; to even have the thing
hesperauxeveryone's trying to make a buck (exactly a buck :P)
ohsixthis is with a lot of concious effort to check everything visible out, and stuff that isn't too
The_Coolestohsix all you need is to make enough bucks
hesperauxi've got a couple of android apps in progress, but they are things that aren't done right in existing apps
zigggggy0001ACTION gives hesperaux 99 cents0001
hesperauxzigggggy, dude thanks brah
hesperaux0001ACTION buys bitcoins with the 99 cents0001
The_Coolest0001ACTION steals 30 cents from hesperaux0001
ohsixwhen you find something that is ok it fits its price point and it is over, or it is something like an infinite run game that never finishes, or you'd have to play a thousand hours to unlock everything
zigggggyhi frogging
hesperauxThe_Coolest, too late I used a really good key
zigggggyturn that frown upside down The_Coolest
ohsixyou shouldn't want to play a game that just unlocks stuff to play the same game slightly different, it is the only type of addictive gameplay that i entertain even a little; because i can't help it
The_Coolesthesperaux all those app stores usually take 30% from every transaction
The_Coolestzigggggy I'm bummed
hesperauxcne, you can figure out what v_x is by: 18V - 13A*5ohm - vx = 0
ohsixi play them at least long enough to see that they're bullshit, then use a cheat engine to get the iap/coins whatever to see the end game (pro tip, there never is an end game, they schedule the unlocks so releases stay ahead of anyone playing it the way they intend)
The_Coolestall i need is a couple more deals like i just struck to get the $ to fix my car
hesperauxThe_Coolest, didn't know that. huh.
hesperaux0001ACTION will charge .99USD + .3*.99USD0001
ohsixbp found grossly negligent in deepwater disaster
ohsixpenalty up to 18 billion dollars
ohsixhttps://www.google.com/finance?q=bp&ei=PxkJVJD0HcariQLhtIDwBQ heh
cneyeah hesperaux thats what i ended up doing :p
hesperauxcne, doesn't seem like the right answer to me but i'm slightly buzzed right now so eh
jnewtneed some help troubleshooting a phone line. i have two lines coming into the house. if i plug my 'test phone' into the outside socket i get a dial tone. Inside, only one of the lines has a dial tone. do i need to call telco?
ohsixhesperaux: how easy is it to get svg shapes into designspark?
cnebut i'm not sure how knowing v_x helps me discover what R_a should be
hesperauxcne, that equation inherently assumes that no current flows into the 18V supply I think
hesperauxohsix, i don't know if that's possible. You draw them in the app itself
jnewti don't know how to check each line at the outside box
hesperauxcne, i'm pretty rusty. sorry. This is embarrassing :)
hesperauxit tells you that ix is 3A too, so you can verify vx that way. 13A*5 + 6*3A = vx
jnewteverything i google says that if i have a dialtone at the box, the problem is wiring in the house. can't google up how to check each line outside
hesperauxthat says that v_x is 83V, which isn't the same as from the other equation, so one of those is wrong
Bird lappyThe_Coolest, no
ohsixhesperaux: ohhhhh the registration is for the user support forums too, clever
cnethey both say 83 i thought
hesperauxohsix, didn't realize that. nice
cnethe only difference is that you replaced 18 with 6*3
Bird lappyohsix, ya. the weirdo thing about Deepwater Horizon is that what happened there could happen *anywhere*
hesperauxcne, nah, before I had a sign flipped
cnety btw hesperaux
The_CoolestBird lappy no as in no idea? or no as in they are no good
Bird lappyThe_Coolest, no idea
cneoh ic
hesperauxcne, no problem; hopefully i am useful here
ohsixBird lappy: welllll it is a bit of a stretch to say that, but it definitely was plausible and did happen there
Bird lappyohsix: the Deepwater Horizon BOP very likely activated in deadman during the initial stages of the disaster
hesperauxanyway, if you know the voltages and the current in the outer loop, you should be able to combine the two middle resistances (RA, 6)
Bird lappybut since an earlier manual action had blocked the flow of oil onto the platform if only briefly
Bird lappypressure buildup in the pipe string caused it to buckle, preventing the blind shear ram from shearing it
ohsixit has been a while since i cared to remember what happened, that sounds familiar tho
Bird lappyhad the pipe not buckled, it'd still have been a messy situation with the fire up top
hesperauxsince you'd know the resistance up top (5ohm) and the two voltages on the outside, you should be able to use the final nodal equation to solve for RA
cnehesperaux: why is the sign different between those two equations you came up with?
hesperauxlet me see if it works. i'll try to write it on paper
Bird lappybut the ensuing ecological disaster would have been a total non-event.
hesperauxcne, not sure. i might be dumb. 18V was a voltage rise, but the current across 5ohm was a drop, and going into the vx supply is another drop (-, -)
hesperaux0001ACTION gets a paper0001
ohsixhesperaux: they make you add a company name and title when you activate
hesperauxone thing that annoys me is that it says the 18V supply 'delievs' 8A. Not sure what that means exactly
hesperauxohsix, i put like Mr. Me and TheAwesomeCompany or something
hesperauxI put BS in there
ohsixthis is the kind of thing that an mx revo is impossible for, need middle mouse button agh
hesperauxit doesn't have a middle button? fail
ohsixis there no way to pan without it?
hesperauxwhat are you panning?
ohsixyea it has a wheel, you can middle click it but it is so hard to do that i just don't consider it to have a middle mouse button
cnehesperaux: i guess they just mean 8 A passes thru it
cneodd terminology
cne8 A from + to - in accordance with PSC
hesperauxah, ok
hesperauxif that's true, then you know the current across RA, and the voltage at that node
hesperauxwhich means you know RA
hesperauxit's just 10 A into RAtop = 8A + RA_current
hesperauxand you know the voltage at that node is 18V
hesperauxdoesn't give the right answer though
hesperaux0001ACTION goes back to paper0001
cnewhen i work it
cnei keep getting R_A = 9 Ohms
hesperauxyeah that's why one of our assumptions is wrong
ohsixheh designspark can't import dxf files with splines
cnei'm not a catholic so i'm open to the idea the book is wrong hesperaux :p
hesperauxcne, i'm going to a system use loop equations to solve it
cneim gonna use one of those interactive circuit solver applets
cneand see if it agrees
ohsixthis is a good reason to get a new mouse, awesome
ohsixi was hung up on liking the wheel on the revo
cnecne: i think the 8 A is supposed to be -8 A
cnethat gives R_A = 1 Ohm
hesperauxah, see that's telling you that the current flows into the supply
hesperauxnot a good circuit to live by
hesperauxbut i'm bothered by the solution. seeing if a system of eqn's will find the answer properly
flybackhey gigs
jeremyabelhey flyback
T1960CTHello, does anyone here know of a way to get USB or networking capabilities ported through any of the following ports?: PS/2, Serial 9pin, VGA or 25pin parallel?
jeremyabeltimbur: you can get Serial through serial or 25 pin parallel
ohsixserial 9 pin has slip connection
jeremyabeland USB via serial
ohsixsounds like you have a very bad situation and should do anything else first
T1960CTI cant find anywhere that has the right gender for it
jeremyabellol yeah
cnehmm hesperaux
T1960CTIt's all cables to get older port connections on new hardware not the other way around
jeremyabelohsix: decoupling opamp supply, 1µF ceramic should do it?
ohsixjeremyabel: no idea
Shawn286T1960CT, I give my old hardware internet through SLIP
ohsixgotta calculate it, that value is probably sufficient but i couldn't say
Shawn286via serial ports
jeremyabelI'm so tired of calculating today!
jeremyabelliterally spent 3 hours with my head in my calculator today..
hesperauxcne, why would they say the 18V supply delivers 8A of current, and then label the current i_x and 13A current on the diagram
XDS2010question: are there any competitive products to the new JBL Pulse ?
flybackI so want to murder chris tucker in this movie
hesperauxare they trying to be vague about the direction of the 8A current on purpose?
ohsixXDS2010: ##electronics != consumer electronics, try #hardware
jeremyabelflyback: you're not understanding the words that are coming out of his mouth?
XDS2010ohsix: sorry thanks
Bird lappyT1960CT, yeah, SLIP/PPP over serial is your best bet
R0b0t1XDS2010: The what is a JBL Puls?
R0b0t1We can figure out how you measure its efficacy
flybackI want to put my hands around his neck and never let go till the worms are all dead
XDS2010R0b0t1: its pulse
R0b0t1and then you can decide if it's a good idea to buy
cnehesperaux: i'm guessing so
R0b0t1It shows me you're not a complete asshat
cnethey're probably testing my knowledge of PSC
XDS2010R0b0t1: calling me names won't help you
hesperauxcne, PSC?
R0b0t1XDS2010: I never called you an asshat, is the issue - merely suggested a way to test if you are an asshat.
jeremyabelI did hear him call you a douchecanoe though
jeremyabelbehind your back, after math class
hesperauxprobably because that word sounds fun
T1960CTDo you think something like this would work on different OS's? (experimenting a little) http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-9-Pin-Serial-Port-to-RJ45-Cat5-Ethernet-LAN-Adapter-Cable-/390666272325?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5af5863e45
XDS2010R0b0t1: and anyways its a new product i wouldn't know how to describe it. its more or less a portable bluetooth speaker with LED synthesizer visualizer in the front
WeatherOnDVR<-- useful?
R0b0t1That's a picture of a cable.
Bird lappyT1960CT, that's likely a pinout adapter, of the type you use with a rollover RJ-45 cable for making console hookups to Cisco routers and the likes
R0b0t1Check the pinout of your device and the pinout of that cable.
hesperauxT1960CT, they use those cables for RS485
R0b0t1It's available, somewhere.
ohsixwindows won't do internet sharing over serial anymore
hesperauxwe have some smart PDUs at the old datacenter i worked at that use those for communication
cnehesperaux: passive sign convention
cnehold on let me install a proper irc client brb
T1960CTWell it says serial to cat5 so wouldnt I be able to plug it directly into my router?
hesperauxcne, oh, you mean choosing a direction of current and sticking by the convention for all your calculations?
Bird lappyno
hesperauxT1960CT, absolutely not
ohsix>current direction
hesperauxjust cuz the wires touch doesn't make it an ice cream truck
R0b0t1T1960CT: Maybe. What's on the other end of the serial to cat5 cable?
hesperauxyou can put that on your next cafe press shirt - my permission given
ohsixi smelled a hazard in answering
jeremyabelI mean, what if it was an icecream truck?
T1960CTHahaha ok, I really dont know about hardware, as you can tell
R0b0t1T1960CT: Pictures? Link to google results?
T1960CTFor the computer I'm using?
hesperauxchina's idea when they put up this listing: 'it converts the thingy for 9pin serial to the thingy for rj45, so we'll call it an ethernet LAN adapter cable'
hesperauxi seriously have like 8-10 of these in my bin
hesperauxi think cisco uses them
Bird lappy+1 hesperaux
Bird lappyand yes, I remember them from networking labs
R0b0t10001ACTION blinks0001
R0b0t1T1960CT: The serial cable goes directly into the computer? What on the computer?
hesperauxthey use some kinda custom shit to communicate with the cable. Maybe they thought router console would be better using a serial port, rather than another rj45 on a switch with 48 other ports (to avoid confusion perhaps)
hesperauxwhatever the case amy be, I lost the game
T1960CTR0b0t1: do you mean the OS or the hardware? I dont have a cable for it yet, I'm looking for one to get it online.
hesperauxcne_, i see you are back.
hjfcheck out my groud plane guise
hesperauxfrom before: cne_, oh, you mean choosing a direction of current and sticking by the convention for all your calculations?
R0b0t1T1960CT: What are you plugging the cable into? You should be able to identify a part.
hesperauxdude your ground plane is so groundy
R0b0t1Not software, but a physical thing.
hesperauxmuch ground. such plate. wow
hjftop side: http://i.imgur.com/6kOT8Fg.jpg
R0b0t1T1960CT: Barring special hardware you will not be able to do what you want.
R0b0t1You're looking for hardware that might be special.
hesperauxhjf, you left some flux there bro
hesperauxnice delicious sticky flux
hesperauxi hate how sticky it gets
hjfR0b0t1: no that's for fags i use rosin
hesperauxhjf, question: did you make this board at home?
R0b0t1T1960CT: You might have to take the case off, get a screwdriver I guess.
R0b0t1And/or lots of pictures.
hjfhesperaux: yes
hesperauxcne_, this problem makes me upset in a detrimental, I-remember-this-crap kinda way
hesperauxhjf, nice man. what method did you use for that?
hesperauxi'm guessing photolith
hjfhesperaux: toner transfer
hesperauxhjf, you get more street cred
hesperauxnice job
hesperauxdone that before and it's a bitch
hesperauxone time I made a PERFECT transfer. etched the board all out
T1960CTThis is what I have available
hesperauxrealized later when I went to solder it that the IC was backwards. Which means the transfer was mirrored.
hesperauxi raged hard
hjfhesperaux: i do that sometimes. thats why i add text
hesperauxT1960CT, yeah no it won't work for htat
hesperauxhjf, there you go
hjfhesperaux: i use vinyl for toner transfer
T1960CTFuck so is there no way whatsoever to make this work?
hjfand GreenTRF
R0b0t1T1960CT: Contextualize picture pls.
R0b0t1I dunno maybe
R0b0t1probably not
hesperauxT1960CT, is your goal to provide LAN to the laptop?
hesperauxif so, then there's no way to make it work
R0b0t1It's one of those things I assume you'd know about if it was possible, b'cus, that's how this thing usually works.
cne_haha hesperaux
cne_i have another one maybe you can help me with :p
cne_this one i'm stumped on
hesperauxcne_, i'll take a look but no guarantees
hesperauxenergy levels decreasing
hesperauxhjf, i used these expensive-ass transparencies. You know, the kind for overhead projectors that you can print on with a laser printer?
hesperaux40 bucks for one box of em
hagbardI like the huge gaping hole in the side of that laptop.
hesperauxthey work really crappily because they are so stiff that when you try to pull them off, they shear the toner off the board and it stays on the sheet
hesperauxhagbard, that's for the SSD bro
cne_hesperaux, http://puu.sh/bm38f/8ec6e4c199.png
hagbardhesperaux: haha, no way, That's for the fiber optic port
hjfhesperaux: yes. try the vinyl one day
hesperauxohhh yeah
SpeedEvilhesperaux: 'i raged hard'
hesperauxfiber. nice
hesperauxSpeedEvil, ?
SpeedEvilhesperaux: take the board, glue it to a blank bit of FR4 - and then sand off the top bit of FR4 doewn to the copper
hesperauxSpeedEvil, ahahah
cne_hesperaux, i applied kirchhoff's current law to the node where I_B, I_E meet to write I_B + 150*I_B + I_C = I_E
hesperaux+5000 street cred for that
hesperauxwhat the hell kind of circuit is this crap
cne_hesperaux, but i have no idea how to relate I_C, I_E to solve
yan_hi, i'm trying to get some intuitive understanding for basics and capacitors specfically. can someone ellucidate why the capacitor in this circuit has any effect on the signal going into the second buffer?: http://i.imgur.com/Te9aHni.png
hesperauxdamn, a BJT model. That's actually a thing.
Bird lappyT1960CT, I'd use an old Linux box with an Ethernet card and a serial port as a SLIP or PPP to Ethernet bridge
cne_hesperaux, it's a basic model for a bjt transistor (I_B, I_C, I_E being base/collector/emitter currents)
hesperauxcne_, you'll get to do that one a lot in circuits 2
SpeedEvilyan_: a capacitor doesn't like voltage changes - it resists them by needing to be charged or discharged
hesperauxcne_, ok so your nodal equation that you said sounds right to me, first of all
yan_SpeedEvil: i understand that part, but why does the the current 'take that path'? (not sure how to phrase it correctly). isn't the path through the second buffer the path of least resistance?
T1960CTBird lappy: What about this though: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Xircom-Parallel-Port-10Base-T-Ethernet-LAN-Adapter-PE3-10BT-Module-Cable-/201134340611?pt=US_Laptop_Network_Cards&hash=item2ed48a7a03
Bird lappyo.O wow
SpeedEvilyan_: no
hesperauxcne_, you can also claim that IC*1K + IE*1K = V2, since IE and IC are defined as the actual currents right there
SpeedEvilyan_: current does not take 'the path of least resistance'
SpeedEvilyan_: current takes _all_paths_it_can_
SpeedEvilyan_: in proportion to the resistance of those paths
SpeedEvilyan_: also - the input of a buffer like that has 'infiinite' resistance - it draws amost no current - nanoamps
yan_SpeedEvil: sure, wasn't phrasing myself accurately initially, but after ~5RC time, the capacitor will not have any effect, right?
hesperauxit's unfortunate that 'the path of least resistance' is a thing
R0b0t1>universe is pretty great except for thermodynamics
hesperauxcne_, my brain tends to explode when I see the voltage source connected between two subcircuits, but I guess just ignore that and use the nodal equations and loop equations for each half
yan_SpeedEvil: have not considered that CMOS logic (incl. buffers) have super high internal resistance, but makes sense
hesperauxR0b0t1, thermo bothered me. it was very simple and yet I failed hard
hesperauxyan_, nevertheless, that's not why the capacitor affects that circuit, primarily
cne_<hesperaux> cne_, you can also claim that IC*1K + IE*1K = V2, since IE and IC are defined as the actual currents right there
hesperauxyan_, the capacitor will look more and more like a wire the more discharged it is (even though electrons don't actually jump across a capacitor, but that's physics). hence, for large capacitors like the 1000uF in the diagram, if the current sags for a significant amount of time, the capacitor will lose enough charge for the voltage to decrease. When the voltage decreases across the capacitor, the first buffer will source current to fill it back
hesperaux up again (so current 'flows' to ground through the cap). Man that's got to be my worst explanation ever
cne_right but i don't know V2 so i'm not sure the extent to which that is useful
cne_i had taht written down tho
hesperauxcne_, perhaps you can solve for I_B though, using the left hand side of the diagram?
cne_so you just gave me the loop equation yes hesperaux ?
hesperauxcne_, yeah
cne_hesperaux, i mean the left side is just V_1, R_1, R_2 with no actual values
hesperauxI see a relationship between the two sides via IB
hesperauxcne_, you know that V1 = R1*I1+R2*I2, right? and you know that I1 - IB = I2 for the left side
yan_hesperaux: i understand the physics behind a charging/discharging capacitor, i'm just struggling to build an intuition of how it effects voltage across itself. i realize that at t=0, it has no charge and will begin to build its internal field, but i don't understand why that causes the voltage between A and B to be 0 at t=0.
cne_hesperaux, i see V1 = R1I1 + R2I2 for sure yeah
cne_that's just the left loop eq
cne_hesperaux, I1 - IB = I2 i see as well yes
R0b0t1yan_: Nothing's moved yet.
R0b0t1The electrons are stationary..
hesperauxcne_, i haven't thought far enough ahead to determine if those equations are useful, but usually my first thought is to write as many equations as possible, and then eliminate redundancy and solve the system
yan_R0b0t1: heh, i meant at t=epsilon in that case
cne_do you think they want an answer in terms of V1, V2? like there's not enough given to find numerical values for I_B, I_C?
cne_I_C, I_E
R0b0t1yan_: V !=0 at t=ep.
hesperauxcne_, probably, they want it in terms of any variables that exist
R0b0t1But when V = 0, the same is true, no electrons are moving.
hesperauxcne_, so come up with a system, treating R1, R2, V1, etc as constants, then solve for IC and IE in terms of their values
cne_hesperaux, what about the voltage source just chilling between the loops?
hesperauxcne_, this basically gives you an equation for the model of the BJT, which is supposedly going to be useful
hesperauxcne_, i would ignore it. It's merely there to show a linkage in the physical model I believe
hesperauxthat feels wrong, but eh
cne_hesperaux, is there a nodal equation i can write between I_E, I_C?
hesperauxcne_, IE = IC + IB heh
cne_youre neglecting the CCCS :p
cne_I_E = I_C + 151 I_B ya
hesperauxoh, my bad. you're right :D
cne_thank you though
cne_you've made me feel a lot more comfortable w/ the material
hesperauxthat's surprising, but good
cne_the fact i'm making sense enough to have a coherent conversation about this stuff is a good sign
hesperauxindeed. btw, my justification for ignoring the bridging voltage source is that you know it is passing IB, and it has no circular path to itself
cne_yeah i see hesperaux
yan_hesperaux: can you expand on your earlier explanation of the RC circuit? e.g. why would the capacitor losing charge cause the voltage to decrease? (i assume since it's providing its own voltage and reducing the voltage between A and B?) and what do you mean that the first buffer will source current to fill it back? (my mental image of capacitors is that they need current to fill them, but the rate at which this happens is dependent on voltage)
dhrosayan_: that model is flawed
dhrosayan_: it's dependent on the input voltage and any impedance between the cap and that voltage
dhrosayan_: a theoretical capacitor will instantly charge with a voltage applied to it
hesperauxi believe the theoretical model of a capacitor does not imply instantaneous charging
dhrosayes it does
hesperauxit's not logarithmic?
dhrosaonly with a resistor
dhrosaalso that's 1 - exponential
dhrosanot logarithmic
dhrosaa capacitor with no resistor will draw an infinite current for an infinitely short period of time and instantly charge to the source voltage
hjfso i think i'll just build the TAS5630 amp with components i have
hesperauxyeah, you're right. i don't know what i'm on
hjfit needs 2.2uF MLCC
hjfi can only get 1uF ones here
R0b0t1hesperaux: The theoretical model does, yes.
hjfi guess i could just stack two?
hesperauxyan_, your statement about it being dependent on voltage is true, only because of the resistance in the circuit which limits the current
hesperauxi believe that accomodates what dhrosa said as well
hesperauxat t=epsilon, with a step function input to the first buffer, a voltage is presented at B, for which a current is sourced through the 15K resistor. The capacitor creates an electric field to compensate for the potential difference between its top plate and ground. This field exists because of the air gap preventing the charges from physically flowing to ground. The field is generated at a speed proportional to the current sourced. Because it ta
hesperauxkes energy to 'fill' the capacitor, it appears as though the input to the second buffer is a smaller voltage than that of the first buffer's output (i.e. there is a voltage measured at A:B)
hesperauxonce the capacitor is charged, the voltage at A:B should become 0
hesperauxam I correct guys?
hesperauxor am I forgetting a voltage drop across the R
hesperaux0001ACTION is tired0001
R0b0t1I like pictures more
R0b0t1and am too lazy to draw my own
hesperauxyan_, i'd recommend hooking it up to a 10Hz generator in real life and seeing what it does
hesperauxmeasure A:B on a scope, against the input with respect to GND
cne_yo hesperaux
hesperauxyo cne_
cne_I_C = 1/20000 (10V_2 - 151), I_B = 1/20000 (10V_2 + 151) sound reasonable?
hesperauxgotta warn you - i'm about to play a game to end my night :)
hesperauxthat doesn't look all funky, so that could be right
hesperauxwhy is it 151? wansn't it 150*whatever?
cne_hesperaux, the CCCS was 150 I_B
cne_so the nodal equation had I_B + 150 I_B + I_C = I_E
cne_basically i got a simple system, I_C + I_E = 1/1000 V_2 and then -I_C + I_E = 151/10000 since I_B = 100 uA
cne_which then gave 2I_E = 1/1000 V_2 + 151/10000 and then 2I_C = 1/1000 V_2 - 151/10000
cne_hesperaux, my problem is
cne_that doesn't really remind me of how a BJT works
R0b0t1cne_, imagine lots of tiny particles.
R0b0t1You could call them electrons if you desire.
cne_i knew what bloch waves were before i could solve a basic circuit theory equation :-/
Casperman digikey shipment speed always amaze me
Casperordered stuff at 19:08
Casper22:04: shipment confirmation: next day
Casperso I will have my stuff for the week end! yay!
R0b0t1Casper: wat u git
cne_hesperaux, someone told me to ignore the CCCS
cne_does that sound legitimate to you
hesperauxthey might have said that because the CCCS will make sure IB is constantly the same as CCCS
hesperaux0001ACTION shrugs0001
CasperR0b0t1: mosfet, resistors, max232, ic sockets, 7805, 317, 18.432, 20pf, bc327/337, mosfet driver low/high side, mosfet driver low side, opamp, attiny85, cr2032
Casperand I'm sure this week end I'll say: crap I forgot this and that and that
cne_hesperaux, ooo
cne_yeah thats agood point
cne_but that would just mean I_B = 0
cne_hesperaux, yeah that was it
cne_he said the CCCS ensures I_C = 150 I_B
cne_which makes sense
cne_hesperaux, Incidentally - as drawn this circuit has a fatal flaw: there is no return path for the base current.. Normally you would have a common ground between the left and right circuits, where the base current could return (and which would allow the emitter current to be 151IB. So really - as drawn, this circuit doesn't quite work..
cne_normally IE=IB+IC but that is not quite possible in this configuration since there is no return path for the base current..
hesperauxyeah that's true
EvidloUghhhhh I thought polyphasic sleep would be easier
EvidloYesterday I would fall asleep during lecture for like 5 seconds at a time
Evidloand my handwriting started drifting
Casper0001ACTION needs to normalize all of his songs..0001
Casperthis one is like at -10db :(
Viper-7thats what replaygain is for
Casperatleast it's not set to +10..
Casper0001ACTION needs to recall how to set them..0001
Viper-7mp3 just needs a tiny chunk of extra header information of volume peaks & averages at certain frequencies, so we can reliably match each track's dynamic range to the playback equipment
Viper-7and thats kinda sorta mostly what replaingain is
ss23Does mp3 have that info already?
Casperss23: optional
Viper-7if you scan the entire track for it, sure
ss23I do hate it when listening to two albums with different nouse and you don't realise and BOOOOOM
Viper-7not as a header you can rely on
Viper-7its not like theres really a good excuse for modern mp3 players - pre-scanning the next track in the playlist should be a trivial affair
Casperss23: yeah.. you listen to some lenghty classic song.. which start and end quiet.. with a bit of loud in the middle.. then the next shuffle song is some metal..
Viper-7instead we usually get standard dynamic range compression at best, aka a sliding window of a few seconds, not an offset and gain applied to the entire track

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